Dr Mark Lambie
- Title
- Senior Lecturer in Renal Medicine, Honorary Consultant Nephrologist UHNM
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- +44 (0) 1782 676346 (Secretary)
- m.lambie@keele.ac.uk
- lambiem@doctors.org.uk
In 2011 Mark was appointed to a post as Consultant Nephrologist at the University Hospitals of North Midlands and has since completed a PhD at Keele University, supervised by Prof Simon Davies. This has been an investigation of the link between peritoneal membrane function and the activation of cytokine networks both systemically and locally within the peritoneal cavity especially in the context of the progressive membrane injury associated acquired ultrafiltration failure that precedes EPS.
Previous Posts
2002 – 2011 West Midland Deanery Renal Medicine Training Program
2006 Renal Advanced Trainee, Christchurch Public Hospital, New Zealand
2008 – 2010 Clinical Research Fellow, Keele University and University Hospital of North Staffordshire
Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
Mark's current research is an investigation of the link between peritoneal membrane function and the activation of cytokine networks both systemically and locally within the peritoneal cavity especially in the context of the progressive membrane injury associated acquired ultrafiltration failure that precedes EPS.
Mark has already published the longitudinal membrane changes that precede the development of EPS, emphasising the reduction is osmotic conductance that appears to be the key discriminator, suing single centre data from the Stoke PD study. He has been working with the GLOBAL Fluid Study data set to determine the relationship between dialysate IL-6, membrane function and local pathway cytokine activation. This analysis (currently awaiting approval of the GLOBAL investigators for submission), clarifies that the strongest known determinant, after centre effect, of transport status is the local IL-6 production (as opposed to systemic levels) and that this is associated with the activation of intraperitoneal inflammatory cytokines. This clarifies that the peritoneal cavity can be regarded as a potentially inflammatory environment distinct from the systemic inflammation often seen in CKD5 patients and more closely associated with their comorbidity status. His research has enabled him to gain the skills required to work with large cohort studies such as the Stoke PD Study and the GLOBAL fluid study. These include data quality management, in particular using PDDB, the bespoke clinical research tool developed by Keele and Cardiff to manage a number of PD studies and data analysis methodology – for example the use of multilevel modelling to undertake multivariate regression using ML-Win and SPSS. In parallel with the PhD Mark is also undertaking a Diploma in Medical Statistics.
Mark has also been a member of the research team undertaking biomarker discovery work with colleagues in Manchester, Sheffield and Cardiff, including the metabolomics and proteomics studies, with the responsibility for identifying from the databases patients with the correct phenotypes for inclusion in the nested case control studies. They have also applied their cytokine studies to these longitudinal cases finding, as reported by the Amsterdam group that there is a tendency for patients who subsequently get EPS to have relatively high IL-6 dialysate levels, in keeping with their tendency to develop increasingly high solute transport with time on treatment, but that this is not a strong discriminator between those developing EPS/reduced osmotic conductance and those with stable ultrafiltration.
- West Midlands STC registrar representative 2007-11,
- regular medical student and junior doctor teaching
- initiated a national quality improvement in nephrology training programme.
Journal Articles
- Elphick, Emma H; Manera, Karine E; Viecelli, Andrea K; Craig, Jonathan C; Cho, Yeoungjee; Ju, Angela; Shen, Jenny I; Wilkie, Martin; Anumudu, Samaya; Boudville, Neil; Chow, Josephine SF; Davies, Simon J; Gooden, Patricia; Harris, Tess; Jain, Arsh K; Liew, Adrian; Matus-Gonzalez, Andrea; Amir, Noa; Nadeau-Fredette, Annie-Claire; Nguyen, Thu; Wang, Angela Yee-Moon; Ponce, Daniela; Quinn, Rob; Jaure, Alison; Johnson, David W; Lambie, Mark. . 'Establishing a peritoneal dialysis technique survival core outcome measure: A standardised outcomes in nephrology-peritoneal dialysis consensus workshop report'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Tennankore, Karthik K; McCullough, Keith P; Bieber, Brian; Cho, Yeoungjee; Johnson, David W; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Kawanishi, Hideki; Kim, Yong-Lim; Lambie, Mark; Rigatto, Claudio; Shen, Jenny; Schreiber, Martin; Perl, Jeffrey; Pisoni, Ronald L. . 'Prevalence and Outcomes of Chronic Kidney Disease Associated Pruritus: International Results from PDOPPS.'. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN. DOI > view in repository >
- Bonomini, Mario; Davies, Simon; Kleophas, Werner; Lambie, Mark; Reboldi, Gianpaolo; Liberato, Lorenzo Di; Divino-Filho, Josè Carolino; Heimburger, Olof; Ortiz, Alberto; Povlsen, Johan; Iacobelli, Massimo; Prosdocimi, Tommaso; Arduini, Arduino. 28-08-2024. 'Rationale and design of ELIXIR, a randomized, controlled trial to evaluate efficacy and safety of XyloCore, a glucose-sparing solution for peritoneal dialysis.'. Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Damery, Sarah; Lambie, Mark; Williams, Iestyn; Coyle, David; Fotheringham, James; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Allen, Kerry; Potts, Jessica; Dikomitis, Lisa; Davies, Simon J. 01-07-2024. 'Centre variation in home dialysis uptake: A survey of kidney centre practice in relation to home dialysis organisation and delivery in England'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Wilkie, Martin. 01-04-2024. 'Realtime Remote Detection of Evolving Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis.'. Kidney international reports. DOI > view in repository >
- Nitta, Kosaku; Bieber, Brian; Karaboyas, Angelo; Johnson, David W; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Kim, Yong-Lim; Lambie, Mark; Hartman, John; Shen, Jenny I; Naljayan, Mihran; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto; Robinson, Bruce M; Pisoni, Ronald L; Perl, Jeffrey; Kawanishi, Hideki. 19-03-2024. 'International variations in serum PTH and calcium levels and their mortality associations in peritoneal dialysis patients: Results from PDOPPS'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Jeyaraman, Deepthika; Walters, Ben; Bramham, Kate; Fish, Richard; Lambie, Mark; Wu, Pensée. 15-03-2024. 'Adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. DOI > view in repository >
- Goldman, Shira; Zhao, Junhui; Bieber, Brian; Pisoni, Ronald L.; Horowitz, Laura; Nessim, Sharon J.; Piraino, Beth; Lambie, Mark; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Ito, Yasuhiko; Boudville, Neil; Teitelbaum, Isaac; Schreiber, Martin; Perl, Jeffrey. 28-11-2023. 'Gastric Acid Suppression Therapy and its Association with Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Peritonitis in the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS)'. Kidney360. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon. 13-09-2023. 'An update on absolute and relative indications for dialysis treatment modalities'. Clinical Kidney Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Wijewickrama, Piyumi; Williams, Jennifer; Bain, Steve; Dasgupta, Indranil; Chowdhury, Tahseen A.; Wahba, Mona; Frankel, Andrew H.; Lambie, Mark; Karalliedde, Janaka. 01-04-2023. 'Narrative Review of Glycemic Management in People With Diabetes on Peritoneal Dialysis'. KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL REPORTS. DOI > view in repository >
- Frankel, Andrew H.; Wahba, Mona; Ashworth, Vicky; Bedi, Rachna; Berrington, Rachel; Buckley, Maria; Chandrasekharan, Lakshmi; Doyle, Fiona; Duval, Deborah; Game, Frances; Hamilton, Susie; Hussain, Sufyan; James, June; Jebb, Hannah; Karalliedde, Janaka; Kong, Marie‐France; Kuverji, Apexa; Lambie, Mark; Main, Claire; Price, Sara; Wijewickrama, Piyumi; Williams, Jennifer; Dhatariya, Ketan; Chowdhury, Tahseen A.. 01-04-2023. 'Management of adults with diabetes on dialysis: Summary of recommendations of the Joint British Diabetes Societies guidelines 2022'. Diabetic Medicine. DOI > view in repository >
- Devuyst, O; Jakulj, L; Vervloet, M; Ruiz-Ortega, M; Rossignol, P; Rutherford, P; Herzog, R; Meran, S; Eringa, E; Morelle, J; Valdivielso, JM; Kratochwill, K; Damgov, I; Bartosova, M; Marinovic, I; Istanbuly, O; Fraser, D; Lambie, M; Davies, S; Kieser, M; Schmitt, CP; Vychytil, A; Raby, A-C; Colmont, C; Aufricht, C; Johnson, DW. 01-04-2023. 'IMPROVE-PD Finder: A Web-Based Platform to Search and Share Peritoneal Dialysis Biobank, Registry, and Clinical Trial Metadata'. Kidney International Reports. DOI > view in repository >
- Tshimologo, Maatla; Allen, Kerry; Coyle, David; Damery, Sarah; Dikomitis, Lisa; Fotheringham, James; Hill, Harry; Lambie, Mark; Phillips-Darby, Louise; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Williams, Iestyn; Davies, Simon. 01-06-2022. 'Intervening to eliminate the centre-effect variation in home dialysis use: protocol for Inter-CEPt—a sequential mixed-methods study designing an intervention bundle'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Zhao, Junhui; McCullough, Keith; Davies, Simon J.; Kawanishi, Hideki; Johnson, David W.; Sloand, James A.; Sanabria, Mauricio; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Kim, Yong-Lim; Shen, Jenny I.; Pisoni, Ronald L.; Robinson, Bruce M.; Perl, Jeffrey. 31-05-2022. 'Variation in Peritoneal Dialysis Time on Therapy by Country: Results from the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study.'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Selvaskandan, Haresh; Hull, Katherine L.; Adenwalla, Sherna; Ahmed, Safa; Cusu, Maria-Cristina; Graham-Brown, Matthew; Gray, Laura; Hall, Matt; Hamer, Rizwan; Kanbar, Ammar; Kanji, Hemali; Lambie, Mark; Lee, Han Sean; Mahdi, Khalid; Major, Rupert; Medcalf, James F.; Natarajan, Sushiladevi; Oseya, Boavojuvie; Stringer, Stephanie; Tabinor, Matthew; Burton, James. 30-05-2022. 'Risk factors associated with COVID-19 severity among patients on maintenance haemodialysis: a retrospective multicentre cross-sectional study in the UK'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie. 02-02-2022. 'Widening access to the specialised foundation programme'. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. view in repository >
- Rigo, Mariane; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto; Lambie, Mark; Francisco Tuon, Felipe; Barretti, Pasqual; Proença de Moraes, Thyago; Investigators, BRAZPD. 01-05-2021. 'Clinical utility of a traditional score system for the evaluation of the peritoneal dialysis exit-site infection in a national multicentric cohort study'. PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL. DOI > view in repository >
- Boyer, Annabel; Lanot, Antoine; Lambie, Mark; Verger, Christian; Guillouet, Sonia; Lobbedez, Thierry; Béchade, Clémence. 01-01-2021. 'Trends in Peritoneal Dialysis Technique Survival, Death, and Transfer to Hemodialysis: A Decade of Data from the RDPLF'. American Journal of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Manera, Karine E.; Johnson, David W.; Craig, Jonathan C.; Shen, Jenny I.; Gutman, Talia; Cho, Yeoungjee; Wang, Angela Yee-Moon; Brown, Edwina A.; Brunier, Gillian; Dong, Jie; Dunning, Tony; Mehrotra, Rajnish; Naicker, Saraladevi; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto; Perl, Jeffrey; Wilkie, Martin; Tong, Allison; Levin, Adeera; Liew, Adrian; Cueto Manzano, Alfonso; Abu Alfa, Ali; Neu, Alicia; Tong, Allison; Baumgart, Amanda; Bernier-Jean, Amelie; Kelly, Amy; Figueiredo, Ana; Matus, Andrea; Viecelli, Andrea; Ju, Angela; Wang, Angela Yee-Moon; Saxena, Anjali; Sharma, Ankit; Nadeau-Fredette, Annie-Claire; Teixeira-Pinto, Armando; Mendelson, Asher; Kelly, Ayano; Goh, Bak Leong; Sautenet, Benedicte; Manns, Braden; Hemmelgarn, Brenda; Robinson, Bruce; Hanson, Camilla; Cheung, Catherine; Guha, Chandana; Logeman, Charlotte; Szeto, Cheuk-Chun; Rutherford, Claudia; Schwartz, Daniel; Sumpton, Daniel; Johnson, David; Wheeler, David; Brown, Edwina; O’Lone, Emma; Au, Eric; Goffin, Eric; Finkelstein, Fred; Abraham, Georgi; Brunier, Gillian; Germino, Greg; Hurst, Helen; Kawanishi, Hideki; Htay, Htay; Yap, Hui Kim; Teitelbaum, Isaac; Perl, Jeffrey; Chen, Jenny; Shen, Jenny; Dong, Jie; Neumann, Joanna; Bargman, Joanne; Morelle, Johann; Craig, Jonathan; Kilonzo, Kajiru Gad; Yeates, Karen; Manera, Karine; Azukaitis, Karolis; Van, Kim Linh; Dunn, Louese; Krishnan, Mahesh; Lambie, Mark; Howell, Martin; Schreiber, Martin; Wilkie, Martin; Oliver, Matthew; Sanabria, Mauricio Rafael; Nataatmadja, Melissa; Lichodziejewska-Niemierko, Monika; Verdin, Nancy; Mann, Neelam; Boudville, Neil; Evangelidis, Nicole; Scholes-Robertson, Nicole; Blake, Peter; Nourse, Peter; Tugwell, Peter; Li, Philip Kam-Tao; Mehrotra, Rajnish; McGee, Richard; Quinn, Robert; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto; Crowe, Sally; Anumudu, Samaya; Bernays, Sarah; Naicker, Sarala; Wilson, Scott; Nessim, Sharon; Teo, Sharon; Carter, Simon A.; Davies, Simon; Sweety, Soheli Ahmed; Gutman, Talia; Toffelmire, Ted; Jassal, Vanita; Jha, Vivekanand; da Silva, Viviane Calice; Van Biesen, Wim; Winkelmayer, Wolfgang; Ito, Yasuhiko; Cho, Yeoungjee; Kim, Yong-Lim; Butt, Zeeshan. 01-03-2020. 'Establishing a Core Outcome Set for Peritoneal Dialysis: Report of the SONG-PD (Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology–Peritoneal Dialysis) Consensus Workshop'. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. DOI > view in repository >
- Elphick, Emma H.; Teece, Lucy; Chess, James A.; Do, Jun-Young; Kim, Yong-Lim; Lee, H. Bahl; Davison, Sara N.; Topley, Nicholas; Davies, Simon J.; Lambie, Mark. 01-10-2018. 'Biocompatible Solutions and Long-Term Changes in Peritoneal Solute Transport'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Briggs, Victoria; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Wailloo, Allan; McCulloch, Keith; Lambie, Mark; Caskey, Fergus; Fotheringham, James; Davies, Simon; Wilkie, Martin. 01-07-2018. 'United Kingdom Catheter Study – Protocol Synopsis'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Brenna, Irene; Elphick, Emma; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon. 01-05-2018. 'FP467 CHANGES IN DIALYSIS PRESCRIPTION AFFECT THE TIME COURSE OF SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN PERITONEAL DIALYSIS'. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. DOI > view in repository >
- Brown, Edwina A.; Bargman, Joanne; van Biesen, Wim; Chang, Ming-Yang; Finkelstein, Frederic O.; Hurst, Helen; Johnson, David W.; Kawanishi, Hideki; Lambie, Mark; de Moraes, Thyago Proença; Morelle, Johann; Woodrow, Graham. 01-07-2017. 'Length of Time on Peritoneal Dialysis and Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis — Position Paper for ISPD: 2017 Update'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J.. 01-07-2017. 'Are Peritoneal Dialysis Center Characteristics a Modifiable Risk Factor to Improve Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes?'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Tabinor, Matthew; Casula, Anna; Wilkie, Martin; Davies, Simon; Caskey, Fergus; Lambie, Mark. 01-01-2017. 'UK Renal Registry 19th Annual Report: Chapter 13 Home Therapies in 2015: National and Centre-specific Analyses'. Nephron. DOI > view in repository >
- Zelek, Wioleta; Harris, Claire L.; Topley, Nicholas; Weeks, Ian; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J.; Morgan, B. Paul. 01-10-2016. 'Complement biomarkers in the management of peritoneal dialysis'. Immunobiology. DOI > view in repository >
- Perl, Jeffrey; Davies, Simon J.; Lambie, Mark; Pisoni, Ronald L.; McCullough, Keith; Johnson, David W.; Sloand, James A.; Prichard, Sarah; Kawanishi, Hideki; Tentori, Francesca; Robinson, Bruce M.. 01-05-2016. 'The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS): Unifying Efforts to Inform Practice and Improve Global Outcomes in Peritoneal Dialysis'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Wang, Angela Yee Moon; Brimble, K. Scott; Brunier, Gillian; Holt, Stephen G.; Jha, Vivekanand; Johnson, David W.; Kang, Shin-Wook; Kooman, Jeroen P.; Lambie, Mark; McIntyre, Chris; Mehrotra, Rajnish; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto. 01-07-2015. 'ISPD Cardiovascular and Metabolic Guidelines in Adult Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Part II – Management of Various Cardiovascular Complications'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Wang, Angela Yee Moon; Brimble, K. Scott; Brunier, Gillian; Holt, Stephen G.; Jha, Vivekanand; Johnson, David W.; Kang, Shin-Wook; Kooman, Jeroen P.; Lambie, Mark; McIntyre, Chris; Mehrotra, Rajnish; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto. 01-07-2015. 'ISPD Cardiovascular and Metabolic Guidelines in Adult Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Part I – Assessment and Management of Various Cardiovascular Risk Factors'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Nderitu, P.; Doos, L.; Strauss, V. Y.; Lambie, M.; Davies, S. J.; Kadam, U. T.. 19-08-2014. 'Analgesia dose prescribing and estimated glomerular filtration rate decline: a general practice database linkage cohort study'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >
- Yu, Zanzhe; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J.. 01-02-2014. 'Longitudinal Study of Small Solute Transport and Peritoneal Protein Clearance in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Fielding, Ceri A.; Jones, Gareth W.; McLoughlin, Rachel M.; McLeod, Louise; Hammond, Victoria J.; Uceda, Javier; Williams, Anwen S.; Lambie, Mark; Foster, Thomas L.; Liao, Chia-Te; Rice, Christopher M.; Greenhill, Claire J.; Colmont, Chantal S.; Hams, Emily; Coles, Barbara; Kift-Morgan, Ann; Newton, Zarabeth; Craig, Katherine J.; Williams, John D.; Williams, Geraint T.; Davies, Simon J.; Humphreys, Ian R.; O’Donnell, Valerie B.; Taylor, Philip R.; Jenkins, Brendan J.; Topley, Nicholas; Jones, Simon A.. 16-01-2014. 'Interleukin-6 Signaling Drives Fibrosis in Unresolved Inflammation'. Immunity. DOI > view in repository >
- Istanbuly, Obaida; Belcher, John; Tabinor, Matthew; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J. . 'Estimating the association between systemic Interleukin-6 and mortality in the dialysis population. Re-analysis of the global fluid study, systematic review and meta-analysis'. BMC Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Wijewickrama, Piyumi; Onyema, Michael; Eid, Hatem; Phare, Natalie; Dick, Jonathan; Moutzouris, Dimitrios; Lambie, Mark; Vas, Prashant; Williams, Jennifer; Karalliedde, Janaka. . 'Standards of diabetes care and burden of hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes on peritoneal dialysis: Results from a real-world clinical audit'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Morelle, Johann; Lambie, Mark; Öberg, Carl M; Davies, Simon. . 'The Peritoneal Membrane and its Role in Peritoneal Dialysis.'. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN. DOI > view in repository >
- Allen, Kerry; Shaw, Karen L; Spry, Jenna L; Dikomitis, Lisa; Coyle, David; Damery, Sarah; Fotheringham, James; Lambie, Mark; Williams, Iestyn P; Davies, Simon. 27-12-2024. 'How does organisational culture facilitate uptake of home dialysis? An ethnographic study of kidney centres in England'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies; Lambie. 03-03-2022. 'Mortality Trends After Transfer From Peritoneal Dialysis to Hemodialysis'. Kidney International Reports. DOI > view in repository >
- Morelle, Johann; Marechal, Céline; Yu, Zanzhe; Debaix, Huguette; Corre, Tanguy; Lambie, Mark; Verduijn, Marion; Dekker, Friedo; Bovy, Philippe; Evenepoel, Pieter; Bammens, Bert; Selgas, Rafael; Bajo, Maria A.; Coester, Annemieke M.; Sow, Amadou; Hautem, Nicolas; Struijk, Dirk G.; Krediet, Raymond T.; Balligand, Jean-Luc; Goffin, Eric; Crott, Ralph; Ripoche, Pierre; Davies, Simon; Devuyst, Olivier. 21-10-2021. 'AQP1 Promoter Variant, Water Transport, and Outcomes in Peritoneal Dialysis.'. New England Journal of Medicine. DOI > view in repository >
- Youssef, S; Zaidi, S; Lambie, M; Ahmed, S. 01-09-2021. '835 Evaluation of an International Virtual Teaching Series for UK Academic Foundation Programme Applications and Interviews: A Cross-Sectional Study'. British Journal of Surgery. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie; Davies. 01-09-2021. 'Insulin resistance in cardiovascular disease, uremia, and peritoneal dialysis.'. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. DOI > view in repository >
- Hahn Lundström, Ulrika; Abrahams, Alferso C; Allen, Jennifer; Altabas, Karmela; Béchade, Clémence; Burkhalter, Felix; Clause, Anne-Lorraine; Corbett, Richard W; Eden, Gabriele; François, Karlien; De Laforcade, Louis; Lambie, Mark; Martin, Heike; Pajek, Jernej; Panuccio, Vincenzo; Ros-Ruiz, Silvia; Steubl, Dominik; Vega, Almudena; Wojtaszek, Ewa; Zaloszyc, Ariane; Davies, Simon J; Van Biesen, Wim; Gudmundsdottir, Helga. 19-08-2021. 'Barriers and opportunities to increase PD incidence and prevalence: Lessons from a European Survey.'. Perit Dial Int. view in repository >
- Jones, Janet E.; Damery, Sarah L.; Allen, Kerry; Johnson, David W.; Lambie, Mark; Holvoet, Els; Davies, Simon J.. 19-07-2021. 'Renal staffs' understanding of patients' experiences of transition from peritoneal dialysis to in-centre haemodialysis and their views on service improvement: A multi-site qualitative study in England and Australia.'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies; Lambie. 28-06-2021. 'A genome-wide association study suggests correlations of common genetic variants with peritoneal solute transfer rates in patients with kidney failure receiving peritoneal dialysis.'. Kidney International. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie; Davies. 21-04-2021. 'Outcome measures for technique survival reported in peritoneal dialysis: A systematic review.'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies; Lambie. 10-02-2021. 'ISPD recommendations for the evaluation of peritoneal membrane dysfunction in adults: Classification, measurement, interpretation and rationale for intervention.'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Allen, Kerry; Damery, Sarah L; Sein, Kim; Johnson, David W; Davies, Simon J; Lambie, Mark; Holvoet, Els; Combes, Gill M. 17-12-2020. 'How do patients and their family members experience the transition from peritoneal dialysis to incentre haemodialysis? A multisite qualitative study in England and Australia.'. Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie. 01-12-2020. 'Trends in assisted peritoneal dialysis over the last decade: a cohort study from the French Peritoneal Dialysis Registry.'. Clinical Kidney Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Boyer, Annabel; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Tabinor, Matthew; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon. 01-09-2020. 'Impact of the implementation of an assisted peritoneal dialysis service on peritoneal dialysis initiation'. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. DOI > view in repository >
- Bonomini, Mario; Zammit, Victor; Divino-Filho, José C.; Davies, Simon J.; Di Liberato, Lorenzo; Arduini, Arduino; Lambie, Mark. 07-08-2020. 'The osmo-metabolic approach: a novel and tantalizing glucose-sparing strategy in peritoneal dialysis.'. Journal of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie. 01-06-2020. 'Nomenclature for Kidney Function and Disease: Report of a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Consensus Conference'. Kidney International. DOI > view in repository >
- Barrowman, Michael Andrew; Peek, Niels; Lambie, Mark; Martin, Glen Philip; Sperrin, Matthew. 31-07-2019. 'How unmeasured confounding in a competing risks setting can affect treatment effect estimates in observational studies'. BMC Medical Research Methodology. DOI > view in repository >
- Shen, Jenny I.; Schreiber, Martin J.; Zhao, Junhui; Robinson, Bruce M.; Pisoni, Ronald L.; Mehrotra, Rajnish; Oliver, Matthew J.; Tomo, Tadashi; Tungsanga, Kriang; Teitelbaum, Isaac; Ghaffari, Arshia; Lambie, Mark; Perl, Jeffrey. 05-07-2019. 'Attitudes towards Peritoneal Dialysis among Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis Medical Directors: Are we preaching to the right choir?'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies; Lambie. 07-06-2019. 'Biocompatible solutions and long-term changes in peritoneal solute transport (vol 13, pg 1526, 2018)'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Yu, Zanzhe; Lambie, Mark; Chess, James; Williams, Andrew; Do, Jun-Young; Topley, Nicholas; Davies, Simon J.. 18-02-2019. 'Peritoneal Protein Clearance Is a Function of Local Inflammation and Membrane Area Whereas Systemic Inflammation and Comorbidity Predict Survival of Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients'. Frontiers in Physiology. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Teece, Lucy; Johnson, David W; Petrie, Michaela; Mactier, Robert; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Belcher, John; Bekker, Hilary L; Wilkie, Martin; Tupling, Ken; Phillips-Darby, Louise; Davies, Simon J. 01-02-2019. 'Estimating risk of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis accounting for the competing risk of death'. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. DOI > view in repository >
- Chan, Christopher; Combes, Gill; Davies, Simon; Finkelstein, Fred; Firanek, Catherine; Gomez, Rafael; Jager, Kitty J.; Jha George, Vivek; Johnson, David W.; Lambie, Mark; Madero, Magdalena; Masakane, Ikuto; McDonald, Stephen; Misra, Madhukar; Mitra, Sandip; Moraes, Thyago; Nadeau-Fredette, Annie-Claire; Mukhopadhyay, Purna; Perl, Jeff; Pisoni, Ronald; Robinson, Bruce; Ryu, Dong-Ryeol; Saran, Rajiv; Sloand, James; Sukul, Nidhi; Tong, Allison; Szeto, Cheuk-Chun; Van Biesen, Wim. 01-01-2019. 'Transition Between Different Renal Replacement Modalities: Gaps in Knowledge and Care-The Integrated Research Initiative'. Peritoneal Dialysis International. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies; Lambie. 08-10-2018. 'Biocompatible Solutions and Long-Term Changes in Peritoneal Solute Transport'. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Tabinor, Matthew; Elphick, Emma; Dudson, Michael; Shing Kwok, Chun; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J.. 13-03-2018. 'Bioimpedance-defined overhydration predicts survival in end stage kidney failure (ESKF): systematic review and subgroup meta-analysis.'. Scientific Reports. DOI > view in repository >
- Briggs, Victoria; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Wailloo, Allan; McCulloch, Keith; Lambie, Mark; Caskey, Fergus; Fotheringham, James; Davies, Simon; Wilkie, Martin. 01-03-2018. 'United Kingdom Catheter Study - Protocol Synopsis.'. Peritoneal Dialysis International. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie; Davies. 01-10-2017. 'A prospective, proteomics study identified potential biomarkers of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis in peritoneal effluent'. Kidney International. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie; Davies. 08-05-2017. 'miR-21 Promotes Fibrogenesis in Peritoneal Dialysis.'. American Journal of Pathology. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie; Huang. 26-04-2017. 'Associations Between Parenting Styles and Perceived Child Effortful Control Within Chinese Families in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan'. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Chess, James; Do, Jun-Young; Noh, Hyunjin; Lee, Hi-Bahl; Kim, Yong-Lim; Summers, Angela; Williams, Paul Ford; Davison, Sara; Dorval, Marc; Topley, Nick; Davies, Simon John. 01-06-2016. 'Peritoneal Dialysate Glucose Load and Systemic Glucose Metabolism in Non-Diabetics: Results from the GLOBAL Fluid Cohort Study.'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark R.; Chess, James; Summers, Angela M.; Ford Williams, Paul; Topley, Nicholas; Davies, Simon J.; Study Investigators, GLOBAL Fluid; Smith, Anna-Clare; Craig, Kathryn; Fallon, Maureen; James, Charlotte; Huxtable, Hilary; Gilbert, Gill; Jones, Catherine; Capper, Helen. 01-03-2016. 'Peritoneal inflammation precedes encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: results from the GLOBAL Fluid Study'. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies; Lambie. 01-11-2015. 'Transition between home dialysis modalities: another piece in the jigsaw of the integrated care pathway'. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. DOI > view in repository >
- Latus, Joerg; Habib, Sayed M.; Kitterer, Daniel; Korte, Mario R.; Ulmer, Christoph; Fritz, Peter; Davies, Simon; Lambie, Mark; Alscher, M. Dominik; Betjes, Michiel G.H.; Segerer, Stephan; Braun, Niko. 01-01-2014. 'Histological and clinical findings in patients with post-transplantation and classical encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: a European multicenter study.'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Braun, Nick; Davies, Simon. 01-09-2013. 'Towards standardized reporting in studies of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis'. Peritoneal Dialysis International. DOI > view in repository >
- Lambie. 01-07-2009. 'Understanding the variability in ultrafiltration obtained with icodextrin'. Peritoneal Dialysis International. view in repository >
- Azagew, Abere Woretaw; Mekonnen, Chilot Kassa; Lambie, Mark; Shepherd, Thomas; Babatunde, Opeyemi O.. . 'Poor glycemic control and its predictors among people living with diabetes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. BMC Public Health. DOI > view in repository >
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Book Chapter
- Tabinor, Mathew; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J.. . 'Salt and Water Balance'. . DOI > view in repository >
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Presentation / Conferences
- Jeyaraman, Deepthika; Peiris, Telge Dimuth Priyankara; Alahmdi, Haia; Fish, Richard; Lambie, Mark; Wu, Pensee. . 'O24 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN PREGNANCY AND CARDIO-RENAL OUTCOMES: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Boyer, Annabel; Ethier, Isabelle; Johnson, David W.; Weinhandl, Eric D.; Tennankore, Karthik K.; Lobbedez, Thierry; Béchade, Clémence; Elftouh, Naoual; Lambie, Mark; Nadeau-Fredette, Annie-Claire. . 'International Comparison of Home Dialysis Uptake: A Multi-Registry Analysis from the INTEGRATED Research Group'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Tennankore, Karthik K.; Perl, Jeffrey; Pisoni, Ronald L.; Johnson, David W.; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Kawanishi, Hideki; Kim, Yong-Lim; Lambie, Mark; Shen, Jenny I.; Cho, Yeoung Jee; Rigatto, Claudio; McCullough, Keith. . 'CKD-Associated Pruritus: Prevalence and Association with Quality of Life for Peritoneal Dialysis Patients, International Results from PDOPPS'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Damgov, Ivan; Kieser, Meinhard; Rutherford, Peter; Lambie, Mark; Davies, Simon J.; Wong, Muh Geot; Pollock, Carol A.; Johnson, David W.; Schmitt, Claus Peter. . 'Robust Joint Models of Albumin and All-Cause Mortality in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Dynamic Predictions Perspective Adjusting for Competing Risks'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Stanaway, Ian B.; Devuyst, Olivier; Perl, Jeffrey; Lambie, Mark; Morelle, Johann; Jarvik, Gail P.; Jain, Arsh; Himmelfarb, Jonathan; Heimburger, Olof; Johnson, David W.; Pirkle, James L.; Robinson, Bruce M.; Stenvinkel, Peter; Davies, Simon J.; Mehrotra, Rajnish. . 'Genetic Determinants of Ultrafiltration With Peritoneal Dialysis'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Nitta, Kosaku; Bieber, Brian; Karaboyas, Angelo; Johnson, David W.; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Kim, Yong-Lim; Lambie, Mark; Shen, Jenny I.; Naljayan, Mihran V.; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto; Robinson, Bruce M.; Pisoni, Ronald L.; Perl, Jeffrey; Kawanishi, Hideki. . 'International Variations in Serum PTH and Calcium Levels and Their Mortality Associations in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: Results from PDOPPS: TH-PO161'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Dahanayake, Chanaka; Bajpai, Ram; Jordan, Kelsey M; Lambie, Mark; Roddy, Edward. . 'P082 Nephrolithiasis associated with uricosuric therapies for the treatment of gout: a systematic review'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Jeyaraman, Deepthika; Priyankara Peiris, Telge Dimuth; Alahmdi, Haia; Fish, Richard; Lambie, Mark; Wu, Pensee. . 'A systematic review of acute kidney injury in pregnancy and cardio-renal outcomes'. . view in repository >
- Latus, Joerg; Habib, Sayed M.; Kitterer, Daniel; Korte, Mario; Ulmer, Christoph; Fritz, Peter; Davies, Simon; Lambie, Mark; Dominik Alscher, M.; Betjes, Michiel; Segerer, Stephan; Braun, Niko. . 'HISTOLOGICAL FINDINGS AND CLINICAL COURSE IN POST-TRANSPLANTATION AND CLASSICAL EPS: A EUROPEAN MULTICENTER STUDY'. . view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Chess, James; Bankart, Michael J.; Bahl, Hi; Hyunjin, Lee; Jun Young Do, Noh; Dorval, Marc; Topley, Nick; Davies, Simon J.. . 'INTRA-PERITONEAL VERSUS SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION AND SURVIVAL IN PERITONEAL DIALYSIS: RESULTS FROM THE GLOBAL FLUID STUDY'. . view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Bankart, John; Johnson, David; Mactier, Robert; Phillips-Darby, Louise; Topley, Nick; Davies, Simon. . 'COMPETITIVE RISKS OF ENCAPSULATING PERITONEAL SCLEROSIS AND DEATH IN PERTIONEAL DIALYSIS'. . view in repository >
- Lambie, Mark; Zhao, Junhui; McCullough, K P; Davies, Simon; Kawanishi, Hideki; Johnson, David W; Sloand, James; Sanabria, Mauricio; Kanjanabuch, Talerngsak; Kim, Yong-Lim; Shen, Jenny I; Pisoni, Ronald; Robinson, Bruce; Perl, Jeffrey. 29-05-2021. 'PERITONEAL DIALYSIS TIME ON THERAPY AND REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN DEATH, TRANSFER TO HEMODIALYSIS AND KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION: RESULTS FROM THE PDOPPS'. . DOI > view in repository >
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