Our services

Contact special.collections@keele.ac.uk


Archives Searchroom - Searchroom opening hours 9.15am to 4.45pm, Monday to Friday. By prior appointment only.

Appointment requests - At least one week’s notice is required.

Document requests - Items requested a week in advance may be consulted. Requests should be emailed to special.collections@keele.ac.uk.

Archives registration form - Please complete the Archives registration form.

Facilities - There is access to Library toilets, a refreshments area, and browsing of main Library stock.

Local Collection - Browsing of the shelves is permitted. Items may also be requested in advance. External visitors wishing to consult the Local Collection must make an advance appointment by contacting special.collections@keele.ac.uk.

Enquiries - An email enquiry service remains available, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Accessing the Campus Library - Visitor parking is Pay to Park (£1.00 2 hours/£3.00 4 hours) on the Students’ Union (E2) carpark, just a short walk from the Library. Payment is by the JustPark App or by telephone. There is no cash payment facility and spaces cannot be pre-booked. To arrange a stay of more than 4 hours, please contact the Archives in advance at special.collections@keele.ac.uk.

Blue Badge parking is available in front of the building and there is a ground floor accessible entrance, otherwise access is via external steps to the second floor. On entering the building visitors are greeted and directed to the Archives by Library Welcome Desk staff.

Special Collections and Archives searchroom