

Zoe Robinson is a Professor of Sustainability in Higher Education and Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures at Keele University. She also held the role of University Director of Education for Sustainability for 10 years (from 2012) with responsibility for embedding sustainability across the curriculum and student experience. Zoe is a Sustainability Scientist with 18 years of experience around sustainability transformations, working across the natural and social sciences boundaries, and with a background of working in sustainability and climate change education, community engagement and supporting Local Authorities and other organisations around climate change and energy transitions.

Research and leadership

Professor Robinson is currently leading research on user and community-centric design approaches to smart local energy system design and place-based decarbonisation and consumer perceptions of low carbon energy technologies including perceptions of blended hydrogen in domestic settings. She positions herself as a practitioner-researcher aligning research with generating real progress on sustainability challenges. Zoe currently Co-Chairs the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Climate Commission, bringing together leaders in organisations from different sectors across the region to collaborate on accelerating and aligning action on climate and nature recovery. Zoe’s research leadership position as Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures, focuses on bringing together transdisciplinary teams to drive real change on real sustainability challenges.

Education and leadership

 Zoe has a strong educational background, having been shortlisted as THE Innovative Teacher of the Year in 2019, awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2012 for expertise in education for sustainability and employability, and Principal Fellow of the HEA in 2015 for her institutional sustainability leadership. Zoe co-ran an Environmental Education group for nine years and has significant experience of schools outreach and public engagement work around climate change and sustainability. Zoe has also been involved in delivering training in ‘greening business’ for un- and under-employed graduates taking on short-term sustainability-focussed placements with local employers; developing a programme on climate change for business leaders; as well as developing educational resources for Veolia and Valpak. Zoe has received funding from the WMCA to deliver skills bootcamps in Net Zero and Smart Energy and Place-based Decarbonisation. These bootcamps have been awarded Ofsted Outstanding in 2023.  

Zoe has led new programme design for undergraduate programmes in Environmental Science and Sustainability, including a transnational educational programme in China. Zoe has worked in an advisory capacity on education for sustainability for a number of national organisations and is Co-Chair of the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges.

Zoe has been at Keele a long time! With a BSc in Geography and Geology, and PhD in the Geochemistry and Behaviour in Glacial Groundwater Systems, before some time in environmental consultancy, and a return to Keele and academia. Her work has been funded by NERC, ESRC, EPSRC, Defra, InnovateUK, RCUK, Institute of Physics, NEA, HEFCE, HEA and the Learning Skills Network.

School of Life Sciences,
Huxley Building,
Keele University,
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734414