Pharmacy resources
Your Liaison Librarian: Steve Parton email: tel: +44 (0)1782 733480
LIBRARY SEARCH To search for all your online and print resources with Library Search, just enter a title, author or keywords.
Books and ebooks
Use Library Search to search for both print and ebooks for your studies.
LWW Health Library - International Premium Basic Sciences
Collection of e-books, plus a range of learning and teaching materials for Medicine such as videos, quizzes and real world case studies.
Core databases
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Features nearly 330 videos of real human anatomic specimens in their natural colour.
AMED (Allied & Complementary Medicine Database) - EBSCO
Complementary medicine, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, and rehabilitation.
ASSIA (Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts) - Proquest
Social sciences database, includes health information.
Biological Science Collection - ProQuest
Includes biomedicine, biotechnology, virology, toxicology.
CINAHL Plus with full-text
Key resource for nursing and allied health literature.
Cochrane Library
Database of systematic reviews, clinical trials and other evidence-based material.
Contains millions of references for articles in many current biomedical journals.
Find references for journal articles, book chapters and dissertations in the field of psychology, psychiatry, behavioural science & mental health.
TOXLINE - ProQuest
Human & animal toxicology, including biological & adverse effects of drugs.
Web of Science - Clarivate
A multidisciplinary database covering science, social sciences and arts and humanities. Offers access to research tools like citation reports and cited reference searching. For access, if you're not automatically logged in select 'Institutional sign in', search for 'UK Federation' and 'Go to institution'. Search for 'Keele University' and log in with your Keele username and password. Registration for a Web of Science profile may be required the first time you access this resource - please only register using your Keele email address as accounts registered with personal email addresses will be removed. Web of Science support page
Journals and ejournals
All available journals both print and electronic, and including those at the Health Library, are listed on Library Search.
Use Library Search to find print or ejournals by title (e.g. Pharmaceutical journal) or to find a particular article from a journal.
To find relevant articles on a topic, search the appropriate databases. See core database section above for information on databases.
Medicines Complete/British Pharmacopoeia
BNF and BNF for Children mobile app
Evidence-based medicines information app for iOS or Android. For access, download the BNF Publications app on your iOS or Android device. Select 'Register/ Log in', the first time you access the app, you will need to 'create an account', and you must register for an account using your Keele email address. All current Keele staff and students can use this app under our MedicinesComplete licence. Please note, the NICE BNF website licence does not permit educational use. BNF + BNFC App Video Library
Medicines Complete - Royal Pharmaceutical Press
Includes current editions of: ASHP Injectable Drugs Information; BNF; BNF for Children; Clarke's Analysis of Drugs & Poisons; Clinical Calculators; Critical Illness; Dale and Appelbe's Pharmcy and Medicines Law; Drug Monitoring Checker; Drug Compatibility Checker; Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes; Herbal Medicines; Injectable Drugs Guide; Martindale’s ADR Checker; Martindale’s: The Complete Drug Reference; Palliative Care Formulary; Pharmaceutical Expedients; Stockley’s Drug Interactions; & Stockley’s Interaction Checker.
For access, if you are not automatically logged in please select 'Login', then 'Login via Shibboleth/Open Athens' and search for 'University of Keele'. Log in with your Keele username and password. MedicinesComplete user guides
British Pharmacopoeia
Official collection of standards for UK medicinal products and pharmaceutical substances. For access off-campus, please make sure you connect to the Keele VPN first. British Pharmacopoeia help page.
Other useful resources
Community Pharmacy
Chemist & Druggist
UK News, education and training tools for community pharmacists.
National Pharmacy Association
UK/European level Trade Association for the UK’s community pharmacy owners. Virtually all pharmacies in the UK are in voluntary membership.
Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC)
PSNC promotes and supports the interests of all NHS community pharmacies in England.
Dictionaries / Indexes
Large online database of drugs, medical & pharmaceutical abbreviations, pharmaceutical companies and more.
Internet Drug Index From WebMD - pharmaceutical information on brand and generic drugs.
Laboratory Protocols
Springer Protocols
Database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the life and biomedical sciences. Full-text access 1980-2022.
Pharmacy Practice
ABPI (The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry)
Trade association for more than ninety pharmacy companies in the UK producing medicines for human use.
British Pharmaceutical Students’ Association
Official student organisation of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
General Pharmaceutical Council
News, Standards, Inspections, Education and Training.
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Professional body for community pharmacists & pharmacy technicians. Membership is FREE to pharmacy students in Great Britain studying at an institution recognised by the Society.
UK Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA)
Membership is free to students who are members of the BPSA.
Prescribing / Therapeutics
Includes key NHS links.
Electronic Medicines Compendium
Information about UK-licensed medicines.
Drug information via Medline Plus, via the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
NICE Medicines and Prescribing Community
Provides guidance, advice, and support for delivering quality, safety, and efficiency in the use of medicines.
NHS Prescribing Support
Provides information about the cost-effectiveness of prescription drugs.
Regional Drugs and Therapeutic Centre
Promoting the safe, effective and economical use of medicines within the NHS across the North of England.
Specialist Pharmacy Service
The NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service supports medicines optimisation across the NHS.
Quickly find chemical information from authoritative sources.
Other Websites
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
AMEE promotes international excellence in education in the healthcare professions across the continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education.
Department of Health and Social Care
Policy, guidance and publications for health and social care professionals.
Health Library's Statistics
Statistics, split up into different types e.g. local, UK and regional.
King's Fund
An independent charity working to improve health and care in England.
NHS Digital
Central, authoritative resource for health and care. Includes data and statistics collections.
Reference Management Tools (RefWorks and Cite Them Right)
Access quality reference management tools provided by the Library. RefWorks allows you to save and manage all the references you use for your assignments, whether these are from books, journals, web pages or other sources, and create bibliographies. Cite Them Right helps you to reference correctly in a variety of styles, not just for standard resources such as books and journal articles, but also for resources such as statutes, patents and social networking sites. Visit our Reference management page for useful guides and help using these resources.
Help and guidance
See our A-Z of online resources for an A-Z list of Keele's online resources, with login and support information. If you are having difficulties accessing a resource, please contact us. Start Live Chat or email:
Browse activities, academic and study skills workshops, and events designed to develop your study skills and help you to complete your assessments.
The Liaison Librarian for Pharmacy is Steve Parton. If you’d like more in-depth help on using resources, want advice on how to search effectively, or want to further develop your information or digital literacy skills, you can contact Steve and ask for an appointment:
If you’re a PhD student or researcher at Keele you can access help and support from our Research Support Librarians. Find out more on the Research Support webpage.