School of Psychology
Welcome to the School of Psychology. We offer a thriving and dynamic environment for both research and teaching excellence. We are proud of our high profile research activity, our external impact, and our strong portfolio of courses in psychology, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Our academics are frequently called upon to provide expert advice on topical issues, and some staff are highly visible in the media.
The Psychology Research Centre has four research groups that provide a supportive research environment sustained by a critical mass of like-minded colleagues.
Our laboratories house state-of-the-art equipment for research involving adults and children, including EEG equipment and eye-tracking, observation suites, and a well-resourced suite of labs for qualitative research.
School of Psychology
Dorothy Hodgkin Building
Keele University
Psychology School office
Tel: +44(0)1782 731831
Fax: +44(0)1782 733387
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