Searching for academic literature using Library Databases... in a nutshell 11 March

Searching for academic literature using Library Databases... in a nutshell

Learn how to ‘keyword’ an assignment question, run a search using databases, and limit search results to a manageable number. [Note: this is aimed at students with basic experience of searching who want to learn how to carry out more advanced searches (e.g. for a research project or dissertation)]

11 March 2025, 5:10pm-5:55pm
Virtually using Microsoft Teams

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Unable to attend? Our interactive online module Literature Searching... in a Nutshell introduces you to the process of literature searching, and the Searching for Academic Literature Using Library Databases... in a Nutshell video gives an overview of what literature searching is and, using an example assignment question, shows you how to develop an effective search strategy.

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Virtually using Microsoft Teams
Librarian Team
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