CREATe research projects
Project name | Researchers | Description |
Dr Philip Catney (Keele lead), Professor Brian Doherty, Dr Marit Hammond | CUSP is a £5.9m ESRC funded research project focused on developing a vision for sustainable prosperity in which people everywhere have the capability to flourish as human beings – within the ecological and resource constraints of a finite planet. CUSP examines the economic, social, political and philosophical dimensions of this challenge. Keele is leading two projects within the Centre focused on prefigurative grassroots initiatives and the political institutions of sustainable prosperity. (2016-2021) | |
Reducing Energy Consumption through Community Knowledge Networks (RECCKN) | Dr Philip Catney, Professor Mark Ormerod, Dr Zoe Robinson (all Keele). Also involved were Professor Andrew Dobson and Dr Sherilyn MacGregor (formerly Keele University) and Simon Ross (Marches Energy Agency) | This ESRC-EPSRC funded research project focused on how knowledge about energy consumption reduction circulates through 'community knowledge networks'. It aimed to compare and contrast the energy reduction challenges in two communities. (2011-2013) |
The Politics of International Climate Co-operation | Led by Professor John Vogler with Dr Robert Falkner (LSE) | Understandings of the development of international climate governance have been informed by rationality-based appraisals deriving from natural science and the discipline of economics, but they have also been shaped by a wider range of historical and institutional factors. This project seeks to explore these factors so that a fuller understanding of the prospects for the future evolution of global climate governance can be developed. |
Friends of the Earth International: Negotiating a North-South Identity | Dr Brian Doherty with Professor Timothy Doyle and Clare Saunders (Southampton University) | The project examined the internal politics of Friends of the Earth Interanational, one of the three major transnational environmental NGOs. It was funded by the ESRC as part of its Programme on Democracy and Particpation between January 2006 and December 2008 and was evaluated as 'outstanding'. We are now working on a book based on the findings which is due to be published by Pagrave in late 2011. See a summary of the Friends of the Earth International Report here. |
Dr Philip Catney with Professor Chris Phillipson, Professor Graham Allan and Dr Mark Feathestone (all Keele University). | The purpose of this ESRC seminar series is to examine the problems facing medium-sized cities: exploring the barriers inhibiting successful regeneration and the policy levers available for overcoming these. | |
Multi-level Governance, Europeanization and Urban Politics | Dr Philip Catney with Dr Ian Bache and Professor John Henneberry (both University of Sheffield). | This ESRC-funded project examined three policy sectors within the geographical area of Sheffield to detail the changing nature of multi-level governance at the urban level and to explore the extent to which local actors retain the capacity to coordination and negotiate discourses, policies and processes emanating from ‘higher’ levels of governance.(2008-2009) |