Academic Projects - Approvals and Submissions Policy - This Policy applies to all Keele University staff members, Emeritus Professors, Keele University Honorary Contract holders and others within Keele University who are actively involved in developing Academic Projects
Accounting Policy for Research Project Overheads and Surplus - This policy specifically covers the treatment of overheads once awarded, on research projects only.
Acting Up Allowance Policy and Procedure - Policy and procedure for the provision of an Acting Up Allowance
Additional Earnings Policy - It is recognised that external professional activities, such as consultancy, advising external organisations are a feature of University life and that University staff often possess the skills and experience that are sought by external organisations.
Admissions Appeals Policy - Keele University's Admissions Appeals Policy and form
Admissions Interview Policy - Keele University's Admissions Interview Policy
Admissions Policy - Keele University's Admissions Policy
Admissions Under 18 Policy - Keele University's Policy on Applications where applicant will be under 18 at the start of the programme
Adoption Leave and Pay Policy and Procedure - Applicable to Adoption leave commencing on or after 1st September 2016
Anti-Bribery Policy - The Anti-Bribery Policy is in place to set out the University’s responsibilities with
respect to observing and maintaining its commitment to anti-bribery. -
Anti-Money Laundering Policy - The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy is in place to set out the University’s responsibilities to observing and maintaining its commitment to AML.
Appropriate Policy - Part of the Information Governance suite of policy documents.
Asbestos Policy - Policy Document And Operational Arrangements For The Management & Control Of Asbestos.
Bullying and Harassment Policy & Procedure - Bullying, Harassment and Victimisation Policy Statement for Students
Captured Content Policy - This document outlines the Captured Content policy for Keele University. The policy aims to make it easier for staff who teach to include diversely captured teaching activity and learning resources in their practice. Also providing students with easier access to a range of learning resources.
Cash and Liquidity Management Policy - The Cash and Liquidity Management Policy covers the University's cash and cash equivalents, access to cash through Bank Ovedrdrafts or Revolving Credit Facilities (RCFs), and the convertibility of assets into cash to meet operating and financial needs of the University. It also sets the minimum liquidity target for the University.
Charging and Payment of Student Fees Policy - Charging and Payment of Student Fees Policy
Clear Desk and Screen Policy - This guidance applies to anyone who processes University data including staff, Post Graduate Researchers (PGRs), students, visitors and contractors.
Conflicts of Interest Policy - This document sets out the University’s Policy on the management of conflicts of interest.
Control of Contractors Policy - The Management of Contractors Working at Keele University
Costing and Pricing Policy - Costing and pricing for research academic-led projects
Data Protection Policy - Data Protection Policy
Dignity and Respect Policy and Procedure - Dignity and Respect Policy Statement and Procedure for a member of staff to raise a complaint of bullying or harassment
Disclosure and Barring Policy (Staff) - This policy provides guidance and information to managers, staff and volunteers on initiating DBS checks for staff (including any casual workers) and volunteers, the application process, the management of DBS checks and the information contained therein.
Disclosure and Barring Service Policy - Students - This policy sets out the action taken by the University to respond to the requirements of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Drugs and Alcohol Policy (Staff) - This policy sets out how the University expects to minimise the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
Electoral Register and Political Party Canvassing Policy - This Policy applies to all students, both on and off campus who are eligible to vote and is designed to allow them to be easily added to the Electoral Register, should they wish to be.
Electrical Safety Policy - Electrical Safety Policy 2021
Energy Privacy Policy - Utilities Privacy Notice
External Auditors for Non-Assurance Services Policy - The University may require services in addition to those associated with the audit and assurance of the University’s financial statements that the external auditors are suitably qualified to provide.
Fixed Term Working Policy and Procedure - The University's policy and procedures for the appointment of staff for fixed term contracts.
Flexible Working and Special Leave Policy - Policy for flexible working arrangements and special leave, including informal or short-term flexibility, emergency leave, compassionate leave, formal and long-term flexibility (including statutory requests).
Freedom of Information Policy - This policy applies to all information that is created, received or maintained by staff and students at Keele University and by external partners on behalf of Keele University.
Gas Safety Policy - Gas Safety Policy 2021
Gifts and Hospitality Policy - The University's policy on the acceptance of corporate hospitality
Health and Safety Policy - Health and Safety Policy
Health and Social Care Research Policy - Health and Social Care Research Policy
Incident and Business Continuity Management Policy - The purpose of this Policy is to set out the University’s intentions in Incident and Business Continuity Management.
Information Security Policy - The purpose of this Policy is to set out the University’s intentions in managing information security as part of effective governance.
IT Acceptable Use Policy - These regulations apply to anyone using the IT facilities (hardware, software, data, network access, third party services, online services or IT credentials) provided or arranged by Keele University.
Legionella and Water Safety Policy - Legionella & Water Safety Policy - August 2021
Management of Interruptions to Normal Business and Timescales (INBAT) Policy - Policy for the management of academic programmes, progression and awards during interruptions to normal business and timescales (INBAT)
Management of Staff Affected by Change Policy and Procedure - Keele University needs to be able to adapt to changing circumstances, and from time to time the University will need to consider changes to its staffing structure or skills mix in order to meet its strategic and other obligations.
Marking and Moderation Policy - This policy should be read in conjunction with Regulation D1 Assessment. It sets out the University’s approach to marking and moderation practices, as developed and overseen by the University’s Education Committee. It is intended to inform staff and students as well as individuals from outside the University, such as external examiners and external reviewers.
Maternity Leave and Pay Policy and Procedure - Maternity leave and pay guidelines for staff
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Open Access and Rights Retention Policy - This policy outlines the University’s policy to open access and rights retention
Parental Bereavement Leave Policy - Parental Bereavement Leave Policy
Parental Leave Policy - Policy on Parental Leave
Paternity / Partner Leave and Pay Policy - This Policy is designed to outline the provisions for paternity leave and paternity pay and should be read in conjunction with the University’s Shared Parental Leave and Pay Policy and Procedure.
Pay Protection Policy - This Policy applies only to University staff who have more than 12 months continuous service.
Peer Reflection on Educational Pratices Policy - Peer Review of Teaching Guidelines for Keele University
Performance Capability Policy and Procedure - Staff Performance Capability Policy and Procedure.
Personal Relationships At Work Policy - Personal Relationships At Work Policy
Professorial and Managerial and Specialist Grade 10 Salaries - Policy and Procedure for Professorial and Managerial and Specialist Grade 10 Salaries
Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students Policy - This policy applies to all staff and students, and of particular relevance to students with disabilities, special educational needs or long term medical conditions.
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy - The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which enables people of all ages and backgrounds to receive recognition and formal credit for learning acquired in the past through formal study and through work and other life experiences.
Religion and Belief Policy - This policy details the ways in which the University demonstrates respect for religious and other faith based beliefs.
Relocation / Removal Expenses Policy - The University Policy for the relocation of new staff.
Research Ethics Policy - Research Ethics Policy
Research Integrity Policy - Research Integrity Policy
Risk Management Policy - The Policy explains the University's underlying approach to risk management and documents the roles and responsibilities of Council and its sub-committees, the senior management team and other key parties.
Safeguarding in Research and Innovation - This policy outlines the University’s commitment to taking all reasonable steps to anticipate, mitigate and address potential and actual harms occurring during research.
Safeguarding Policy - This Policy sets out the University’s approach to preventing and reducing the risk of harm to children and adults at risk.
Session Staff Policy - Policy on the recruitment and employment of sessional staff
Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy - This policy applies to staff and students.
Shared Parental Leave and Pay Policy and Procedure - Shared Parental Leave enables eligible parents to choose how to share the care of their child during the first year of birth or adoption. Its purpose is to give parents more flexibility.
Staff Sickness Absence Policy and Procedure - Sickness Absence Policy and Procedures
Smoking Policy - This Policy is designed to secure a healthy and safe environment for students and staff as well as eliminating passive smoking from its premises in keeping with the Health Act 2006.
Social Media Policy (Staff) - This document outlines the University’s policy around both organisational and personal use of social media services.
Space Policy - This Policy provides a framework for the management of space, which will inform future space changes, allocations and refurbishments.
Statutory Requests for Time off for Study and Training Policy and Procedure - This Policy and Procedure applies to circumstances in which staff present a request for time off for study and training in accordance with the statutory procedure applicable from 1st April 2010.
Stress Management Policy - Stress management framework and policy statement
Student Attendance and Engagement Policy - This policy details Keele’s approach to monitoring attendance and supporting student engagement.
Student Module Feedback Policy - This policy details Keele’s approach to module feedback to students.
Student Transgender Policy and Procedure - This policy sets out Keele University’s commitment to the support of transgender students.
Support to Study Policy - This policy is intended to support staff and students when a student’s health, wellbeing and/or behaviours are having a detrimental impact on their ability to progress academically at the University and seeks to ensure, wherever possible, that students can participate effectively in their academic studies and other aspects of their student experience.
Supporting Attendance Policy - Operational Staff - The aim of this policy is to assist employees in maintaining regular attendance at work.
Tax Policy - To comply with national and international tax obligations and to optimise the availability of charitable funds.
Third Party Access Policy - This policy covers the granting of access to staff accounts by another member of staff in the course of their duties.
Time Off for Public Duties Policy - This policy outlines the provision for time off to support staff engaged in public duties.
Timetabling Policy - Timetabling Policy- June 2024
Treasury and Investment Management Policy and Procedure - This document sets out the policy for the University and its subsidiary companies concerning raising capital finance and investment of surplus funds. It also deals with internal movements of surplus funds between accounts established by the University, and loans relating to joint ventures, spin-outs and other companies with which the University is associated
Whistleblowing Policy - Whistleblowing Policy for staff and students of the University.