Past exam papers
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Not all exam papers are sent by the Examinations Office as some schools may make past papers available via the KLE. If exam papers are not held in the Library it may be best to contact individual schools or your course tutor. The exam papers have also been digitised and are available online.
*the Library does not hold any past papers for Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery, Pharmacy, Foundation Year or First Year modules. For exam papers post 2019, please contact your school directly to query availability, as they have not been made available to the Library.
Past exam papers from 2019 are available online for the following -
Level 5, 2019
Level 6, 2019
Level 7, 2019
(Select the level then use the 'Search' box to locate the module).
Past exam papers from 2018 are available online for the following -
Level 5, 2018
Level 6, 2018
Level 7, 2018
(Select the level then use the 'Search' box to locate the module).
The following exam papers, listed by module code and title, are available in the Library:
Level 2, Semester 1, 2018
AMS-20063 History of the United States in the 20th Century
AMS-20064 The romance of fiction: History and society in nineteenth century American literature
AMS-20074 Discovering America: From empires to revolutions
CHE-20001 Organic synthesis and chirality
CHE-20011 Spectroscopy and advanced analysis
CHE-20021 Forensic genetics
CHE-20030 Spectroscopy and analytical chemistry
CHE-20043 Forensic document analysis
CHE-20045 Post-Mortem Modification of Human Remains
CHE-20051 Organic Synthesis & Characterisation For Natural Sciences
CRI-20016 Crime & Justice In A Global Context
CRI-20022 Mental health and offending
CSC-20037 Programming II
ECO-20041 Asset pricing
ECO-20042 Introduction to econometrics
ECO-20046 Intermediate microeconomics
EDU-20024 Education matters: Contemporary issues and debates in education
ENG-20034 Victorian performances
ESC-20001 Igneous and metamorphic petrology
ESC-20017 Human impacts on the environment: Scientific perspectives
ESC-20030 Regional landsystems
ESC-20036 Palaeoclimatology and quaternary studies
ESC-20039 Advanced structural geology and geological mapping training
ESC-20054 Forensic & historical geoscience
FIL-20004 Politics and cinema
GEG-20015 Space and society
HIS-20066 Imperialism and empire
HIS-20071 Saints & Society In Medieval Europe
HIS-20075 Right-wing movements in interwar Europe 1918-1938
HIS-20078 Power in the modern world
HIS-20091 Natural Cultures: Humans & Their Environments Since 1700
HRM-20017 Employee resourcing
LAW-20028 Criminal law 1
LAW-20034 Introduction to public international law
LAW-20039 Torts 1 – Foundations
LSC-20010 Medical laboratory science
LSC-20050 Human genetics
LSC-20071 Animal adaptations
LSC-20073 Microbes, Viruses & Parasites
LSC-20075 Neurone To Brain
LSC-20077 Neurodevelopment
LSC-20079 Neuroanatomy
MAN-20049 Cost and management accounting
MAN-20050 Social theory at work
MAN-20054 Taxation
MAN-20055 Organisational behaviour
MAN-20060 Services marketing
MAN-20061 Understanding the consumer
MAT-20008 Differential equations
MAT-20023 Probability
MAT-20028 Analysis I
PHI-20017 Philosophy of religion
PHI-20018 Philosophy of mind
PHY-20006 Quantum mechanics
PHY-20027 Optics and thermodynamics
PIR-20076 Contemporary IR theory
PIR-20078 Russian politics and society
PSY-20012 Developmental and social psychology
SOC-20033 Witchcraft, zombies & social anxiety
SOC-20044 Human Health & Society
SOC-20049 Contemporary social theory
Level 2, Semester 2 2018
CHE-20010 Criminalistic methods
CHE-20012 Drugs of abuse
CHE-20027 Medicinal and biological chemistry 1
CHE-20028 Physical inorganic chemistry
CHE-20031 Structural inorganic chemistry
CHE-20042 Digital forensics
CHE-20046 Radicals, Phases & Coordination Chemistry
CHE-20047 Forensic Anthropology
CSC-20002 Database Systems
CSC-20004 Advanced Programming Practices
CSC-20023 Computational Intelligence I
ECO-20037 Open economy macroeconomics
ECO-20040 Contemporary issues in economics
ECO-20044 Portfolio choice
ECO-20045 Banking
ESC-20002 Reconstructing past environments
ESC-20037 Geoscience and society
ESC-20064 Geochemistry
FIL-20010 Film texts and contexts II: Contemporary global cinema
HIS-20063 The Normans In Europe
HIS-20069 State and empire in Britain, c.1530-c.1720
HIS-20090 Company and crown in India 1818-1928: The cultural history of the Raj
HRM-20015 Managing human resources
HRM-20018 Employment relations
LAW-20029 Criminal law 2
LAW-20032 Contract law 2 – when things go wrong
LAW-20037 Land law 2
LAW-20041 Public Law 2
LSC-20011 Medical laboratory science II
LSC-20061 Neuropharmacology
LSC-20074 Current Topics In Biology
LSC-20076 Learning & Memory
MAN-20051 Intermediate financial accounting
MAN-20053 Operations & quality management
MAN-20062 Marketing in society
MAN-20082 Corporate governance and social responsibility
MAN-20083 International supply chain management
MAN-20085 Digital and marketing communications
MAT-20004 Complex variable I and vector calculus
MAT-20005 Dynamics
MAT-20025 Abstract algebra
MAT-20029 Analysis II
PHI-20020 Philosophy of science
PHY-20002 Stellar astrophysics
PHY-20009 Nuclear and particle physics
PHY-20026 Statistical mechanics and solid state physics
PIR-20064 IR of the environment
PIR-20066 Freedom and equality
PIR-20074 British government and politics
PIR-20081 The politics of the European Union
SOC-20041 Families & Households: Diversity & Change
SOC-20056 Social Movements
SWK-20001 Area of practice (2) working with children and families
SWK-20002 Area of practice (2) working with adults
Level 3, Semester 1 2018
AMS-30037 Film Noir: The Dark Side America
CHE-30010 Forensic toxicology
CHE-30033 Evaluation of evidence, explosives and arson
CHE-30038 Chemical kinetics, photochemistry and inorganic reaction mechanisms
CHE-30039 Advanced organic chemistry
CHE-30042 Inorganic, physical and solid state chemistry
CHE-30043 Materials chemistry and catalysis
CHE-30047 Medicinal and biological chemistry 2
CRI-30051 Environmental Crimes
CSC-30002 Advanced databases and applications
CSC-30016 Software engineering project management
CSY-30001 Advanced information systems
ECO-30033 Dynamic macroeconomics
ECO-30038 Corporate Finance
ECO-30047 Advanced topics in microeconomics
ECO-30048 Risk management with derivatives
ESC-30006 Glaciers and glacial geomorphology
ESC-30009 Natural hazards
ESC-30018 Global environmental change
ESC-30028 Economic geology
ESC-30036 Exploration geophysics for the hydrocarbon industry
ESC-30045 Contemporary topics in environmental science
FIL-30001 British society through the eyes of British film: 1960s to the present
GEG-30015 Postcolonialism in South Asia
HIS-30118 Urban lives in modern Europe, 1890-1914
HIS-30127 Gender and sexuality in Georgian Britain
HIS-30128 Crisis, rupture, and opportunity: German modernity, 1900-1933
HIS-30134 The Making Of Middle Britain: A Northumbrian Nativity
HRM-31119 Pay and performance management
LAW-30055 Equity 1
LAW-30068 Employment law
LAW-30069 Law of the European Union I
LAW-30080 Company law
LAW-30085 Criminal law I
LSC-30003 Applied insect ecology
LSC-30016 Structural biology and macromolecular function
LSC-30020 Neurobiological basis of brain disease
LSC-30041 Biomedical science and pathology
LSC-30043 Conservation biology
LSC-30055 Biomedical Engineering
MAN-30040 Identity, culture and organisation
MAN-30041 Advanced financial reporting
MAN-30045 Management accounting
MAN-30048 Business strategy
MAN-30063 Strategic marketing management
MAT-30003 Partial differential equations
MAT-30005 Relativity
MAT-30013 Group theory
MAT-30022 Number theory
MAT-30027 Codes & Cryptography
MAT-30037 Linear Algebra
MTE-30003 Engineering for medical applications
MUS-30038 Contextual studies I
MUT-30001 Colloquia in electroacoustic music
PHI-30024 Rorty and the mirror of nature
PHY-30012 Electromagnetism
PHY-30033 Particle Physics & Accelerators
PIR-30101 Russia and Europe: Hopes for partnership, legacy of confrontation
PIR-30117 The U.S. Presidency
PIR-30119 The extreme right in Western Europe
PIR-30126 Human Rights: Concepts, Norms & Identities
PIR-30140 The left in modern politics
SOC-30029 Gender and consumption
SOC-30030 Sociology Of Parenting & Early Childhood
Level 3, Semester 2 2018
AMS-30041 The whole of the U.S. is Southern
CHE-30034 Forensic geoscience
CHE-30035 Advanced topics in forensic analysis
CHE-30037 Topics in chemistry
CHE-30044 Topics in medicinal chemistry
CHE-30046 Synoptic topics in chemistry
CHE-30052 Radicals, Phases & Coordination Chemistry Level 6
CRI-30049 Drugs: High Crimes Or Misdemeanours?
CSC-30012 Communications and networks
CSC-30018 IT architectures
CSC-30020 Computational intelligence II
ECO-30032 Labour Economics
ECO-30037 International finance
ECO-30045 Applied financial analysis
ECO-30046 Industrial organisation
EDU-30072 Race, politics and education
EDU-30073 Education, work and identity
ENG-30076 That Womb Where You Imprison’d Were
ESC-30008 Structure and geodynamics
ESC-30020 Water resources
ESC-30022 Hydrological and engineering geology
ESC-30025 Micropalaeontology: Principles and applications
ESC-30027 Coastal environments
ESC-30034 Advanced topics in sedimentology
FIL-30004 British women directors
GEG-30020 Rural geographies
HIS-30087 The world turned upside down: The English Revolution c. 1646-53
HIS-30101 From sawbones to social hero? Doctors and medicine 1808-1886
HIS-30119 Urban lives in modern Europe, 1914-1939
HIS-30126 Gender and sexuality in Victorian Britain
HIS-30129 Crisis, rupture, and opportunity: German modernity, 1900-1933, II
HIS-30135 Making Of Middle Britain: Mercian Movement
LAW-30048 Contract law 2 – when things go wrong
LAW-30056 Equity 2
LAW-30062 Evidence
LAW-30065 Land law 2
LAW-30070 Law of the European Union 2
LAW-30077 Business leases
LAW-30086 Criminal Law 2
LAW-30093 Commercial law
LSC-30006 Applied fish biology
LSC-30017 Trees in their environment
LSC-30018 Biochemistry & Therapy Of Disease
LSC-30039 Regeneration and repair of the nervous system
LSC-30041 Biomedical science and pathology
LSC-30053 Special senses
LSC-30054 Developmental biology
MAN-30039 The audit framework
MAN-30046 Advanced management accounting
MAN-30055 International business strategies
MAN-30060 Marketing and globalisation
MAN-30065 Managing international projects
MAT-30001 Graph theory
MAT-30002 Nonlinear Differential Equations
MAT-30004 Fluid mechanics
MAT-30011 Waves
MAT-30014 Medical statistics
MAT-30024 Ring and field theory
MAT-30030 Metric Spaces & Topology
PHI-30021 Metaphysics
PHY-30001 Cosmology
PHY-30003 Physics Of Compact Objects
PHY-30025 Life In The Universe
PHY-30029 Quantum mechanics II
PIR-30108 Proliferation
PIR-30124 Urban Politics
Past exam papers from 2017 are available online for the following -
Level 5, 2017
Level 6, 2017
(Select the level then use the 'Search' box to locate the module).
Higher Degree, Spring & Autumn Semesters 2017
(Select the level then scroll through or search the PDF to locate the module)
The following exam papers, listed by module code and title, are available in the Library:
Level 2, Semester 1, 2017
AMS-20063 History of the United States in the 20th Century
AMS-20064 The romance of fiction: History and society in nineteenth century American literature
AMS-20074 Discovering America: From empires to revolutions
CHE-20001 Organic synthesis and chirality
CHE-20011 Spectroscopy and advanced analysis
CHE-20021 Forensic genetics
CHE-20030 Spectroscopy and analytical chemistry
CHE-20043 Forensic document analysis
CRI-20016 Crime and justice in a global context
CRI-20018 Crime, culture and conflict, 1700-1914
CRI-20022 Mental health and offending
CSC-20020 Requirements, evaluation and professionalism
CSC-20023 Computational intelligence 1
ECO-20041 Asset pricing
ECO-20042 Introduction to econometrics
ECO-20046 Intermediate microeconomics
EDU-20024 Education matters: Contemporary issues and debates in education
ENG-20034 Victorian performances
ESC-20001 Igneous and metamorphic petrology
ESC-20017 Human impacts on the environment: Scientific perspectives
ESC-20030 Regional landsystems
ESC-20036 Palaeoclimatology and quaternary studies
ESC-20039 Advanced structural geology and geological mapping training
ESC-20054 Forensic & historical geoscience
FIL-20004 Politics and cinema
GEG-20015 Space and society
HIS-20066 Imperialism and empire
HIS-20072 Castle and cloister in medieval Europe, c.900-1250
HIS-20075 Right-wing movements in interwar Europe 1918-1938
HIS-20078 Power in the modern world
HRM-20017 Employee resourcing
LAW-20028 Criminal law 1
LAW-20034 Introduction to public international law
LAW-20039 Torts 1 – Foundations
LSC-20010 Medical laboratory science 1
LSC-20023 Development and evolution of nervous systems
LSC-20027 From neurone to brain
LSC-20050 Human genetics
LSC-20071 Animal adaptations
MAN-20049 Cost and management accounting
MAN-20050 Social theory at work
MAN-20054 Taxation
MAN-20055 Organisational behaviour
MAN-20060 Services marketing
MAN-20061 Understanding the consumer
MAT-20008 Differential equations
MAT-20023 Probability
MAT-20028 Mathematics
PHI-20017 Philosophy of religion
PHI-20018 Philosophy of mind
PHY-20006 Quantum mechanics
PHY-20027 Optics and thermodynamics
PIR-20076 Contemporary IR theory
PIR-20078 Russian politics and society
PSY-20012 Developmental and social psychology
PSY-20033 Psychopathology
SOC-20033 Witchcraft, zombies & social anxiety
SOC-20036 Cultures of consumption
SOC-20041 Families and households: Diversity and change
SOC-20049 Contemporary social theory
SWK-20001 Area of practice (2) Working with children and families
Level 2, Semester 2 2017
CHE-20010 Criminalistic methods
CHE-20012 Drugs of abuse
CHE-20027 Medicinal and biological chemistry 1
CHE-20028 Physical inorganic chemistry
CHE-20029 Radicals, phases and supramolecular chemistry
CHE-20031 Structural inorganic chemistry
CHE-20042 Digital forensics
CHE-20044 Forensic anthropology and entomology
CSC-20002 Database systems
CSC-20004 Advanced programming practices
ECO-20037 Open economy macroeconomics
ECO-20040 Contemporary issues in economics
ECO-20044 Portfolio choice
ECO-20045 Banking
ESC-20002 Reconstructing past environments
ESC-20030 Regional landsystems
ESC-20037 Geoscience and society
ESC-20064 Geochemistry
FIL-20005 Science fiction cinema: utopias and dystopias
FIL-20010 Film texts and contexts II: Contemporary global cinema
HIS-20062 English radicals and writers
HIS-20069 State and empire in Britain, c.1530-c.1720
HIS-20090 Company and crown in India 1818-1928: The cultural history of the Raj
HRM-20015 Managing human resources
HRM-20018 Employment relations
LAW-20029 Criminal law 2
LAW-20032 Contract law 2 – when things go wrong
LAW-20037 Land law 2
LSC-20011 Medical laboratory science II
LSC-20061 Neuropharmacology
MAN-20051 Intermediate financial accounting
MAN-20053 Operations & quality management
MAN-20062 Marketing in society
MAN-20082 Corporate governance and social responsibility
MAN-20083 International supply chain management
MAN-20085 Digital and marketing communications
MAT-20004 Complex variable I and vector calculus
MAT-20005 Dynamics
MAT-20006 Stochastic processes
MAT-20025 Abstract algebra
MAT-20029 Analysis II
MAT-20020 Philosophy of science
PHY-20002 Stellar astrophysics
PHY-20009 Nuclear and particle physics
PHY-20026 Statistical mechanics and solid state physics
PIR-20064 IR of the environment
PIR-20066 Freedom and equality
PIR-20074 British government and politics
PIR-20081 The politics of the European Union
SWK-20001 Area of practice (2) working with children and families
SWK-20002 Area of practice (2) working with adults
Level 3, Semester 1 2017
AMS-30035 ‘Eyes on the prize’: The struggle for civil rights in America
CHE-30010 Forensic toxicology
CHE-30033 Evaluation of evidence, explosives and arson
CHE-30038 Chemical kinetics, photochemistry and inorganic reaction mechanisms
CHE-30039 Advanced organic chemistry
CHE-30042 Inorganic, physical and solid state chemistry
CHE-30043 Materials chemistry and catalysis
CHE-30047 Medicinal and biological chemistry 2
CRI-30040 Risk and criminal justice
CSC-30002 Advanced databases and applications
CSC-30016 Software engineering project management
CSC-30023 Evolution of complex systems
CSY-30001 Advanced information systems
ECO-30033 Dynamic macroeconomics
ECO-30038 Corporate finance
ECO-30047 Advanced topics in microeconomics
ECO-30048 Risk management with derivatives
ESC-30006 Glaciers and glacial geomorphology
ESC-30009 Natural hazards
ESC-30018 Global environmental change
ESC-30028 Economic geology
ESC-30036 Exploration geophysics for the hydrocarbon industry
ESC-30045 Contemporary topics in environmental science
FIL-30001 British society through the eyes of British film: 1960s to the present
GEG-30015 Postcolonialism in South Asia
HIS-30104 The kingship of Edward II
HIS-30118 Urban lives in modern Europe, 1890-1914
HIS-30127 Gender and sexuality in Georgian Britain
HIS-30128 Crisis, rupture, and opportunity: German modernity, 1900-1933
HRM-31119 Pay and performance management
LAW-30055 Equity 1
LAW-30068 Employment law
LAW-30069 Law of the European Union I
LAW-30080 Company law
LAW-30085 Criminal law I
LSC-30001 Behavioural neurobiology
LSC-30003 Applied insect ecology
LSC-30016 Structural biology and macromolecular function
LSC-30020 Neurobiological basis of brain disease
LSC-30041 Biomedical science and pathology
LSC-30043 Conservation biology
MAN-30040 Identity, culture and organisation
MAN-30041 Advanced financial reporting
MAN-30045 Management accounting
MAN-30048 Business strategy
MAN-30063 Strategic marketing management
MAT-30002 Nonlinear differential equations
MAT-30003 Partial differential equations
MAT-30005 Relativity
MAT-30013 Group theory
MAT-30022 Number theory
MAT-30030 Metric spaces and topology
MAT-30033 Applied time series
MTE-30002 Introduction to biomedical engineering
MTE-30003 Engineering for medical applications
MUS-30038 Contextual studies I
MUT-30001 Colloquia in electroacoustic music
PHI-30024 Rorty and the mirror of nature
PHY-30001 Cosmology
PHY-30012 Electromagnetism
PHY-30023 Particles, accelerators and reactor physics
PIR-30008 Arms control and disarmament
PIR-30101 Russia and Europe: Hopes for partnership, legacy of confrontation
PIR-30117 The U.S. Presidency
PIR-30119 The extreme right in Western Europe
PIR-30140 The left in modern politics
PSY-30099 Key readings in cognitive psychology (MCQs not included)
SOC-30029 Gender and consumption
Level 3, Semester 2 2017
AMS-30041 The whole of the U.S. is Southern
CHE-30034 Forensic geoscience
CHE-30035 Advanced topics in forensic analysis
CHE-30037 Topics in chemistry
CHE-30044 Topics in medicinal chemistry
CHE-30045 Radicals, phases and supramolecular chemistry
CHE-30046 Synoptic topics in chemistry
CRI-30049 Drugs: High crimes or misdemeanours?
CRI-30051 Environmental crimes
CSC-30012 Communications and networks
CSC-30018 IT architectures
CSC-30020 Computational intelligence II
CSY-30002 Ecommerce
ECO-30024 Economics of the European Union
ECO-30037 International finance
ECO-30045 Applied financial analysis
ECO-30046 Industrial organisation
EDU-30072 Race, politics and education
EDU-30073 Education, work and identity
ESC-30008 Structure and geodynamics
ESC-30020 Water resources
ESC-30022 Hydrological and engineering geology
ESC-30025 Micropalaeontology: Principles and applications
ESC-30027 Coastal environments
ESC-30034 Advanced topics in sedimentology
FIL-30004 British women directors
FIL-30005 Parody in British film and television
GEG-30020 Rural geographies
HIS-30087 The world turned upside down: The English Revolution c. 1646-53
HIS-30101 From sawbones to social hero? Doctors and medicine 1808-1886
HIS-30105 The kingship of Edward II
HIS-30119 Urban lives in modern Europe, 1914-1939
HIS-30126 Gender and sexuality in Victorian Britain
HIS-30129 Crisis, rupture, and opportunity: German modernity, 1900-1933, II
LAW-30048 Contract law 2 – when things go wrong
LAW-30056 Equity 2
LAW-30062 Evidence
LAW-30065 Land law 2
LAW-30070 Law of the European Union 2
LAW-30077 Business leases
LAW-30086 Criminal law 2
LAW-30093 Commercial law
LSC-30006 Applied fish biology
LSC-30017 Trees in their environment
LSC-30039 Regeneration and repair of the nervous system
LSC-30041 Biomedical science and pathology
LSC-30053 Special senses
LSC-30054 Developmental biology
MAN-30039 The audit framework
MAN-30046 Advanced management accounting
MAN-30055 International business strategies
MAN-30060 Marketing and globalisation
MAN-30065 Managing international projects
MAT-30001 Graph theory
MAT-30004 Fluid mechanics
MAT-30006 Logic
MAT-30010 Complex variable II
MAT-30011 Waves
MAT-30014 Medical statistics
MAT-30023 Mathematical biology
MAT-30024 Ring and field theory
MAT-30027 Codes and cryptography
PHY-30003 The physics of compact objects
PHY-30029 Quantum mechanics II
PHY-30030 Physics of fluids
PIR-30008 Arms control and disarmament
PIR-30108 Proliferation
PIR-30114 Understanding terrorism and counter-terrorism
PIR-30129 Environmental politics in the USA
PSY-30067 Individual differences and conceptual issues
SOC-30030 Sociology of parenting and early childhood
Higher Degree, Spring & Autumn Semesters 2017
Autumn Semester
ACC-40003 Accounting for decision making
ACC-40005 International corporate governance and sustainability
CHE-40023 Applied chemistry topics
CSC-40042 Statistical techniques for data analytics
CSC-40045 Distributed intelligent systems
ESC-40015 M. Geoscience: Natural hazards
ESC-40017 M. Geoscience: Glaciers and glacial geomorphology
ESC-40031 Clean & green technologies I: Power from above the Earth
ESC-40034 An introduction to sustainable technologies
ESC-40038 M. Geoscience: Exploration geophysics for the hydrocarbon industry
FIN-40002 Financial markets
FIN-40010 Quantitative methods in finance
FIN-40019 Financial derivatives
FIN-40020 Fixed income securities and credit risk
LSC-40034 Clinical pathology I
MAN-40004 People and organisations
MAN-40045 Marketing management
MAN-40083 Operations management and supply
MTE-40025 Molecular techniques: Applications in tissue engineering
MTE-40026 Physiological measurements
MTE-40028 Stem cells: Types, characteristics and applications
MTE-40029 Medical equipment and technology services management
MTE-40030 Nanomagnetics in nanomedicine
PIR-40103 Diplomatic law
SWK-40022 Area of practice (2) working with adults
SWK-40023 Area of practice (2) working with children and families
Spring Semester
ACC-40001 International financial reporting
CHE-40024 Research chemistry topics
ESC-40020 M. Geoscience: Hydrological and engineering geology
ESC-40023 M. Geoscience: Micropalaeontology: Principles and applications
ESC-40024 M. Geoscience: Structure and geodynamics
ESC-40032 Clean & green technologies II: Power from beneath the Earth
ESC-40041 Petroleum geology
FIN-40004 Corporate finance
FIN-40006 Applied finance
FIN-40017 Portfolio risk management
HRM-40043 Employee resourcing and development
LSC-40026 Trees, forests & global change
MAN-40036 Strategy and information management
MAN-40047 Branding
MAN-40056 Leadership
MAT-40004 Hydrodynamic stability theory
MAT-40005 Linear elasticity
MAT-40006 High speed flow
MAT-40007 Combinatorial designs
MAT-40008 Algebraic number theory
MAT-40009 Module theory
MAT-40010 Symmetric differential equations
MAT-40011 Analytic functions
MAT-40012 Continuum mechanics
MTE-40031 Biomedical signal processing
MTE-40033 Cell and tissue engineering
MTE-40034 Cell biomechanics
MTE-40036 Biomaterials
MTE-40037 Introduction to medical imaging
Past exam papers from 2016 are available online for the following -
(Select the level then scroll through or search the PDF to locate the module)
Level 2, Autumn Semester 2016
Level 2, Spring Semester 2016
Level 3/4, Autumn Semester 2016
Level 3/4, Spring Semester 2016
Higher Degree, Spring & Autumn Semesters 2016
The following exam papers, listed by module code and title, are available in the Library:
Level 2, Autumn Semester 2016
AMS-20056 Burning crosses: Religion and American culture
AMS-20063 The history of the U.S. in the 20th Century
AMS-20064 The romance of fiction: History and society in nineteenth-century American literature
AMS-20074 Discovering America: From empires to revolutions
CHE-20001 Organic synthesis and chirality
CHE-20011 Spectroscopy and advanced analysis
CHE-20021 Forensic genetics
CHE-20030 Spectroscopy and analytical chemistry
CRI-20016 Crime and justice in a global context
CRI-20018 Crime, culture and conflict 1700-1914
CSC-20020 Requirements, evaluation and professionalism
CSC-20021 Web technologies
CSC-20023 Computational intelligence I
ECO-20041 Asset pricing
ECO-20042 Introduction to econometrics
ECO-20046 Intermediate microeconomics
EDU-20024 Education matters: Contemporary issues and debates in education: Seen paper
ENG-20040 The age of Shakespeare and Donne: Seen paper
ESC-20001 Igneous and metamorphic petrology
ESC-20017 Human impacts on the environment: Scientific perspectives
ESC-20036 Palaeoclimatology and quaternary studies
ESC-20039 Advanced structural geology and geological mapping training
ESC-20054 Forensic and historical geoscience
FIL-20004 Politics and cinema
FIL-20005 Science fiction cinema
HIS-20063 The Normans in Europe
HIS-20069 State and empire in Britain c.1530- c.1720
HIS-20071 Saint and society in medieval Europe
HIS-20078 Power in the modern world
HIS-20081 Victorian society
HRM-20017 Employee resourcing
LAW-20028 Criminal law I
LAW-20034 Introduction to public international law
LSC-20010 Medical laboratory science I
LSC-20023 Development and evolution of nervous systems
LSC-20027 From neurone to brain
LSC-20050 Human genetics
LSC-20071 Animal adaptations
MAN-20049 Cost and management accounting
MAN-20050 Social theory at work
MAN-20054 Taxation
MAN-20055 Organisational behaviour
MAN-20060 Services marketing
MAN-20061 Understanding the consumer
MAT-20008 Differential equations
MAT-20015 Numerical methods
MAT-20022 Metric spaces
MAT-20023 Probability
MAT-20024 Operational research
MAT-20026 Linear algebra
MAT-20028 Analysis I
PHI-20017 Philosophy of religion
PHI-20018 Philosophy of mind
PHY-20006 Quantum mechanics
PHY-20027 Optics and thermodynamics
PIR-20074 British government and politics
PIR-20075 Balkan politics and society
PIR-20076 Contemporary IR theory
PIR-20078 Russian politics and society
PSY-20012 Developmental and social psychology
PSY-20033 Psychopathology
SOC-20033 Witchcraft, zombies and social anxiety
SOC-20049 Contemporary social theory
Level 2, Spring Semester 2016
CHE-20010 Criminalistic methods
CHE-20012 Drugs of abuse
CHE-20027 Medicinal and biological chemistry
CHE-20028 Physical inorganic chemistry
CHE-20029 Radicals, phases and supramolecular chemistry
CHE-20031 Structural inorganic chemistry
CRI-20022 Mental health and offending
CSC-20002 Database systems
CSC-20004 Advanced programming practices
ECO-20037 Open economy macroeconomics
ECO-20040 Contemporary issues in economics
ECO-20044 Portfolio choice
ECO-20045 Banking
ENG-20034 Victorian performances
ENG-20038 British fiction and poetry
ESC-20002 Reconstructing past sedimentary environments
ESC-20030 Regional landsystems
ESC-20037 Geoscience and society
ESC-20064 Geochemistry
FIL-20010 Film texts and contexts II: Contemporary global cinema
GEG-20015 Space and society
HIS-20062 English radicals and writers
HIS-20066 Imperialism and empire
HIS-20075 Right-Wing movements in interwar Europe, 1918-1938
HIS-20085 Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine
HRM-20015 Managing human resources
HRM-20018 Employment relations
LAW-20029 Criminal law 2
LAW-20032 Contract law 2 – When things go wrong
LAW-20037 Land law 2
LAW-20040 Torts 2 – Development
LSC-20005 Endocrinology and cell signalling
LSC-20011 Medical laboratory science II
LSC-20061 Neuropharmacology
LSC-20062 Living together: Behaviour, co-operation and conflict
MAN-20051 Intermediate financial accounting
MAN-20053 Operations and quality management
MAN-20062 Marketing in society
MAN-20082 Corporate governance and social responsibility
MAN-20083 International supply chain management
MAN-20085 Digital and marketing communications
MAT-20004 Complex variable I and vector calculus
MAT-20005 Dynamics
MAT-20006 Stochastic processes
MAT-20025 Abstract algebra
MAT-20029 Analysis II
PHI-20020 Philosophy of science
PHY-20002 Stellar astrophysics
PHY-20009 Nuclear and particle physics
PHY-20026 Statistical mechanics and solid state physics
PIR-20064 International relations of the environment
PIR-20066 Freedom and equality
PIR-20081 The politics of the European Union
SOC-20041 Families and households: Diversity and change
SWK-20001 Area of practice (2) Working with children and families
SWK-20002 Area of practice (2) Working with adults
Level 3/4, Autumn Semester 2016
AMS-30035 ‘Eyes on the prize’: The struggle for civil rights in America
AMS-30037 Film noir: The dark side of America
CHE-30010 Forensic toxicology
CHE-30033 Evaluation of evidence, explosives and arson
CHE-30036 Biological chemistry
CHE-30038 Chemical kinetics, photochemistry and inorganic reaction mechanisms
CHE-30039 Advanced organic chemistry
CHE-30042 Inorganic, physical and solid state chemistry
CHE-30043 Materials chemistry and catalysis
CRI-30040 Risk and criminal justice
CRI-30043 Power, process and victimisation
CSC-30002 Advanced database systems
CSC-30016 Software engineering project management
CSC-30019 Games computing
CSY-30001 Advanced information systems
ECO-30033 Dynamic macroeconomics
ECO-30038 Corporate finance
ECO-30040 Options & futures
ECO-30047 Advanced topics in microeconomics
ESC-30006 Glaciers and glacial geomorphology
ESC-30009 Natural hazards
ESC-30018 Global environmental change
ESC-30028 Economic geology
ESC-30036 Exploration geophysics for the hydrocarbon industry
ESC-30045 Contemporary topics in environmental science
FIL-30001 British society through the eyes of British film: 1960s to the present
GEG-30015 Postcolonialism in South Asia
HIS-30104 The kingship of Edward II
HIS-30106 Suffrage stories: Lifestories
HIS-30117 After Hitler: West Germany and the transition to democracy, I
HRM-30033 Employment relationship and the law
LAW-30055 Equity 1
LAW-30068 Employment law
LAW-30069 Law of the European Union I
LAW-30085 Criminal law
LAW-30093 Commercial law
LSC-30001 Behavioural neurobiology
MAT-30006 Logic
MAT-30013 Group theory
MAT-30022 Number theory
MAT-30026 Probability models
MTE-30002 Introduction to biomedical engineering
MUS-30038 Contextual studies I
MUS-30044 Approaches to music analysis
MUT-30001 Colloquia in electroacoustic music
PHI-30021 Metaphysics
PHY-30001 Cosmology
PHY-30012 Electromagnetism
PHY-30023 Particles, accelerators and reactor physics
PIR-30008 Arms control and disarmament
PIR-30101 Russia and Europe
PIR-30117 The U.S. Presidency
PIR-30119 The extreme right in Western Europe
PIR-30126 Human rights: Concepts, norms and identities
PIR-30132 Party systems and elections
PSY-30011 Social development
PSY-30099 Key readings in cognitive psychology (MCQs not included)
PSY-30100 Domestic violence (MCQs not included)
PSY-30118 Psychosocial stressors and psychopathology (MCQs not included)
SOC-30029 Gender and consumption
LSC-30003 Applied insect ecology
LSC-30005 Neurobiology of vision and hearing
LSC-30016 Structural biology and macromolecular function
LSC-30020 Neurological basis of brain disease
LSC-30039 Regeneration and repair of the nervous system
LSC-30041 Biomedical science and pathology
LSC-30042 Current topics in neuroscience
LSC-30043 Conservation biology
MAN-30040 Identity, culture and organisation
MAN-30041 Advanced financial reporting
MAN-30045 Management accounting
MAN-30048 Business strategy
MAN-30063 Strategic marketing management
MAT-30002 Nonlinear differential equations
MAT-30003 Partial differential equations
MAT-30005 Relativity
Level 3/4, Spring Semester 2016
AMS-30041 ‘The whole U.S. is Southern!’ The modern South and America
CHE-30034 Forensic geoscience
CHE-30035 Advanced topics in forensic analysis
CHE-30037 Topics in chemistry
CHE-30044 Topics in medicinal chemistry
CHE-30045 Radicals, phases and supramolecular chemistry
CHE-30046 Synoptic topics in chemistry
CRI-30049 Drugs: High crimes or misdemeanours?
CRI-30051 Environmental crimes
CSC-30012 Communications and networks
CSC-30018 IT architectures
CSC-30020 Computational intelligence II
CSY-30002 E-Commerce
ECO-30024 Economics of the European Union
ECO-30032 Labour economics
ECO-30037 International finance
ECO-30045 Applied financial analysis
ECO-30046 Industrial organization
EDU-30072 Race, politics and education
EDU-30073 Education, work and identity
ESC-30008 Structure and geodynamics
ESC-30020 Water resources
ESC-30022 Hydrological and engineering geology
ESC-30025 Micropalaeontology: Principles and applications
ESC-30027 Coastal environments
ESC-30034 Advanced topics in sedimentology
FIL-30004 British women directors
FIL-30005 Parody in British film and television
GEG-30020 Rural geographies
HIS-30087 The world turned upside down: The English Revolution c.1646-53
HIS-30101 From sawbones to social hero? Doctors and medicine 1808-186
HIS-30105 The kingship of Edward II
HIS-30118 Urban lives in Modern Europe, 1890-1914
HIS-30120 Crisis, conflict and commerce II: From Westphalia to Paris, 1648-1763
LAW-30056 Equity 2
LAW-30062 Evidence
LAW-30070 Law of the European Union 2
LAW-30077 Business leases
LAW-30080 Company law
LAW-30086 Criminal Law
LSC-30005 Neurobiology of vision and hearing
LSC-30006 Applied fish biology
LSC-30009 Clinical pathology
LSC-30010 Biochemistry in practice: Acquisition, analysis and communications of information
LSC-30017 Trees in their environment
LSC-30018 The biochemistry and therapy of disease
LSC-30039 Regeneration and repair of the nervous system
LSC-30041 Biomedical science and pathology
MAN-30039 The audit framework
MAN-30046 Advanced management accounting
MAN-30050 Brands and branding
MAN-30055 International business strategies
MAN-30060 Marketing and globalisation
MAT-30001 Graph theory
MAT-30004 Fluid mechanics
MAT-30010 Complex variable II
MAT-30011 Waves
MAT-30014 Medical statistics
MAT-30023 Mathematical biology
MAT-30024 Ring and field theory
MAT-30027 Codes and cryptography
MAT-30028 Perturbation methods
MTE-30004 Developmental biology
PHI-30024 Rorty and the mirror of nature
PHY-30003 The physics of compact objects
PHY-30025 Life in the universe
PHY-30029 Quantum physics II
PHY-30030 Physics of fluids
PIR-30108 Proliferation
PIR-30129 Environmental politics in the USA
PIR-30140 The Left in modern politics
PIR-30141 The other Middle East: Powers, peoples and politics
Higher Degree, Spring & Autumn Semesters 2016
Autumn Semester
ACC-40003 Accounting for decision making
ACC-40005 International corporate governance and sustainability
CSC-40042 Statistical techniques for data analysis
CSC-40045 Distributed intelligent systems
ESC-40015 Natural hazards
ESC-40018 Global environmental change
ESC-40032 Clean and green technologies II: Power from beneath the earth
ESC-40034 An introduction to sustainable technologies
ESC-40038 Exploration geophysics for the hydrocarbon industry
FIN-40002 Financial markets
FIN-40010 Quantitative methods in finance
FIN-40019 Financial derivatives
FIN-40020 Fixed income securities and credit risk
LSC-40034 Clinical pathology I
MAN-40004 People and organisations
MAN-40045 Marketing management
MAN-40083 Operations management and supply
MTE-40025 Molecular techniques: Applications in tissue engineering
MTE-40026 Physiological measurements
MTE-40028 Stem cells: Types, characteristics and applications
MTE-40029 Medical equipment and technology services management
MTE-40030 Nanomagnetics in nanomedicine
PIR-40103 Diplomatic law
SWK-40022 Area of practice (2) Working with adults
SWK-40023 Area of practice (2) Working with children and families
Spring Semester
ACC-40001 International financial reporting
ESC-40019 Water resources
ESC-40020 Hydrological and engineering geology
ESC-40023 Micropalaeontology: Principles and applications
ESC-40024 Structure and geodynamics
ESC-40027 Advanced topics in sedimentology
ESC-40031 Clean and green technologies I: Power from above the earth
ESC-40040 Coastal environments
ESC-40041 Petroleum geology
FIN-40004 Corporate finance
FIN-40006 Applied finance
FIN-40017 Portfolio risk management
FIN-40018 International money and finance
LSC-40035 Clinical pathology II
LSC-40041 Case studies in blood science II
MAN-40036 Strategy and information management
MAN-40047 Branding
MAN-40056 Leadership
MTE-40028 Stem cells: Types, characteristics and applications
MTE-40033 Cell and tissue engineering
MTE-40034 Cell biomechanics
MTE-40036 Biomaterials
Past exam papers from 2015 are available online for the following -
(Select the level then scroll through or search the PDF to locate the module)
Level 2, Autumn Semester 2015
Level 2, Spring Semester 2015
Level 3/4, Autumn Semester 2015
Level 3/4, Spring Semester 2015
Higher Degree, Spring & Autumn Semesters 2015
The following exam papers, listed by module code and title, are available in the Library:
Level 2, Autumn Semester 2015
AMS-20056 Burning Crosses: Religion and American Culture
AMS-20063 History of the U.S. in the 20th Century
AMS-20064 The Romance of Fiction: History and Society in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
AMS-20074 Discovering America: From Empire to Independence
CHE-20001 Organic Synthesis and Chirality
CHE-20011 Spectroscopy and Advanced Analysis
CHE-20021 Forensic Genetics
CHE-20030 Spectrroscopy and Analytical Chemistry
CRI-20016 Crime and Justice in a Global Context
CRI-20018 Crime, Culture and Conflict, 1700-1914
CRI-20022 Mental Health and Offending
CSC-20020 Computer Science, Creative Computing, Information Systems, and Smart Systems
CSC-20021 Web Technologies
CSC-20023 Computer Science and Smart Systems
ECO-20038 Price Theory
ECO-20041 Asset Pricing
ECO-20042 Introduction to Econometrics
ESC-20002 Reconstructing Past Environments
EDU-20024 Education Matters: Contemporary Issues and Debates in Education: Seen Paper
ENG-20040 The Age of Shakespeare and Donne. This is a Seen Paper
ESC-20001 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
ESC-20017 Human Impact on the Environment: Scientific Perspectives
ESC-20036 Palaeoclimatology and Quaternary Studies
ESC-20039 Advanced Structural Geology and Geological Mapping Training
ESC-20054 Forensic and Historical Geoscience
FIL-20001 Gender and Cinematic Gaze
FIL-20005 Science Fiction Cinema
HIS-20069 State and Empire in Britain, c1530-c1720
HIS-20071 Saints and Society in Medieval Europe
HIS-20075 Right-Wing Movements in Interwar Europe 1918-1938
HIS-20078 Power in the Modern World
HIS-20081 Victorian Society
HRM-20013 Industrial Relations
HRM-20016 Workforce Planning
LAW-20028 Criminal Law 1
LAW-20039 Torts 1 – Foundations
LSC-20001 Animal Physiology
LSC-20010 Medical Laboratory Science 1
LSC-20023 Development and Evolution of Nervous Systems
LSC-20027 From Neurone to Brain
LSC-20050 Human Genetics
MAN-20049 Cost and Management Accounting
MAN-20050 Social Theory at Work
MAN-20054 Taxation
MAN-20055 Organisational Behaviour
MAN-20060 Services Marketing
MAN-20061 Understanding the Consumer
MAT-20008 Differential Equations
MAT-20015 Numerical Methods
MAT-20023 Probability
MAT-20024 Operational Research
MAT-20025 Abstract Algebra
MAT-20026 Linear Algebra
PHI-20018 Philosophy of Mind
PHY-20006 Quantum Mechanics
PHY-20027 Optics and Thermodynamics
PIR-20070 UN in World Politics
PIR-20075 Balkan Politics and Society
PIR-20078 Russian Politics and Society
SOC-20049 Contemporary Social Theory
Level 2, Spring Semester 2015
CHE-20006 Biophysical Chemistry
CHE-20010 Criminalistic Methods
CHE-20012 Forensic Science
CHE-20027 Medicinal and Biological Chemistry 1
CHE-20028 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
CHE-20029 Radicals, Phases and Supramolecular Chemistry
CHE-20031 Structural Inorganic Chemistry
CSC-20002 Database Systems
CSC-20004 Advanced Programming Practices
ECO-20037 Open Economy Macroeconomics
ECO-20040 Contemporary Issues in Economics
ECO-20044 Portfolio Choice
ECO-20045 Banking
ENG-20034 Victorian Performances
ENG-20038 Post-War British Fiction and Poetry seen Exam Paper
ESC-20002 Reconstructing Past Environments
ESC-20030 Regional Landsystems
ESC-20037 Geoscience and Society
ESC-20064 Geochemistry
FIL-20002 Film Genre, Narrative and the Star
FIL-20004 Politics and Cinema
GEG-20015 Space and Society
HIS-20062 English Radicals and Writers
HIS-20066 Imperialism and Empire
HIS-20074 The Holocaust
HIS-20085 Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine
HRM-20015 Managing Human Resources
LAW-20029 Criminal Law 2
LAW-20032 Contract 2 – When Things go Wrong
LAW-20034 Introduction to Public International Law
LAW-20037 Land Law 2
LAW-20040 Torts 2 - Development
LSC-20011 Medical Laboratory Science II
LSC-20061 Neuropharmacology
MAN-20051 Intermediate Financial Accounting
MAN-20053 Operations & Quality Management
MAN-20062 Marketing in Society
MAN-20082 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
MAN-20085 Digital Marketing Communications
MAT-20004 Complex Variable I and Vector Calculus
MAT-20005 Dynamics
MAT-20006 Stochastic Processes
MAT-20022 Metric Spaces
MAT-20027 Linear Statistical Models
PHY-20002 Stellar Astrophysics
PHY-20009 Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHY-20026 Statistical Mechanics and Solid State Physics
SOC-20033 Witchcraft, Zombies & Social Anxiety
SOC-20036 Cultures of Consumption
SOC-20041 Families and Households: Diversity and Change
SWK-20001 Area of Practice (2) Working with Children and Families
SWK-20002 Area of Practice (2) Working with Adults
Level 3/4, Autumn Semester 2015
AMS-30029 Social thought and Social Movements in the United States: Readings in American Intellectual and social History Since 1877
AMS-30035 Eyes on the Prize: The Struggle for Civil rights
AMS-30037 Film Noir: The Dark Side of America
CHE-30005 Solids, Surfaces and Catalysis
CHE-30006 Synthesis, Kinetics and Mechanism
CHE-30010 Forensic Science
CHE-30033 Evaluation of Evidence, Explosives and Arson
CHE-30036 Biological Chemistry
CHE-30038 Chemical Kinetics, Photochemistry and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms
CHE-30039 Advanced Organic chemistry
CHE-30042 Inorganic, Physical and Solid State Chemistry
CHE-30043 Materials Chemistry and Catalysis
CRI-30042 Gender, History and Punishment 1486-1955
CRI-30049 Drugs: High Crimes or Misdemeanours?
CRI-30051 Environmental Crimes
CSC-30002 Advanced Databases and Applications
CSC-30016 Software Engineering Project Management
CSC-30019 Games Computing
CSY-30001 Advanced Information Systems
ECO-30031 Insurance Statistics
ECO-30033 Dynamic Macroeconomics
ECO-30036 Market Imperfections and Market Failures
ECO-30038 Corporate Finance
ECO-30040 Options & Futures
ECO-30041 Contingencies
ENG-30067 The Writer as Psychologist: The Great Russian Realists
ESC-30006 Glaciers and Glacial Geomorphology
ESC-30009 Natural Hazards
ESC-30027 Coastal Environments
ESC-30028 Economic Geology
ESC-30036 Exploration Geophysics for the Hydrocarbon Industry
FIL-30001 British Society Through the Eyes of British Film: 1960s to the Present
GEG-30015 Postcolonialism in South Asia
HIS-30106 Suffrage Stories: Lifestories
HIS-30117 After Hitler: West Germany and the Transition to Democracy, I
HIS-30118 Urban Lives in Modern Europe, 1890-1914
HRM-30033 Employment Relationship and the Law
LAW-30004 Law of the European Union I
LAW-30005 CPE Obligations
LAW-30006 CPE Property Law
LAW-30055 Equity 1
LAW-30068 Employment Law
LAW-30069 Law of the European Union I
LAW-30085 Criminal Law I
LAW-30093 Commercial Law
LSC-30001 Behavioural Neurobiology
LSC-30003 Applied Insect Ecology
LSC-30016 Structural Biology and Macromolecular Function
LSC-30020 Neurobiological Basis of Brain Disease
LSC-30041 Biomedical Science and Pathology
LSC-30043 Conservation Biology
MAN-30040 Identity, Culture and Organisation
MAN-30041 Advanced Financial Reporting Examination 2015
MAN-30045 Management Accounting
MAN-30048 Business Strategy
MAN-30063 Strategic Marketing Management
MAT-30002 Nonlinear Differential Equations
MAT-30003 Partial Differential Equations
MAT-30005 Relativity
MAT-30006 Logic
MAT-30013 Group Theory
MAT-30022 Number Theory
MAT-30026 Probability Models
MTE-30003 Engineering for Medical Applications
MUS-30036 Paris 1870-1939
MUS-30038 Contextual Studies I
MUS-30044 Approaches to Music Analysis
PHI-30021 Metaphysics
PHY-30012 Electromagnetism
PHY-30023 Particles, Accelerators and Reactor Physics
PHY-30028 Physics of Galaxies
PIR-30101 Russia and Europe
PIR-30119 The Extreme Right in Western Europe
PIR-30124 Urban Politics
PIR-30126 Human Rights: Concepts, Norms and Identities
PIR-30135 Regime change in the Balkans
PSY-30011 Social Development
PSY-30018 Disclosure Processes in Children and Adolescents
PSY-30036 The Psychology of Memory
PSY-30041 Peer Relationships in Childhood & Adolescence
PSY-30045 Social Development for MSc
PSY-30048 The Psychology of Memory for MSc
PSY-30053 Peer Relationships in Childhood & Adolescence for MSc
PSY-30077 Health Psychology
PSY-30078 Health Psychology for MSc
PSY-30101 Using psychology in the Workplace
PSY-30107 Clinical Psychology for MSc
PSY-30108 Clinical Psychology
PSY-30117 Developmental and Social Psychology for third year study abroad students
SOC-30030 Sociology of Parenting and Early Childhood
Level 3/4, Spring Semester 2015
AMS-30032 Under God: Religion and Society in the US Since World War II
AMS-30035 Eyes on the Prize: The Struggle for Civil Rights in America
CHE-30008 Research Topics in Chemistry
CHE-30034 Forensic Geoscience
CHE-30035 Advanced Topics in Forensic Analysis
CHE-30037 Topics in Chemistry
CHE-30044 Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
CRI-30040 Risk and Criminal Justice
CRI-30043 Power, Process and Victimisation
CSC-30012 Communications and Networks
CSC-30018 IT Architectures
CSC-30020 Computational Intelligence II
CSY-30002 Electronic Commerce
ECO-30024 Economics of the European Union
ECO-30027 Insurance Theory
ECO-30032 Labour Economics
ECO-30037 International Finance
ECO-30045 Applied Financial Analysis
ECO-30046 Industrial Organization
EDU-30072 Race, Politics and Education
EDU-30073 Education, Work and Identity
ESC-30008 Structure and Geodynamics
ESC-30018 Global Environmental Change
ESC-30020 Water Resources
ESC-30022 Hydrological and Engineering Geology
ESC-30025 Micropalaeontology: Principles and Applications
ESC-30034 Advanced Topics in Sedimentology
FIL-30004 British Women Directors
GEG-30020 Rural Geographies
HIS-30087 The World Turned Upside Down: The English Revolution c.1646-53
HIS-30101 From Sawbones to Social Hero? Doctors and Medicine 1808-1886
HIS-30107 Suffrage Stories: Representations
HIS-30116 After Hitler: West Germany and the Transition to Democracy II
HIS-30119 Urban Lives in Modern Europe, 1914-1939
LAW-30002 Criminal Law 2
LAW-30003 Public Law 1 & 2
LAW-30005 Obligations
LAW-30006 CPE Property Law (Land 1 and Land 2)
LAW-30048 Contract Law – When Things Go Wrong
LAW-30056 Equity 2
LAW-30062 Evidence
LAW-30065 Land Law 2
LAW-30070 Law of the European Union 2
LAW-30077 Business Leases: Termination and Renewal
LAW-30080 Company Law
LAW-30086 Criminal Law 2
LSC-30005 Neurobiology of Vision and Hearing
LSC-30006 Applied Fish Biology
LSC-30017 Trees in their Environment
LSC-30018 The Biochemistry and Therapy of Disease
LSC-30039 Regeneration and Repair in the Nervous System
LSC-30041 Biomedical Science and Pathology
LSC-30042 Current Topics in Neuroscience
MAN-30039 The Audit Framework
MAN-30046 Advanced Management Accounting
MAN-30048 Business Strategy
MAN-30050 Brands and Branding
MAN-30055 International Business Strategies
MAN-30060 Marketing and Globalisation
MAT-30001 Graph Theory
MAT-30004 Fluid Mechanics
MAT-30010 Complex Variable II
MAT-30011 Waves
MAT-30014 Medical Statistics
MAT-30023 Mathematical Biology
MAT-30024 Ring and Field Theory
MAT-30027 Codes and Cryptography
MAT-30028 Perturbation Methods
MUS-30038 Contextual Studies I
MUT-30001 Cosmology
PHY-30003 The Physics of Compact Objects
PHY-30025 Life in the Universe
PHY-30029 Quantum Physics II
PSY-30067 Individual Differences and Conceptual Issues
SOC-30029 Gender and Consumption
Higher Degree, Spring & Autumn Semesters 2015
Autumn Semester
ACC-40003 Accounting for Decision Making
ACC-40005 International Corporate Governance and Sustainability
CSC-40020 Enterprise Information Systems
CSC-40025 Systems Analysis
ESC-40015 Natural Hazards
ESC-40017 Glaciers and Glacial Geomorphology
ESC-40026 Economic Geology
ESC-40032 Clean & Green Technologies II: Power from Beneath the Earth
ESC-40034 An Introduction to Sustainable Technologies
ESC-40038 Exploration Geophysics for the Hydrocarbon Industry
ESC-40040 Coastal Environments
FIN-40002 Financial Markets
FIN-40010 Quantitative Methods in Finance
FIN-40019 Financial Derivatives
FIN-40020 Fixed Income Securities and Credit Risk
LAW-40040 Foundations of International Law
LSC-40024 Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture
MAN-40004 People and Organisations
MAN-40037 Marketing and Operations Management
MAN-40045 Marketing Management
MTE-40023 Biomechanics
MTE-40025 Molecular Techniques: Applications in Tissue Engineering
MTE-40026 Physiological Measurements Re-Examination
MTE-40028 Stem Cells: Types, Characteristics and Applications
MTE-40029 Medical Equipment and Technology Services Management
MTE-40030 Nanomagnetics in Nanomedicine
PIR-40103 Diplomatic Law
SWK-40022 Area of practice (2) Working with Adults
SWK-40023 Area of Practice (2) Working with Children and Families
Spring Semester
ACC-40001 International Financial Reporting
ACC-40002 Multinational Accounting and Control
CSC-40027 Metrics, Estimation, Analysis & Teams
ESC-40018 Global Environmental Change
ESC-40020 Hydrological and Engineering Geology
ESC-40023 Micropalaeontology: Principles and Applications
ESC-40024 Structure and Geodynamics
ESC-40028 Geoscience Resources & Hazards
ESC-40031 Clean & Green Technologies I: Power from Above the Earth
ESC-40041 Petroleum Geology
FIN-40004 Corporate Finance
FIN-40006 Applied Finance
FIN-40016 Risk and Insurance
FIN-40017 Portfolio Risk Management
FIN-40018 International Money and Finance
LSC-40026 Trees, Forests & Global Change
MAN-40036 Strategy and Information Management
MAN-40047 Branding
MAN-40056 Leadership
MAN-40063 Strategic Human Resource Management
MTE-40031 Biomedical Signal Processing
MTE-40032 Biosensors
MTE-40033 Cell and Tissue Engineering
MTE-40034 Cell Biomechanics
MTE-40036 Biomaterials
MTE-40037 Introduction to Medical Imaging