Agent Framework - Agent Framework
Anti-Money Laundering Policy - The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy is in place to set out the University’s responsibilities to observing and maintaining its commitment to AML.
Appropriate Policy - Part of the Information Governance suite of policy documents.
Bullying and Harassment Policy & Procedure - Bullying, Harassment and Victimisation Policy Statement for Students
Carbon Accounting, Reporting and Management Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Carbon Accounting, Reporting and Management
Conflicts of Interest Policy - This document sets out the University’s Policy on the management of conflicts of interest.
Conflicts of Interest Procedure - This document supports the University’s Procedure and guidelines for the Management of Conflicts of Interest.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Code of Practice - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Code of Practice.
Costing and Pricing Policy - Costing and pricing for research academic-led projects
Criminal Convictions Declaration Procedure - Applicant Criminal Convictions Declaration Procedure
Data Protection Policy - Data Protection Policy
Disciplinary and Appeals Procedure (Staff) - The procedure set out in this document applies to all Keele University staff, except those whose employment is governed by the University Statute 35.
Disclosure and Barring Policy (Staff) - This policy provides guidance and information to managers, staff and volunteers on initiating DBS checks for staff (including any casual workers) and volunteers, the application process, the management of DBS checks and the information contained therein.
Disclosure and Barring Service Policy - Students - This policy sets out the action taken by the University to respond to the requirements of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Disclosure and Barring Service Procedure Advice - Students - Procedure for Consideration of Criminal Record Disclosures by Applicants and Students.
Educational Partnerships Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Educational Partnerships.
Electoral Register and Political Party Canvassing Policy - This Policy applies to all students, both on and off campus who are eligible to vote and is designed to allow them to be easily added to the Electoral Register, should they wish to be.
Exceptional Circumstances Code of Practice - This Code of Practice sets out the University’s approach to providing an exceptional circumstances process to support students who are affected by circumstances beyond their control, which impact negatively on their ability to complete assessed work.
External Data Returns Sign-off Procedure - This Procedure is for all staff who are responsible for the submission of a data return to an external body.
Fire Risk Management Procedure - Fire Risk Management Procedure
First Aid Code of Practice - This Code of Practice forms part of the arrangements to implement the University Health and Safety Policy.
Freedom of Expression Code of Practice - Keele University's Freedom of Expression Code of Practice
Freedom of Information Policy - This policy applies to all information that is created, received or maintained by staff and students at Keele University and by external partners on behalf of Keele University.
Gender Segregation Joint Code of Practice - This Code of Practice has been produced in accordance with the guidance issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), published in July 2014 and in compliance with the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998 and Section 43 of the Education Act (No 2) 1986.
Gifts and Hospitality Policy - The University's policy on the acceptance of corporate hospitality
Health and Safety Policy - Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Training Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Health and Safety Training
Incident and Business Continuity Management Policy - The purpose of this Policy is to set out the University’s intentions in Incident and Business Continuity Management.
Inclusive Education Framework - The Inclusive Education Framework reflects the University's commitment to ensure that all students, including those with protected characteristics and beyond, can participate and thrive in every aspect of the educational experience and process..
Information Governance Framework - This Information Governance Framework provides the basis for the creation, capture, management and use of full and accurate records, information and data in all formats used by the University. It describes how information is to be governed as a vital business asset which is essential to help meet the University's business, accountability, legal and regulatory requirements.
Information Security Policy - The purpose of this Policy is to set out the University’s intentions in managing information security as part of effective governance.
Intellectual Property Management Code of Practice - Intellectual Property Management Code of Practice
Ionising Radiation Code of Practice - Ionising Radiation Code of Practice.
KeeleSU and KPA Complaints Review Procedure - This procedure applies to all students of the University who are, by virtue of their enrolment, members of KeeleSU and/or the KPA, regardless of whether they choose to opt out of membership.
KeeleSU Code of Practice - Education Act Code of Practice
KPA Code of Practice - Education Act Code of Practice
Laser Safety Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Laser Safety
Legionella and Water Safety Policy - Legionella & Water Safety Policy - August 2021
Lone Working Code of Practice - This Code of Practice forms part of the arrangements to implement the University Health and Safety Policy.
Management of Interruptions to Normal Business and Timescales (INBAT) Policy - Policy for the management of academic programmes, progression and awards during interruptions to normal business and timescales (INBAT)
Manual Handling Code of Practice - This Code of Practice forms part of the arrangements to implement the University Health and Safety Policy.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Postgraduate Research Degrees Code of Practice - Code of Practice on Postgraduate Research Degrees. (v6.1)
Procedure for Dealing with Communicable Diseases - Procedure to ensure that the University has clear arrangements for dealing with communicable diseases (including meningitis and meningococcal disease)
Procurement Procedure - Procurement Procedure
Records Retention Schedule - This schedule documents the minimum retention periods for Keele University records.
Religion and Belief Policy - This policy details the ways in which the University demonstrates respect for religious and other faith based beliefs.
Reportable Events Procedure - This procedure provides University staff, students and any other stakeholder with an outline of the requirements on the University and the process for the escalation of any event or matter that could negatively affect the business of the University.
Risk Management Policy - The Policy explains the University's underlying approach to risk management and documents the roles and responsibilities of Council and its sub-committees, the senior management team and other key parties.
Safeguarding Policy - This Policy sets out the University’s approach to preventing and reducing the risk of harm to children and adults at risk.
School of Medicine Undergraduate (MBChB) Admissions Process - School of Medicine Undergraduate (MBChB) Admissions Process
Speaker and Event Approval Procedure - The purpose of this procedure is to set out the University’s approach and process for reporting, assessing, and managing Speaker/Events so that the commitments and requirements detailed within its Freedom of Expression Code of Practice can be maintained and supported
Tax Policy - To comply with national and international tax obligations and to optimise the availability of charitable funds.
Use of the University Seal Procedure - Where the University is to be a party in a deed, English law requires the University seal to be affixed to certain deeds and executed, signed and seal affixed, on behalf of the University (attested). This procedure outlines how and when and when not the University seal should be used.
Whistleblowing Policy - Whistleblowing Policy for staff and students of the University.
Whistleblowing Procedure - This Whistleblowing Procedure outlines the University’s process for handling allegations by all members of the University.