Keele University’s Professor Toby Bruce has been awarded a major grant of £1.1million from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to investigate solutions to the rising problem of the Fall Armyworm, in collaboration with the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya.

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A study led by Keele University's Research Institute for Primary Care and Health Sciences has found that general practitioners (GPs) perceive non-traditional tobacco products, such as waterpipe smoking and smokeless tobacco, to be less harmful than cigarettes.

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Research led by Keele University analysed patients’ reasoning for using these alternative methods, identifying four key themes; practicality, effectiveness, additional outcomes, and philosophy of illness and care.

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Patients with prior heart attack, who smoke or misuse alcohol or drugs are most likely to discharge against medical advice.

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The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has released their latest Themed Review, including several research studies which were led by Keele University

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Research to be published in this week’s issue of the journal Nanoscale is helping to increase understanding of the impact of metals in the brain which may drive the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and how the management of these metals could lead to more effective treatments for Alzheimer’s in the future.

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Researchers from Keele University have been selected to present their work on the quest for a life-like prosthetic hand at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.

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