Regulation D4: Student Academic Misconduct

(formerly Regulation 8.12: Unacceptable Coursework and Academic Misconduct)

1. Keele students must produce assessed work honestly and without attempting to gain any unfair advantage. This applies to coursework, examination and all other types of assessed work.

2. All work you submit for assessment is accepted as your own effort and understanding of the subject matter, written without undue assistance or falsification of any kind. Additional documents which contribute to assessment outcomes, such as evidence supporting exceptional circumstances claims or academic appeals must be genuine and not be falsified.

3. The University’s definition of academic misconduct can be found in the Student Academic Misconduct Code of Practice.  The Code of Practice explains the process for dealing with suspicion or evidence of academic misconduct. The penalties for committing academic misconduct are also detailed in the Code of Practice.

4. The University has a range of penalties which match the severity of the academic misconduct. These include, but are not limited to: a formal warning; the retrospective removal of previously obtained credit/awards; or, the termination of studies.