2015-present: Academic and Clinical Lead for Respiratory Paediatrics, University Hospitals of the North Midlands
2014-present: Editor in Chief, Paediatrics and Child Health (Elsevier)
2013-2015: Head of School of Paediatrics, Health Education East Midlands
2011-present: Chair of MRCPCH Theory Examinations, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
2009-present: Honorary Associate (Clinical) Professor in Paediatrics, University of Nottingham
2007: MD Keele University: Medicine (Genetics)
2005-2009: Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Paediatrics, University of Nottingham
2004-2015: Consultant Paediatrician and Lead for Medical Education, Derbyshire Children’s Hospital
2003-2005: Clinical Research Fellow at University Hospital of North Staffordshire
Research and scholarship
Dr Carroll's research is particularly concerned with the development of applied diagnostics and the use of non-invasive testing and treatments for children with respiratory disease. He was a founding member of Keele's Fetal Epigenetics Group.
He has an interest in medical education and currently holds several National roles in Undergraduate and Postgraduate education.
Research themes:
1. Diagnostic Engineering & Proteomics
2. Health Services Research
2. Health Services Research
Selected publications:
- Haworth KE, Farrell WE, Emes RD, Ismail KM, Carroll WD, Hubball E, Rooney A, Yates AM, Mein C, Fryer AA. Methylation of the FGFR2 gene is associated with high birth weight centile in humans. Epigenomics 2014;6(5):477-91.
- Fertleman C, Carroll WD. Protecting students and promoting resilience. BMJ 2013;347:f5160.
- Haworth KE, Farrell WE, Emes RD, Ismail KMK, Carroll WD, Borthwick HD et al. Combined influence of gene-specific cord blood methylation and maternal smoking habit on birth weight. Epigenomics 2013;5:37-49.
- Emes RD, Clifford H, Haworth KE, Farell WE, Fryer AA, Carroll WD, Ismail KMK. Antiepileptic drugs and fetal epigenome. Epilepsia 2013;54:e16-9.
- Wildhaber J, Carroll WD, Brand PLP. Global impact of asthma on children and adolescents’ daily lives; The Room to Breathe Survey. Ped Pulmonol 2012;47:346-57.
- Carroll WD, Wildhaber J, Brand PLP. Parent misperception of control in childhood/adolescent asthma: The room to breathe survey. Eur Respir J 2012;39:90-6.
- Quantitative, high-resolution epigenetic profiling of CpG loci identifies associations with cord blood plasma homocysteine and birth weight in humans. Epigenetics, vol. 6(1), 86-94. doi> 2011.
- 2009. DNA methylation in cord blood, fetal plasma homocysteine, and fetal growth - A pilot study. BJOG-INT J OBSTET GY, vol. 116(10), 1412.
- LINE-1 DNA methylation is inversely correlated with cord plasma homocysteine in man: a preliminary study. Epigenetics, vol. 4(6), 394-398. 2009.
- Epigenetic control of fetal gene expression. BJOG, vol. 115(2), 158-168. doi> 2008.
- One man's meat is another man's poison. British Medical Journal, vol. 334, 1252. 2007.
- Asthma severity and atopy: how clear is the relationship?. ARCH DIS CHILD, vol. 91(5), 405-409. doi> 2006.
- Maternal glutathione S-transferase GSTP1 genotype is a specific predictor of phenotype in children with asthma. PEDIATR ALLERGY IMMU, vol. 16(1), 32-39. doi> 2005.
- Effects of glutathione S-transferase M1, T1 and P1 on lung function in asthmatic families. CLIN EXP ALLERGY, vol. 35(9), 1155-1161. doi> 2005.
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