Mobility and super-diverse neighbourhoods
A Leverhulme Research funded project led by Professor Simon Pemberton.
Increasing attention is being placed on the impact of new migration flows, and especially on the respective ‘capacities’ of different places to accommodate new immigrants. But there is little discussion over the importance of different characteristics of places in shaping such patterns of movement – both for old and new immigrants and for indigenous populations. Through a focus on two super-diverse neighbourhoods in Birmingham, UK, this research – funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship - explored the links between residential mobility and place. In particular, the research examined the importance of different characteristics of place on shaping individuals' lifestyles, patterns of mobility or fixity, feelings of attachment and belonging and the ‘activity’ spaces of individuals.
Overall aim
To provide a critical insight into the ways in which the varying characteristics of super-diverse places inform residential mobility patterns.
Research objectives
Research objective 1: To explore how - and in what ways - compositional, contextual and collective characteristics of super-diverse neighbourhoods are important in shaping residential mobility patterns as opposed to influences ‘beyond the neighbourhood’
Research objective 2: To explore how the differing characteristics of super-diverse neighbourhoods inter-relate to shape the everyday lifestyles of those living in such areas, and lead to some individuals having more locally based ‘activity’ spaces (for example, home, work, leisure) than others
Research objective 3: To consider which dimensions of super-diverse neighbourhoods may generate new processes or practices of relative attachment or dis-attachment to a particular place(s)
Research objective 4: To assess the implications for the importance of place in shaping patterns of mobility or fixity and how super-diverse neighbourhoods may inform patterns of future population movement