

Alison graduated from The University of Manchester in 2007 as a registered Adult Nurse. Following graduation Alison went straight into Practice Nursing where she completed Foundations of General Practice and became an NMC registered Specialist Practitioner in Practice Nursing at Leeds Beckett University.

During her time as a Practice Nurse Alison worked with Health Education England on a Yorkshire and Humber wide project to enhance student access to quality placements within General Practice. Alison was the Clinical Lead for Leeds. This project grew into an established career pathway from non-registered Healthcare Assistants working through to becoming an Advanced Practitioner within General Practice. The project won an HSJ Workforce category award for Developing Student Nurse Placements at Scale. This project continues to run today.

Alison worked with several education providers in Leeds including Leeds University, Leeds Beckett University and Leeds City Collage to deliver undergraduate and post graduate training in a variety of subject matters. Alison also worked with The Student Health Association and ran the 68th Annual Conference in Leeds.

More recently Alison has been clinically managing Community Services in Leeds which included District Nursing Services, Occupational Therapy provision, Virtual Frailty Ward, Physiotherapy to name a few. Her role included teaching and training of new starters as well as leading a 2 day Leadership course internally. Alison continued to have links to General Practice and continued to work as a Lead Nurse for several PCN’s linked into her portfolio.

The Clinical Education Centre
Keele University
Clinical Education Centre
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Newcastle Road
Stoke on Trent

David Weatherall
Keele University
The David Weatherall Building