People & Partners

Chief Investigator:

Dr Ruth Riley (University of Bristol)

Principal Investigator:

Dr Johana Spiers (University of Bristol)

Trials Manager:

Prof Carolyn Chew-Graham

Funder name / reference number: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) Grant No:282 This is a collaboration between the University of Bristol, Keele University, University College London, the Practitioner Health Programme in London and patient/public representatives.

Study design

This is a qualitative study aiming to identify the barriers and facilitators to accessing support and well-being services for General Practitioners (GPs) who are experiencing stress/burnout and/or reduced emotional or mental well-being. We would like to speak to any GPs who have a view about the stresses of working in general practice. This includes GPs who have not personally experienced such problems but are interested in the topic, those who are working despite having such problems, GPs who are on sick leave, GPs who have returned to work, and GPs who have retired due to stress or reduced well-being.

Primary objective

Our methodology will employ qualitative methods, using in-depth interviews, to explore the barriers and facilitators to help-seeking by GPs.  Undertaking this research will enable us to not only understand the barriers and facilitators to help-seeking, but also to identify solutions so that current and future doctors can access suitable care when necessary – accessing timely, good quality care and enabling doctors to return to work is crucial in ensuring the mental health needs of doctors are met by improving-support.