The Claus Moser Memorial Lecture

The Claus Moser Memorial Lecture - Wednesday, 4 May 2016, 5.30pm
Keele Hall, Keele University
Lord Moser, government statistician and former chairman of the Royal Opera House, was Chancellor at Keele University from 1986-2002. In partnership with the Royal Statistical Society, we are delighted to present this lecture to commemorate his life, legacy and contribution to Keele.
Statistics and Public Policy - John Pullinger CB
In his President's Address to the Royal Statistical Society in 1979, Lord Moser highlighted the relevance of statistics to our quality of life, the need for analysis and interpretation with statisticians working alongside policy makers and above all, the importance of professional integrity. Choosing the same title for his talk thirty five years on, John Pullinger pays tribute to a rich legacy which continues to inform and inspire the next generation of statisticians.
John Pullinger is the National Statistician, Head of the Government Statistical Service (GSS) and Chief Executive of the UK Statistics Authority and describes his role as one which helps Britain to make better decisions through mobilising the power of data. Throughout a diverse career in statistical research and policy roles, Lord Moser has been an inspiration and mentor, particularly in recent years as John has followed him, first as President of the Royal Statistical Society, as Head of the Government Statistical Service and most recently, as Chair of the United Nations Statistical Commission.
This lecture will be free to all (admission by ticket only).
For Further Details Contact:
Steve Kilner or Jo Flynn: +44 (0)1782 7 34449 / 34434
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