Contact us

Map of keeele in UK The Observatory is located on the main campus (campus map). (response typically within a day)

Telephone: +44 (0)1782 734086 / 733331 (response not guaranteed)

Coordinates: 53.0043 degrees North, 2.2673 degrees West.

How to find us

Keele campus - for directions to Keele University using public or private transport. Once you've entered the campus (through either the main front, or back entrance) you will find a layby on your left to view a campus map.

We are accessible via the turn off the inner campus ring road (Keele Hall Road, look out for a sign saying "access road 16"), and then a single lane branching off that one on the left handside, going up (the sign "Observatory Walk" is only visible once you're on it). Alternatively, the footpath from the back of Home Farm / the sustainability hub continues up the hill to the Observatory for another hundred yards. We are number 42 on the campus map.

PARKING: free after 6pm and on weekends. Please park on the car park A2 between Home Farm and the Observatory which can be reached by driving around the back of innovation centre "Med IC4", after leaving the mini roundabout on University Drive in between Med IC4 and Med IC3.

On week days, use the pay and display car parks (please consult the campus map).

People with reduced mobility may drive up and park at the Observatory itself after obtaining permission from Observatory staff.

Postal enquiries

Keele Observatory
c/o Jacco van Loon
Lennard-Jones Laboratories
Keele University
United Kingdom