Doctoral training centres

A large proportion of UK Research Council funding for postgraduate research studentships (PGRs) is now awarded to institutions via Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) and Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs). These are flagship doctoral training programmes which combine cutting-edge doctoral study with a dynamic, innovative and interdisciplinary research culture that aims to develop future research leaders. Keele is involved in the following CDTs and DTPs.

Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarship Programme

The Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships programme focuses on Sustainable Rural Futures (SURF) and is committed to community-led solutions and understanding the rural as a tapestry of multi-species entanglements. Doctoral scholars will closely engage with the communities they investigate, actively adjusting their research to meet identified needs. They will leverage Keele's extensive experience in delivering co-produced or community-led projects, supported by the University's coCREATE Collaborative research methods network. Keele’s academic lead on this programme is Professor Clare Holdsworth

Instructions to apply for a October 2024 start can be viewed here 

AHRC North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership is one of 10 consortia to share more than £170 million in funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The vision of the North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP) is to establish a centre of excellence in the arts and humanities. Researchers will be equipped with world-leading knowledge and skills appropriate to meeting the academic, professional and socio-economic demands of the twenty-first century. Keele’s academic lead on this programme is Dr Kathleen Cushing.

ESRC The North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership

The North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) brings together the Universities of Keele, Lancaster, Liverpool and Manchester. The partnership involves a critical mass of world-leading researchers able to supervise PGRs across the full range of social sciences, providing advanced methodological training, professional development and substantial early career mentoring. Keele’s academic lead on this programme is Dr Santiago Abel Amietta.

NERC Oil and Gas CDT

Keele is an Associate Academic Partner in the NERC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Oil & Gas. The Centre was awarded and established in 2013 with the aim of training the next generation of geoscientific and environmental researchers in oil and gas, providing them over their studentship with a total of 20 weeks’ joint training delivered by academic, governmental and industry experts from the Earth, Environment and Applied Business sectors. Keele’s academic lead on this programme is Dr Stuart Clarke.

Wellcome Trust PhD programme for Primary Care Clinicians

The Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Primary Care Clinicians supports the development of a strong cohort of clinical academics, through providing high quality training in internationally renowned applied research units and supporting capacity development in a critically important but still under-resourced field. ‌The programme unites four of the strongest primary care departments - Keele, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and Southampton. The partners are leading members of the NIHR School for Primary Care Research and bring together expertise in a wide range of methodologies with a strong track record in collaborative research and developing clinical academic careers. The academic lead on this programme is Professor Christian Mallen.

STFC Doctoral Training Grant

STFC Doctoral Training Partnerships enable promising scientists and engineers to continue training beyond a first degree. The academic lead on this programme is Dr Nick Wright.