Research misconduct

Research misconduct is when individuals fail to meet the standards of research integrity i.e. ethical, legal and professional standards, honesty, transparency and safety.

Examples of misconduct include fabrication of results, manipulation of images, conducting unethical research, breaches of legislation and plagiarism. The misconduct can be through negligence or intentional. The revised Concordat to support research integrity has a more detailed definition of Research Misconduct and is the definition used by Keele University.

Keele University has a process for dealing with allegations of research misconduct that is described in the Research Misconduct Procedure.

Allegations of research misconduct should be made, in writing, to the relevant Associate Dean for Research/Research Institute/School Director. Where the subject of the complaint/allegation is the Associate Dean for Research/Research Institute/School Director themselves, the complaint should be made to the relevant Dean. A copy should also be sent to the Human Resources Department.

If you wish to contact the Research Integrity team about research misconduct or any other related query, please email the Research Integrity team at research.integrity@keele.ac.uk, this can be used for allegations of research misconduct or general queries.