
As an Education and Scholarship (teaching-focused) Lecturer in Environment & Sustainability, I want to bring environmental education and advocacy to life by engaging students with real life projects and the people working on them.

I am an experienced practitioner outside of academia aspiring to integrate understanding with action in scholarship transcending the boundaries between science and society. My scholarship has become focused on Blue Economy approaches to integrating sustainable development, climate action and conservation linked to coasts and the ocean.

With family roots in the western Indian Ocean, I was inspired by conservation in Mauritius and Seychelles from an early age. I did my BSc Natural Sciences at Durham University, MSc Conservation at University College London, and PhD at the University of Manchester. I’ve had the pleasure of an interdisciplinary post-doc in Earth Sciences at Oxford University, managing a conservation NGO in Seychelles, working for an environmental consultancy across the UK, and being part of the development team at the Lancashire Wildlife Trust before joining Keele University in 2017.


Year 1 (Level 4)

ESC-10061 Studying the Environment (module leader)

ESC-10066 Climate Change: The Scientific and Societal Context

ESC-10097 Sustainability Policy and Practice (module leader)

GEG-10015 Nature, Conservation and Society

LIB-10003 Liberal Arts and Society's Grand Challenges

NAT-10001 Science and Society

Year 2 (Level 5)

ESC-20017 Human Impact on the Environment, scientific perspectives (module leader)

ESC-20108 Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Geographical and Environmental Skills

LIB-20006/NAT-20007 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Wicked Problems (module leader)

Year 3 (Level 6)

ESC-30108 Blue Economy: sustainable futures with an ocean focus (module leader)

NAT-30004 Natural Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Project (module leader)


Moolna (in press) How ocean-focused frameworks could enable a sustainable future Earth: why reconciling conflicts and contradictions of the Blue Economy matters. In. Filho et al. (eds.) Handbook of Sustainable Blue Economy. Springer Nature

Mukwevho, Moolna et al. (in press) Identifying critical assumptions and risks in air quality management planning using Theory of Change approach. Clean Air Journal

Moolna (2023) How Mauritius could exploit petroleum reserves for a zero-carbon sustainable future. Curtin University: Charles Telfair Centre working paper,

Rogers... Moolna [+8] (2023) Experiential and authentic learning in a Living Lab: the role of a campus-based Living Lab as a teaching and learning environment. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education 28,

Moolna (2021) A Blue Economy Sustainable Future for Mauritius? Curtin University: Charles Telfair Centre working paper,

Downey... Moolna, [+114], Sutherland (2021) Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12032,

Moolna et al. (2020) Citizen science and aquatic macroinvertebrates: public engagement for catchment-scale pollution vigilance. Écoscience 27:4, 303-317,

Moolna et al. (2019) How can we meet the energy challenges of small and remote coastal communities affected by changing climate in Bangladesh and globally? Keele University Institute for Sustainable Futures discussion paper 2,

Moolna (2019) Riverfly citizen science in Greater Manchester: how networks of green spaces and communities can come together to protect local rivers. Conservation Land Management 17(4):25-29

Moolna (2019) Reflections on student diversity: the overlooked case of “the Chinese learner”. Journal of Academic Development & Education 11,

Moolna & Thompson (2018) The Blue Economy approach for sustainability in Seychelles and East Africa. Keele University: Institute for Sustainable Futures discussion paper 1,

Moolna et al. (2018) Engaging people with carbon and climate change using landscape scale conservation and biodiversity monitoring. In: Leal Filho et al. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 1. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham,

Moolna (2012) Making sense of CO2: putting carbon in context. Global Environmental Politics 12(1):1-7,

Moolna & Rickaby (2011) Interaction of the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica with its carbon environment: response to a recreated high CO2 geological past. Geobiology 10:72-81,

Moolna & Bowsher (2010) The physiological importance of photosynthetic ferredoxin NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) isoforms in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 61:2669-81,

Gummadova... Moolna [+4] (2007) Expression of multiple forms of ferredoxin NADP+ oxidoreductase in wheat leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 58(4):3971–3985,

Moolna (2007) Preliminary observations indicate that giant tortoise ingestion improves seed germination for an endemic ebony species in Mauritius. African Journal of Ecology 46:217-21,

School of Life Sciences,
Huxley Building,
Keele University,
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734414