A national team of researchers have called for immediate action to address a substantial level of under-representation in students in a new academic paper.

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Keele has recently joined a prestigious European cancer research network as a stakeholder organisation, which will allow for new opportunities for research and collaboration.

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Students on a new Master's degree launching at Keele this September will learn the skills and expert knowledge to help them understand the issues associated with inequality of access to healthcare.

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A Keele Professor has received funding for a major new study into urban migration, which will help tackle urban planning and housing problems in major European cities.

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A research collective co-founded by Keele University is playing a crucial role in a Government-backed scheme to make energy generation in the North Sea more environmentally friendly.

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A Keele University lecturer has received the coveted Sustainability Champion award at a prestigious national awards ceremony for her work to promote sustainability in her chemistry teaching.

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