Law resources
Your Liaison Librarian: Julie Beard email: tel: +44 (0)1782 734162
LIBRARY SEARCH To search for all your online and print resources with Library Search, just enter a title, author or keywords.
Library Search: Advanced Search
To search the University's e-journal collections effectively, use 'Advanced Search'. From here you can construct impactful keyword searches and filter your results to make them more manageable and more relevant. For advice and training on how to search effectively, please contact your school's Librarian.
Academic Search complete - EBSCO
Contains the full text of over 4500 journals covering almost every area of academic study. EBSCO Video tutorials
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute)
Access to freely available British and Irish case law and legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. A Quick Guide to BAILII compiled by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies is available.
Historical and government documents, law-related periodicals, and databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations and U.S. Presidents. HeinOnline user guide.
Provides full-text access to the archive of many important journals, including several key US titles for Law. JSTOR also provides access to a small collection of ebooks and archive material.
Law Trove Collection
Law Trove contains approximately 200 ebook titles, all offering excellent functionality and features that will enhance your learning experience. Law Trove enables you to search and interrogate the wealth of Oxford’s textbooks included in the collection. Oxford Law Trove walkthrough videos Students getting started guide.
UK-based legal information service, tracks current developments in legislation and case law and provides handy digests. If you are asked to Sign in, choose the bottom option: 'Access through academic institution'. Registration for a OnePass account will be required the first time you access this resource - please only register using your Keele email address as accounts registered with personal email addresses will be removed. Once you have logged in to LAWTEL, a range of user guides are available from the 'Help' section found on the top tool bar. Westlaw login help guide. Westlaw UK help pages.
Lexis+ UK
Law related cases, commentary, legislation, forms, handbooks, news, journals, bulletins and handbooks. Lexis+ UK help page.
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
A trusted reference work in international law, includes Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. The two Encyclopedias can be searched and browsed together, or separately by using appropriate filters. Please choose 'sign in via you institution', search for 'University of Keele' and login with your Keele username and password for access.
Philosopher's Index with full text
Produced by the Philosopher’s Information Center, this current and comprehensive database covers scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. (EBSCO) video tutorials.
Philpapers is a website that aims to be a comprehensive directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers.
Practical Law
Access to practice notes that offer how-to guidance, standard documents that provide a better starting point, current awareness emails that keep you up to date, plus more. If you are asked to Sign in, choose the bottom option: 'Access through academic institution'. Registration for a OnePass account will be required the first time you access this resource - please only register using your Keele email address as accounts registered with personal email addresses will be removed. Westlaw login help guide. Practical Law user guide. Westlaw UK help pages.
Cross-search a variety of databases including the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Criminology Collection, and Social Science Collection.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A dynamic online reference work for philosophy.
UK Parliamentary Papers - ProQuest
Parliamentary Papers are the key source for UK official publishing. These include goverment papers, public inquiries and annual reports presented to Parliament (Command Papers), House of Commons Papers and Hansard reports of parliamentary debates.
Web of Science - Clarivate
This is a multidisciplinary citation database covering arts and humanities, social sciences and science. It offers access to research tools like citation reports and cited reference searching, and personalised features such as saved searches and alerts. For access, if you're not automatically logged in select 'Institutional sign in', search for 'UK Federation' and 'Go to institution'. Search for 'Keele University' and log in with your Keele username and password. Registration for a Web of Science profile may be required the first time you access this resource - please only register using your Keele email address as accounts registered with personal email addresses will be removed. Web of Science support page
Westlaw UK
A full-text legal database including UK and EU legislation, case law, and journal articles. If you are asked to Sign in, choose the bottom option: 'Access through academic institution'. Registration for a OnePass account will be required the first time you access this resource - please only register using your Keele email address as accounts registered with personal email addresses will be removed. Westlaw login help guide. Westlaw UK help pages.
European Newsstream - ProQuest
Provides the searchable full-text of articles published in around 30 UK newspapers including The Times, Telegraph, Guardian and The Independent.
A news and business service which includes around 12,000 publications, including worldwide, national and local newspapers.
The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019
Search the complete digital edition of The Times from 1785-2019. The entire newspaper is captured with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos.
Online reading lists
You can view many of your reading lists for Law modules online.
Online reading lists provide you with quick, easy access to the full-text of any online resources (like e-journal articles or ebooks) listed on your reading list. They also show the availability of print books in the Library.
You can log-in using your Keele username and password to add personal study notes or indicate reading intentions.
Other useful resources
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
Use this site to search for the meaning of abbreviations for English language legal publications, from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States.
CURIA: Court of Justice of the European Union
Free access to full text judgments since 1953.
EUR-Lex: the Portal to European Union Law
The whole body of European Community Law: All Treaties (with related Articles, Protocols, Annexes, and Declarations), International Agreements, Preparatory Documents, Parliamentary Questions, Secondary Legislation (Regulations, Decisions, Directives, Opinions, Statutes), and Case Law.
European Court of Human Rights
Free access to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Use the "HUDOC" link to search for case reports.
The UK Government's information service.
Law Commission
Reports and consultation papers from the Law Commission.
Part of the UK's National Archives, providing access to legislation, statutory instruments, and command papers. This has replaced the old OPSI (Office of Public Sector Information) website.
Access the full text 4th edition "Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities".
This tutorial from Cardiff University will give you some help Citing the Law: Referencing Using OSCOLA.
There's also a very useful set of A - Z Examples to give suggestions for various secondary sources.
Parliament UK - Hansard
The edited word-for-word report of proceedings in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
Box of Broadcasts (BoB) National is a TV and radio recording service and is freely available to all staff and students at Keele. Record and catch-up on programmes from 60+ TV and radio channels that have been broadcast in the last 30 days. You will need your Keele username and password to sign-in.
Google Scholar
The most famous web search engine can search for academic journals and literature too. In Google Scholar’s settings you can also customise your results to quickly see which of them you have full-text access to through Keele Library. To get this working, before you perform your search click on Settings and type 'keele' into the Library Links search box. Tick the Keele University – view online @Keele box, click on Save Preferences and you're ready to go. When you've typed in your search, any results with ‘view-online@Keele' link next to the title provide a direct link through to the article.
An on-demand streaming video platform for public and academic libraries that offers films, TV shows and documentaries. For access, log in with your Keele username and password. Kanopy help page. Kanopy's Law & Criminal Justice Collection.
Library Hub Discover
Library Hub Discover replaces Copac and SUNCAT. This catalogue gives you access to details of materials held in many UK national, academic and specialist libraries.
Reference Management Tools (RefWorks and Cite Them Right)
Access quality reference management tools provided by the Library. RefWorks allows you to save and manage all the references you use for your assignments, whether these are from books, journals, web pages or other sources, and create bibliographies. Cite Them Right helps you to reference correctly in a variety of styles, not just for standard resources such as books and journal articles, but also for resources such as statutes, patents and social networking sites. Visit our Reference management page for useful guides and help using these resources.
Theses and research
The British Library ETHOS project provides electronic access to research theses from many UK universities.
Keele Research Repository
A digital archive of research and enterprise output produced by Keele University staff.
NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)
Details of theses and dissertations from universities in the United States and worldwide.
Help and guidance
See our A-Z of online resources for an A-Z list of Keele's online resources, with login and support information. If you are having difficulties accessing a resource, please contact us. Start Live Chat or email:
Browse activities, academic and study skills workshops, and events designed to develop your study skills and help you to complete your assessments.
The Liaison Librarian for Law is Julie Beard. If you’d like more in-depth help on using resources, want advice on how to search effectively, or want to further develop your information or digital literacy skills, you can contact Julie and ask for an appointment:
If you’re a PhD student or researcher at Keele you can access help and support from our Research Support Librarians. Find out more on the Research Support webpage.