
Keele University is committed to preventing and reducing the risk of harm to children and adults at risk, providing a safe environment for children and adults to visit and participate in activities at the University, whilst also ensuring appropriate measures are taken when they are in contact with University staff, workers, volunteers or students. You can find out more about our processes, polices and how to raise a concern on this website

Keele University's safeguarding responsibilities relate to:

  • Current students
  • Prospective students engaged in Keele University activities
  • Adults at risk registered as students or prospective students
  • Children and adults at risk engaged in Keele University activities
  • Children resident in University accommodation
  • Staff in the course of their duties
  • External organisations/individuals where we engage (in branded activities)

Keele University's Safeguarding Policy:

  • Reflects the current legislative context and takes account of relevant guidance and good practice relating to the education sector
  • Provides protection for children, young people and adults at risk who come into contact with Keele University
  • Provides staff, students and volunteers with guidance on procedures that must be adopted: (a) to ensure safeguarding in relation to children and adults at risk, (b) in the event that they suspect a child or adult at risk may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm

A child is a person under the age of 18.
An adult at risk is a person aged 18 years or over who 'is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and is or may be unable to take care of or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or exploitation'.
A student at risk of harm is one who is at risk of harm or exploitation relating to their physical, mental, and/or psychological wellbeing or potential for being drawn into criminality/terrorism.