Keele announces appointment of next Vice-Chancellor

Posted on 13 March 2015
Professor McMillan has demonstrated that he is an inspirational leader and visionary ambassador who will build on our current success and continue to develop Keele as a centre of research excellence, and further enhance our reputation for the quality of student experience.”

Keele University today announced that Professor Trevor McMillan, currently Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, will take up the appointment of Vice-Chancellor at Keele in August 2015.

Professor McMillan will succeed Professor Nick Foskett, who retires in August after five years’ service at Keele.

The University Pro-Chancellor, Ralph Findlay, said: “In Professor McMillan we will have a Vice-Chancellor who has an exceptional academic background with a wealth of experience of the HE sector and the qualities to lead the University through its next period of development and growth. We had an excellent field of candidates and were delighted by the calibre of those interviewed for the post.

“Professor McMillan has demonstrated that he is an inspirational leader and visionary ambassador who will build on our current success and continue to develop Keele as a centre of research excellence, and further enhance our reputation for the quality of student experience.”

Professor McMillan is a leading researcher in the field of cancer sciences and began his career at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. He was subsequently appointed as Head of DNA Damage and Repair Laboratory at the Institute of Cancer Research at the Royal Marsden Hospital before joining Lancaster University in 1995. During his time at Lancaster, he held a range of senior posts including Peel Professor of Cancer Biology, Head of Department, Dean of Faculty, and Pro Vice-Chancellor Research. He joined Keele in January 2014 as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost.

Professor McMillan said: “I am delighted and honoured to be appointed as the next Vice-Chancellor of Keele University. This is a very special University with a rich heritage and an exciting future. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues here at Keele to extend the influence of the University in the Midlands region and nationally, and to build on our reputation for academic excellence.”