Keele University has partnered with a local NHS trust to set up a new imaging suite for training the next generation of clinicians.

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A team of researchers led by Dr Pensée Wu, senior lecturer at Keele University’s School of Medicine, have found that women who conceive with assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are at a higher risk of vascular and pregnancy complications.

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New research has linked two types of less-often prescribed diabetes drugs with lower chances of potentially fatal heart problems in people with type 2 diabetes without established heart disease.

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Age-associated conditions such as osteoarthritis pose a huge barrier to people remaining healthy and in work for longer, according to new research.

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Keele’s first cohort of student paramedics have begun their first placements with West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS) as part of their degree.

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