Tamworth Court Rolls


The Court Rolls of the Borough of Tamworth were deposited in the University Library by the mayor and corporation in 1964. They are of priceless historical worth. The series comprises almost 300 rolls and paper folios dating from 1284 to 1584. The rolls, written almost entirely in medieval Latin, provide a record of the View of Frankpledge (or Great Court) which met twice a year, the Portmanmoot (or Little Court) which met every three weeks, and the Piepowder Court, which met on an ad hoc basis.

The series of court rolls provides a remarkable insight into society, justice and authority developing in a market town, uniquely split in two by the shire boundary. They reflect the emergence of Tamworth from a manorial concern to a self-governing urban community.

Deposited at the same time, the suit rolls for the manor of Tamworth contain the names of members of the corporation, freeholders and inhabitants from 1752 to 1876, as well as books of proceedings of the Court Leet and Court Baron covering the same period.

The collection is on deposit at Keele, is listed and there are no restrictions on access.