Keele Pilot and Feasibility Studies Group (K-PAFS)  

Trials methodology

We are a group of researchers with an interest in the design and delivery of pilot and feasibility studies.

We have a particular focus on

  • Decision making for progression
  • Sample size
  • Data integration
  • Ethics
  • Embedding qualitative research


  • A WebApp for Sample Size calculation and evaluation of PROGRESSion criteria in pilot and feasibility studies (SS-PROGRESS)
  • Using Qualitative Research To Inform Decision Making In Pilot And Feasibility Studies (QUID) Matilda Björklund (Postdoctoral Researcher). Supervisors Dr Nicola Cornwall, Professor Mel Holden and Professor Clare Jinks
  • "A good decision is based on knowledge not (only) numbers": Embedding Plato into pilot and feasibility study progression criteria. Spotlight session at 7th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference 2024. (Professor Clare Jinks, Professor Marion Campbell, Ms Matilda Björklund, Dr Nicola Cornwall, Dr Katie Mellor, Professor Shaun Treweek)