Centre for Political Theory and Political Philosophy
A platform for all theoretical, analytical and normative research on political questions. This has led to work on normative democratic theory, distributive justice, political theories of multiculturalism and recognition, and feminist political philosophy, as well as research in international relations theory and critical security studies.

Dr Monica Mookherjee
Senior Lecturer in Politics
- CBA1.026
- +44 (0) 1782 733213
- m.mookherjee@keele.ac.uk

Dr Barry Ryan
Senior Lecturer in International Relations
- CBA 1.036
- +44 (0) 1782 733354
- b.j.ryan@keele.ac.uk

Dr Moran Mandelbaum
Lecturer in International Relations;
On research leave until 15/01/2023
- CBA1.034
- +44 (0) 1782 733513
- m.mandelbaum@keele.ac.uk
The centre runs work-in-progress seminars for Keele staff and seminars with invited speakers from around the world.
14 Dec 2016 Dr Marit Hammond, "Deliberative Democracy as a Critical Theory", and Dr Carys Hughes, "The democratic contribution of peoples’ tribunals: enhancing a deliberative system or disrupting hegemony?"
15 Mar 2017 Prof Sorin Baiasu, "Kant's Nationalism: Between Individualism and Cosmpolitanism", and Dr Moran Mandelbaum, "The fantasy of congruency: The Abbé Sieyès and the 'nation-state' problématique revisited"
29 Mar 2017 Dr Ben Saunders, "Age-Based Constituencies"
5 Jun 2018 Professor Nicholas Smith (Macquarie University / ILAS Visiting Fellow) "Basic Income, Recognition and the Fabric of Justice", and Dr Monica Mookherjee "Axel Honneth's Cosmopolitanism: The "Forgetfulness" of Global Poverty as a form of Reificaton"
21 Nov 2018 Dr Barry Ryan "Zonality and the Politics of Roundness"
Research grants
Dr Marit Hammond is a Co-Invenstigator on a project funded bythe ESRC Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP).