Noureen joined Keele University as a Research Associate: Applied Qualitative Health Research in April 2019, and has an active research role within the university. Prior to this position, she worked as a Research Assistant: Systematic Reviews at the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK after being awarded her PhD in December, 2018.
Noureen graduated as a Registered Nurse in 2005 from the Aga Khan University (AKU), School of Nursing and Midwifery (SONAM), Karachi, Pakistan and practiced initially as a Critical Care Nurse and later as Clinical Nurse Instructor in Post Anaesthesia Care Unit of the AKU hospital. She then went to undertake her post-graduate qualifications from the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, after being awarded an Australian Development Scholarship from AusAid and finished her Master’s in Public Health (Nursing) in 2010 with Distinction.
Returning back to Pakistan, she joined AKU, SONAM in 2010 as a Nursing Instructor (Lecturer) and involved mainly in teaching and curriculum development of the undergraduate nursing students. While working as an Instructor, she also was involved in small research projects within the institution and conducted faculty practice in community and private schools of Karachi, where she explored adolescence and their health issues within the domain of school health promotion programmes and developed an interest into research and development for young people.
In September 2013, Noureen commenced her PhD at the University of Nottingham, after being awarded a Vice Chancellor’s International Research Excellence scholarship. Her PhD explored puberty experiences of young males living in urban Pakistan and is now exploring funding opportunities to expand on her PhD work and on young people health and wellbeing.
In her current role at the Keele University, she is involved with EASIER project and working mainly on the qualitative aspects of the project. Her expertise is in Qualitative Research, with a particular interest in conducting sensitive research and with marginalised communities. She is also proficient in conducting systematic reviews and mixed-method research, with a particular interest in designing and evaluation of interventions.
Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
Noureen is currently working on the EASIER project Work, which aims to develop a logic model for supported self-management interventions for people with musculoskeletal pain with varying levels of health literacy. She is mainly involved with the work package 3 & 4 of the EASIER project, and explored the experiences and views of the community members and professionals about the self-management intervention components for MSK pain, with particular interest in developing a logic model for intervention development that is suitable for people with varying levels of health literacy. The EASIER study will inform the future studies where the interventions will be developed and evaluated for people with MSK pain and / or low health literacy.
Through Noureen’s studies and previous research roles, she has experience of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and conducting systematic reviews. Her PhD explored puberty experiences of young males (18-21 years) living in urban Pakistan, using qualitative research design, with creative methods of data collection and using sensitive research techniques.
Noureen also has broader research interests, which cover:
Primary Care Health Promotion & Health Education Adolescent and Young People Health Sexual and Reproductive Health Mental Health Global Health Health Literacy Applied Qualitative Health Research Mixed-Method Research
Noureen has a particular interest in teaching and enjoys teaching/ discussing public health and research concepts to undergraduate and graduate students. She has been involved as a PBL tutor for year 1 Medicine students here at Keele and teaches exploratory design module, where she is mainly involved in teaching qualitative research methods to Master in Research Methods students.
She has facilitated undergraduate students in the Faulty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham under their Inter-Professional Development training in 2014 & 2015 (sessional hours) and has been accredited for preparing to teach in higher education (PTHE) short course from the University of Nottingham. She is aiming to gain her accreditation for Associate Teaching Fellow in HE soon to build on her academic career.
Previously, she was teaching Community Health Nursing, Advanced Concepts in Community Health Nursing, Tropical Diseases, Reproductive Health, Critical Care Nursing and Epidemiology courses to under-graduate nursing students at The Aga Khan University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi Pakistan. She was also involved in the curriculum development of these courses and assessment and evaluations according to the institutional guidelines.
Further information
Further information
Member of Digital Technologies in Primary Care (2019-present) Member of Health Literacy Group, UK (2019-present) Member of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Organisation (2007-present) Member of Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) (2016-2017) Member of Pakistan Nursing Council (2005-present)
• Stanulewicz, N., Knox, E., Narayanasamy, M., Shivji, N., Khunti, K. & Blake, H. (2019) Effectiveness of Lifestyle Health Promotion Interventions for Nurses: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(1): pp. 17. • Shivji, N. Lymn, J., Meade, O., and Watts, K. Hearing the unheard voice: Puberty experiences of young Pakistani men. Journal of Adolescent Research, (under Editorial Review Board) • Shivji, N. A., Lymn, J., Watts, K., Meade, O. (2016). ‘Exploring and understanding how young males in Pakistan approach information gathering in relation to puberty’. 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Leeds, UK. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 34(4): e1-e63.
Previous Publications (Maiden Name: Noureen Karamali) • Asif, N., Ali, N., Karamali, N. Teaching Report on Health Promotion in Schools. International Journal of Nursing Education. Vol. 6, No. 2, July-December 2014. • Ali, T.S. & Karamali, N.N. Women’s perceptions and attitude towards male dominance and controlling behaviour (Original Research Article). Accepted on 11, July 2014 for Publication in Arts and Social Science Journal. Published 21st July 2014 (Open Access) (link) • Verteeji, S. & Karamali, N.N. Women’s Health: An achievable goal for Public Health Nursing in Pakistan (Case Report). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA). Vol. 63, No. 12, December 2013. (link) • Verteeji, S. & Karamali, N.N. Active Ageing in Pakistan: Challenges and opportunities (Short Communication). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA). January 2014 (link) • Gulzar, S.A., Sommer, J., Shahid, S.M., Parpio, Y. & Karamali, N.N. Perceptions of Leprosy and its attributes among Health care workers in Karachi, Pakistan. (Original Research Project Paper). i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, August-October 2013. (link) • Karamali, N.N. & Asif, N. OSCE: One of the ways for assessing clinical competence in Nursing Education. (Review Paper). i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, Vol. 2 No. 3 Aug-Oct 2012. (link) • Noureen N Karamali. STI/HIV in India and its factors: Emerging Public health issue. (Review Paper). i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, Vol. 2 No. 2 May-July 2012. (link)
Journal Articles
Smith, Holly Christina; Archer, Charlotte; Bailey, James; Chew Graham, Carolyn; Evans, Jonathan; Fisher, Tamsin; Kessler, David; Kingstone, Tom; Procter, Janine; Shivji, Noureen; Silverwood, Victoria; Spruce, Amy; Turner, Katrina; Wu, Pensée; Yu, Dahai; Petersen, Irene. 01-01-2025. 'Maternal perinatal anxiety and infant primary care use in 1998–2016: a UK cohort study'. BMJ Mental Health.
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Healey, Emma L.; Lewis, Martyn; Corp, Nadia; Shivji, Noureen A.; van der Windt, Danielle A.; Babatunde, Opeyemi O.; Simkins, Joanna; Bartlam, Bernadette; Rowlands, Gill; Protheroe, Joanne. 10-06-2023. 'Supported self-management for all with musculoskeletal pain: an inclusive approach to intervention development: the EASIER study'. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
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O Babatunde, Opeyemi; Corp, Nadia; Shivji, Noureen; Rowlands, Gill; Quicke, Jonathan; L Healey, Emma; Protheroe, Joanne; A van der Windt, Danielle. 10-01-2023. 'Interventions for supporting self-management in people with musculoskeletal pain, including focus on varying levels of health literacy: A systematic overview of reviews [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]'. Health Open Research.
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Shivji. 24-05-2022. 'Reflecting on ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ positionality when undertaking culturally sensitive research with young Pakistani men: insights from a female researcher'. Nurse Researcher.
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Chew-Graham; Shivji. 23-05-2022. 'Supporting people with pain-related distress in primary care consultations: a qualitative study'. British Journal of General Practice.
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Shivji; Protheroe; Paskins; Main, Caitlin; Jinks; Nicholls. 01-05-2022. 'P077 Developing a better explanation of osteoarthritis: results from a conjoint analysis of patient preferences'. Rheumatology.
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Shivji. 01-04-2021. 'Hearing the unheard voice-puberty experiences of young Pakistani men: A qualitative study'. Journal of Adolescence.
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Shivji. 02-08-2020. 'COVID-19: time to rethink palliative care strategy in resource-poor settings.'. International Journal of Palliative Nursing.
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Shivji. 18-12-2019. 'Effectiveness of Lifestyle Health Promotion Interventions for Nurses: A Systematic Review.'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
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Fisher, Tamsin; Archer, Charlotte; Bailey, James; Evans, Jonathan; Kessler, David Samuel; Kingstone, Tom; Petersen, Irene; Proctor, Janine; Shivji, Noreen; Spruce, Amy; Silverwood, Victoria; Smith, Holly; Turner, Katrina; Wu, Pensee; Yu, Dahai; Chew-Graham, Carolyn. . 'Could primary care records be used to identify women at risk of perinatal anxiety? A mixed-methods study.'. .
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Silverwood, Victoria; Fisher, Tamsin; Proctor, Janine; Kingstone, Tom; Turner, Katrina; Shivji, Noreen; Chew-Graham, Carolyn. . 'How can we improve support for women with perinatal anxiety in primary care? A qualitative study.'. .
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Jinks, C; Campbell, Laura; Croft, Peter; Dziedzic, Krysia; Grossmann, Heiko; Hadley-Barrows, Tina; Maddison, John; Main, Chris; McRobert, Cliona; Nicholls, Elaine; Paskins, Zoe; Peat, George; Porcheret, Mark; Protheroe, Jo; Quicke, Johnny; Shivji, Noureen; Cottrell, Elizabeth. . 'WHAT DO PATIENTS WANT AND NEED FROM AN OSTEOARTHRITIS EXPLANATION: RESULTS FROM STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION EXERCISE'. .
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Shivji. 17-07-2020. 'Supporting self-management: intervention design for those with musculoskeletal conditions in the context of health literacy'. .
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