Multilingualism and Translation: at the heart of a global working environment

Susanne Tietze, Professor of International Management at Keele Management School, will give the last lecture in Keele's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2015-16, on Wednesday, 8th June 2016, in the Westminster Theatre, Chancellor's Building, on the University campus. The title of her lecture is "Multilingualism and Translation: at the heart of a global working environment".
Globalisation processes include the formation of border- and boundary spanning networks, so that knowledge can flow across different and diversely located communities. Such exchange of knowledge requires purposeful and meaningful communication between individuals and collectives situated in disparate geographical, national and cultural contexts where different languages are spoken and used. Thus, gobalisation has increased linguistic complexity, despite the growing prevalence of English as a global lingua franca, as language users live and work in multilingual contexts and therefore frequently require translation and interpretation to occur: ‘At the heart of multilingualism we find translation’ (Meylaerts, 2013, p.537).
Acts of translation and interpretation are performed by ‘real people’ who are located in political, historical and cultural contexts, where their approaches to and decisions about their translation/interpretation work shape and inform the constitution of multilingual networks and communities.
The focus of this talk is therefore on the ‘translation/interpretation work’ exercised by non-professional bi- or multilingual language actors, who are located in multilingual business contexts and whose work is central to the creation and maintenance of the knowledge economy.
Professor Susanne Tietze, holds degrees from UK, German and Swiss universities. Her research has contributed to establish language-sensitive approaches in international business and management research and she has published a book titled International Management and Language on this topic. She is currently engaged in the exploration of ‘translation’ and translator and interpreter agency in multilingual business contexts.
Keele's programme of Inaugural Lectures are given by newly established professors within the University and aim to give an illuminating account of the speaker's own subject specialism. The lectures, which start at 6 pm in the Westminster Theatre, are chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Trevor McMillan.
This lecture is free and open to all.
For further details contact:
Box Office: 01782 734340