Cognition, Brain, & Behaviour Research Group

The group conducts empirical and theoretical investigations addressing questions across a range of topics in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Core themes include executive functioning, selective attention, memory processes (context-dependent memory; recollection and familiarity; visual short-term memory), visual perception (faces, scenes, and objects), lie–truth judgements, emotional language, social cognition, and the effects of ageing, early-years development, clinical disorders, alcohol, and neuro-degenerative disorders on cognition. We use a variety of methods to address our questions, including behavioural measurement, eye-tracking, EEG, immersive virtual reality, neuropsychological investigations, brain stimulation, and computational modelling.

Group research topics

For further information regarding the Cognitive and Biological Research Group, please contact the Research Group Lead, Einat Rashal.

For more information on our research facilities, please see our equipment & facilities page.

We offer a thriving and dynamic environment for both research and teaching excellence. We are proud of our high profile research activity, our external impact, and our strong portfolio of courses. We offer a portfolio of MSc Psychology courses which integrate well with our research themes.