

I was appointed to a lecturer in biosciences in Keele at the end of 2010. Before arriving in Keele I obtained a first class BA(Hons) in Natural Sciences (specialising in Physiology in the final year) from Queens’ College, University of Cambridge. I was then awarded a British Heart Foundation PhD studentship to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the activation of store-operated calcium entry in human platelets in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge.  I completed my PhD in 2007 and was elected to a Junior Research Fellowship at St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge in October of the same year. During my time at St Catharine’s, I was actively involved in both university and college teaching in physiology for medical, veterinary and natural science students, and In 2009, I was appointed as the Director of Studies for first year Preclinical medicine at St Catharine’s College.

School of Medicine
David Weatherall building
University Road
Keele University

Tel: +44 (0) 1782 733937
Email: fmhs.facilities@keele.ac.uk
Admissions enquiries: enquiries@keele.ac.uk

The Clinical Education Centre
Keele University
Clinical Education Centre
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Newcastle Road
Email us: services.cecreception@keele.ac.uk
CEC general enquires: 01782 731876