Keele Peer Review College (KPRC)

In order to improve the quality of University-wide peer review processes, the University has established a Keele Peer Review College (KPRC).

The KPRC works with the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research & Enterprise and colleagues from the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Engagement to ensure appropriate review of proposals flagged as high profile and/or strategic, proposals where there is an internal or external requirement for demand management or significant matched funding and interdisciplinary proposals that would benefit from review across two or more Faculties.  


In the first instance we have invited individuals with experience of carrying out peer review for major funders to become members of the college.

Any academic member of staff wishing to become a member of the KPRC should contact the Research and Innovation Support Enhancement (RaISE) team (research.raise@keele.ac.uk), outlining their experience of carrying out peer review and preferred funder(s) / disciplines that they are happy to review applications for. Expressions of interest will be discussed with Deans of Research and School Research Directors before being approved.


Members will be expected to review 6-10 applications annually and may also be asked, where time commitments permit, to participate in mock interviews and/or pitch sessions for major strategic proposals.  In addition, members of the KPRC may be consulted on issues relating to the external research policy and research environment.