Information for external examiners

External examiners play an important role as one of the key safeguards of academic standards of the programmes offered at Keele. Your independent, impartial advice and informed comments will contribute to the enhancement and development of our programmes to ensure that the academic standards of our awards are maintained in line with national standards and our assessment processes measure student achievement rigorously and fairly.

We appreciate that all external examiners across the sector carry out a demanding and difficult task. Therefore, what you tell us in your report will be taken very seriously, discussed in detail by the School offering the subject you examine, and later on in various committees at Faculty and University level. This ensures that we do not overlook any of the subject-specific or university-wide implications of your comments.

In this area, you will find all the information you need as an External Examiner for Keele University including:

Please note that all appointed External Examiners will be required to prove their eligibility to work in the UK. Please see Eligibility to Work in the UK - Guidance for External Examiners for more information.