Publication scheme

Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) requires every Public Authority to adopt and maintain a publication scheme which has been approved by the Information Commissioner's Office. From the 1st January 2009, Keele University adopted the approved scheme, the contents of which can be accessed below.  If you have any difficulties accessing the scheme, or require the information in an alternative format, please contact Lauren Adams in the first instance,  Tel: 01782 734311.

Guidance to the Publication Scheme

1) Who we are and what we do
2) What we spend and how we spend it
3) What our priorities are and how we are doing
4) How we make decisions
5) Our policies and procedures
6) Lists and registers
7) The services we offer

1. Who we are and what we do:

Legal framework:

  • University Statues
  • University Ordinances
  • Regulations and policies index
  • Archived University regulations

How the Institution is organised:

Location and contact details:

Other organisational links:

  • Subsidiary companies

Student activities:

2. What we spend and how we spend it:


Budgetary and Account Information:

Financial Audit Reports:

Capital Programme:

Financial Regulations and Procedures

  • Financial regulations, procedures and policies

Staff Pay and Grading Structures

Register of suppliers

Procurement and Tender Procedures and Reports


Research funding

3. What our priorities are and how we are doing:

Corporate and Business Plans

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Academic quality and standards

External review information

Corporate relations

Government and Regulatory Reports

4. How we make decisions:

Where committee minutes are not available to view externally via the website, please contact the University on 01782 732 000 to  arrange alternative access.

Minutes from governing body, Council/Senate, academic boards and steering groups

  • Senate Minutes
  • Committees of Council - Minutes
  • Committees of Senate - Minutes

Teaching and Learning Committee Minutes

  • Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee Minutes
  • University Learning and Teaching Committee Minutes

Minutes of Staff/Student Consultation Meetings

  • University Student Liaison Committee Minutes

Appointment Committees and Procedures

5. Our policies and procedures:

Policies and Procedures for Conducting University Business

  • Corporate Governance Statement - contained within the University's annual Statement of Accounts.
  • Standing Orders for Council
  • Standing Orders for Senate
  • Other Policies

Policies and Procedures Relating to Academic Services

Procedures and Policies Relating to Student Services

Procedures and Policies Relating to Human Resources

Procedures and Policies Relating to Recruitment

Code of Conduct for Members of Governing Bodies

Equality and Diversity

Health and Safety

Estate Management

Complaints Policy

Records Management and Personal Data Policy

Research Policy and Strategy

Charging Regimes and Policy

6. Lists and registers:

7. The Services we offer:

* Edited for the purpose of this publication scheme will mean minutes excluding material that is properly considered to be private.