Examination boards
The constitution, membership and responsibilities of Examination Boards are described in Regulation D3 Boards of Examiners.
Details of the procedures to be followed in the instance of an external examiner being unable to attend a meeting of the Board of Examiners can be found here: Procedures for non-attendance of External Examiner at Exam Boards and the forms completed and returned to Quality Assurance.
Copies of individual forms: Non-attendance of External Examiner at Exam Board PROFORMA A (Proposed alternative External Examining arrangements) and Non-attendance of External Examiner at Exam Board PROFORMA B (External Examiner confirmation of results following non-attendance).
Guidance on examination boards
Detailed guidance on the operation of Examination Boards is available on the Intranet. This includes copies of exam board training slides, role descriptions for the roles of Chair, Academic Assessment Officer and Secretary, and a summary of changes made in the Exam Board review in 2023.
All examination boards should normally be conducted online, unless permission for in-situ boards has been granted. For information about the technical aspects of running an online examination board, please watch the video provided by IDS to support you.
The principal documents relating to exam board guidance are provided here:
Guidance for Local Examination Boards – if you have any queries in relation to the guidance document, please contact Jo Hicks, Deputy Registrar, or Ed McCauley, Head of Quality Assurance, either on Teams or via j.hicks1@keele.ac.uk or e.mccauley@keele.ac.uk
Word templates: Template Agenda for Local Exam Boards and Template Minutes for Local Exam Boards
Operational guidance for the processing of marks and awards for finalist undergraduate students (2024) and Explanation of data on AWD11 report - Additional Calculation Method (2024)
If you have any queries in relation to the operational guidance, please contact Jo Hicks, Deputy Registrar either on Teams or via j.hicks1@keele.ac.uk