Researchers from Keele and Oxford universities have developed a new tool for doctors to identify patients at high risk of serious falls.

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The proportion of adults in England diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis has increased by at least 40% between 2004 to 2020, new Keele University research has found.

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Patients should have more input into healthcare messaging that discusses risk, researchers have suggested.

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The number of cancer patients admitted to hospitals with cardiovascular diseases has risen by almost a quarter (23%) in the past decade, according to new research led by Keele University.

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Urgent action is needed to clear the backlog of people with a common heart condition who are waiting for lifesaving treatment, according to research co-led by a Keele Professor.

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Researchers have developed a new framework for GPs to help them better support patients who are suffering distress associated with persistent pain.

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A team of Keele University researchers has found that steroids need to be used for longer than previously thought in the treatment of polymyalgia rheumatica, which may lead to an increase in unwanted side effects.

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Keele University’s role as a centre for outstanding, world-class research has been reaffirmed today in the UK-wide Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021).

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More than 1,000 women from the local area have helped a research team develop a new tool to help clinicians diagnose spinal fractures in osteoporosis patients.

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Three commonly prescribed statins are best placed to lower ‘bad’ types of cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes, according to a new study.

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A new study led by researchers at Keele University, and funded by the British Heart Foundation, has found that patients with unexplained chest pain are at an increased risk of suffering a heart attack later in life.

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A research team led by Keele University is working to improve understanding and care for children with musculoskeletal pain in their joints and muscles.

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Keele University has partnered with a local NHS trust to set up a new imaging suite for training the next generation of clinicians.

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A team of researchers led by Dr Pensée Wu, senior lecturer at Keele University’s School of Medicine, have found that women who conceive with assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are at a higher risk of vascular and pregnancy complications.

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New research has linked two types of less-often prescribed diabetes drugs with lower chances of potentially fatal heart problems in people with type 2 diabetes without established heart disease.

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Age-associated conditions such as osteoarthritis pose a huge barrier to people remaining healthy and in work for longer, according to new research.

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Keele’s first cohort of student paramedics have begun their first placements with West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS) as part of their degree.

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Scientists from Keele and Cardiff Universities have discovered new links between the breakdown in brain cell development and the risk of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders.

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