Global Challenges Research Network


Keele has identified three academic Global Research Leads – researchers with a track record of working with partners to collaboratively develop and deliver successful funding proposals and projects globally.

Global Research Leads work closely with academics and professional services across our three research faculties to:

Support application development

  • Identify relevant funding opportunities and potential applicants
  • Mentor applicants through various stages of application development
  • Provide peer-review of draft grant applications

Build capacity

  • Foster cross-disciplinary connections by facilitating research dialogue across faculties (introducing colleagues, chairing meetings, identifying gaps in expertise)
  • Provide one to one advise and deliver internal talks on relevant topics
  • Lobby for the importance of global research within Keele and the sector

Embed a decolonial ethos into Keele's research portfolio

  • Foreground equality and diversity considerations in applications and project development.
  • Provide advice on equitable partnership development and community engagement
  • Apply a decolonial lens and approaches to all aspects of project development, research design, and to university processes.