

I am a qualitative critical social and health psychologist interested in gender, health, and the body. I am concerned with body image and weight stigma across a range of contexts, and particularly interested in the impacts of weight stigma on health. I have published work on body image in video games, body image in fashion, body image and 3D body scanners, and investigated psychosocial impacts of endometriosis.

I completed my BSc and some of my PhD at Keele University before moving to the University of Kent. Upon finishing my PhD there, I gained a job as Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology at Staffordshire University. I then moved to Manchester Metropolitan University as a Senior Lecturer where I was Digital Education Lead for Psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. In autumn 2022 I took up my current role as Lecturer in Health Psychology at Keele University.

School of Psychology
Dorothy Hodgkin Building
Keele University

Psychology School office
Tel: +44(0)1782 731831
Fax: +44(0)1782 733387
Email: psychology@keele.ac.uk

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