New research into the benefits of swearing has found that making a taboo hand gesture whilst in pain can help you feel more positive.

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Research led by Keele University suggests that patients with cancer who undergo a common heart procedure have worse short-term clinical outcomes compared to non-cancer patients, in the largest study undertaken to date.

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A research team from Keele University has been awarded £200,000 from the Government’s new Work and Health Challenge Fund

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A large clinical trial by researchers at the universities of Keele, Bristol, Exeter, Manchester and Hull York Medical School, and published in the British Medical Journal today, has looked at the effectiveness of adding mirtazapine to two types of antidepressants in patients who remain depressed after at least six weeks of conventional antidepressant treatment.

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Keele University’s Professor Murray Brunt presented findings from the study at the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).

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Keele University has been awarded an extension of the Strategic Support to Expedite Embedding Public Engagement with Research (SEE-PER) grant, by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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Researchers from Keele University have worked with an international team of astronomers to find for the first time that a white dwarf and a brown dwarf collided in a ‘blaze of glory’ that was witnessed on Earth in 1670.

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Keele researcher Dr Helen Wells is urging drivers to consider safety first, and leave their phones alone whilst driving.

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Keele University is to be part of a new mental health network designed to reduce health inequalities for people with severe mental illness.

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A large scale systematic review and meta-analysis has found that burnout in doctors has devastating consequences on the quality of care they deliver

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New research led by Keele University has revealed that people with obstructive sleep apnoea have a higher risk of developing gout

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Dr Siobhan Talbott has been awarded a prestigious Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Leadership Fellowship

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The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP), led by Manchester University and of which Keele University is a member, is one of 10 consortia who will share more than £170 million in funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) over eight years.

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New research has found that changes in North Atlantic Ocean circulation at the end of the last ice age triggered a considerable increase in Greenland Ice Sheet melt.

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Keele University has been awarded a £500,000 research grant by the Medical Research Council (UK) to assess the effectiveness of a community-based intervention in Pakistan in order to address the current gap in care for Schizophrenia patients within developing countries.

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A global study led by Keele University has found that people who sleep for more than eight hours a night have a greater mortality and cardiovascular risk than those who sleep for under seven hours.

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Keele University’s Professor Toby Bruce has been awarded a major grant of £1.1million from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to investigate solutions to the rising problem of the Fall Armyworm, in collaboration with the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya.

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A study led by Keele University's Research Institute for Primary Care and Health Sciences has found that general practitioners (GPs) perceive non-traditional tobacco products, such as waterpipe smoking and smokeless tobacco, to be less harmful than cigarettes.

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Research led by Keele University analysed patients’ reasoning for using these alternative methods, identifying four key themes; practicality, effectiveness, additional outcomes, and philosophy of illness and care.

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Patients with prior heart attack, who smoke or misuse alcohol or drugs are most likely to discharge against medical advice.

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The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has released their latest Themed Review, including several research studies which were led by Keele University

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Research to be published in this week’s issue of the journal Nanoscale is helping to increase understanding of the impact of metals in the brain which may drive the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and how the management of these metals could lead to more effective treatments for Alzheimer’s in the future.

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Researchers from Keele University have been selected to present their work on the quest for a life-like prosthetic hand at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.

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Alicia El Haj, Professor of Cell Engineering at Keele University, has been awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant to design and develop ways for remote control healing of the human body.

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The single, divorced, and widowed at heightened risk, pooled data analysis suggests

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As the FIFA World Cup approaches, researchers have found that keyhole surgery could help get injured footballers back on the pitch faster than physiotherapy-led treatments.

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Professor Elaine Hay has been appointed as the new Programme Director for National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR).

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An iPCHS research team has been awarded a grant for £249,998 from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to explore rehabilitation programmes for patients who have undergone shoulder surgery.

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Research at Keele University has examined why members of the public make judgements as to whether violent attackers are viewed as either terrorists or mentally ill.

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Keele University awarded major grant by the ESRC to help shape police policy and practice

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A large study led by Keele University has found that patients suffering with gout are not at a higher risk of fractures, contradicting previous research findings.

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Scientists have detected an exoplanet atmosphere that is free of clouds, marking a pivotal breakthrough in the quest for greater understanding of the planets beyond our solar system.

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An ambitious £2.7 million programme of research is seeking to personalise care for people with shoulder pain

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Keele University has successfully retained the HR Excellence in Research Award.

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Keele researchers have been awarded a grant to help cure a heart defect that causes thousands of sudden deaths each year.

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Keele University researchers have been awarded a grant to investigate whether gene therapy can stop older people becoming frail.

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Sue Sherman, Senior Lecturer in Psychology writes for The Conversation UK.

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Research conducted at Keele University has found that many parents of boys are unaware of the dangers of HPV - the Human Papillomavirus, and once made aware, want the vaccine for HPV to be offered to boys as well as girls.

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The Keele University Astrophysics Group has been awarded a £435,000 grant from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to explore the formation and fundamental properties of stars and (exo)planetary systems.

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A new study, funded by Keele University, has highlighted the need for better treatment of heart disease patients suffering from additional chronic conditions.

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Keele University works with global research team: low back pain affects 540 million people worldwide, but too many patients receive the wrong care.

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Research by Keele University, in collaboration with University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) and Staffordshire University, will help clinicians across the UK when detecting an unexpected adrenal tumour.

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Keele University research has found providing better access to vocational advice for patients suffering with musculoskeletal pain will improve absence from work, and create huge societal cost savings.

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Three new research studies at Keele University have been awarded £58,000 from local charity the North Staffordshire Medical Institute (NSMI).

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Dr Sarah Laurence has been awarded a £235,000 grant from the Economic and Social Research Council to explore how we recognise faces.

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Professor Clare Holdsworth has been awarded a £152,000 Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship to explore how people cope differently with being busy.

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Keele University has officially launched a new interdisciplinary research project to tackle public health issues in the Philippines.

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Keele University’s Dr Heidi Fuller has received a grant from Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and a medical research charity, to fund a study that will help pave the way towards a cure for the muscle-wasting condition spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

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New research reveals that primary care funding in England is not distributed according to local health needs.

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New research offers an explanation for the discrepancy between the size and age of the Rosette Nebula’s central cavity and that of its central stars.

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A study led by researchers at Keele University has shown for the first time that human muscles possess a ‘memory’ of earlier growth - at the DNA level.

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Criminologist Dr Helen Wells, and PhD student Leanne Savigar, have been awarded a grant from the Road Safety Trust, to review the range of innovations currently operating aimed at reducing mobile phone use by drivers.

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A study led by researchers at Keele University has found the risk of death in later life due to coronary heart disease doubles in women who give birth prematurely.

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A new study has highlighted that emotionally demanding workloads and confrontational patients are among the key stressors for GPs.

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An international team of astronomers has revealed an ‘astonishing’ overabundance of massive stars in a neighbouring galaxy.

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