
I graduated from Keele University in 2023 with a First-Class Honours in Geology with Physical Geography. As part of my third-year dissertation, I mapped the Carboniferous geology of the north Pennines, producing a First-Class mapping project that was awarded the Exley Prize by the University and the John Myers Award by the North Staffordshire Group of the Geologists' Association (NSGGA). This brief taste of Carboniferous Yoredalian geology inspired me to do an MPhil in Earth Science research, under the supervision of Dr Stuart M. Clarke, studying the sedimentology and sequence stratigraphical importance of the Carboniferous Firestone Sandstone of the north Pennines.

Research and scholarship

Title: A sequence stratigraphical model for the Carboniferous: an example from the Firestone Sandstone of the north Pennines.

Collaborations and grants awards

Exley Prize 2023
John Myers Award 2023
Ian Harmer Prize 2022
Best Performance in Physical Geography 2022

School of Life Sciences,
Huxley Building,
Keele University,
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734414