Forensic and analytical science

The Forensic & Analytical Science research group, led by Dr Charlene Greenwood, is a newly formed group within the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences. Research carried out within this group is very diverse, yet all with a very similar theme: Investigative. This is either set in an area of analytical chemistry (identifying biomarkers or creating sensors), or a range of topics directly applicable to Forensic Science (detecting buried items of forensic interest, bone research or estimating postmortem intervals). In all this the use of analytical techniques and an investigative mind is crucial.

A range of techniques is available at Keele for this purpose, including gas chromatography and/or liquid chromatography coupled to a range of mass spectrometers (GCxGC-ToF-MS, LC-QToF-MS, ICP-MS), thermal imaging cameras and X-ray diffraction (XRD).

We also make use of central UK and EU facilities for small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering measurements.