How to raise a concern
Here is a list of key contacts, both local and national, that can be contacted in the event you need to raise a safeguarding concern.
If you have a Safeguarding Concern, you should complete the safeguarding concern form and send it to your Safeguarding coordinator via email. Please ensure the form is password-protected.
Keele Safeguarding Contacts
Strategic Safeguarding Lead: Katie Laverty, Director of Student Services and Success,
Telephone: 01782 734481
Safeguarding Lead: Alison Felton, Head of Student Wellbeing
Telephone: 01782 734481
Campus Safety: Nigel Manning, Head of Security
Telephone: 01782 734440
Human Resources: Nicola Ratcliffe, Deputy Director of Human Resources
Telephone: 01782 734376
Student Services Safeguarding Coordinators:
Student Experience and Support Manager – Faculty of Natural Sciences: Abi Keay
Telephone: 01782 734481
Student Experience and Support Manager – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Helen Foster-Bullock
Telephone: 01782 734481
Student Experience and Support Manager – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences: Julie Willis
Telephone: 01782 734481
Chaplaincy: Stephanie Couvela, Co-ordinating Chaplain
Telephone: 01782 734919 (internal ext. 34917)
Global Student Recruitment and Admissions: Adam Hall, Associate Director of International Student Recruitment
Telephone: 01782 734531
Ant Sutcliffe, Head of Higher Horizons
Telephone: 01782 733164
Students’ Union (Advice and Support at Keele): Matt Steele, Membership Services Manager (Advice & Advocacy)
Telephone: 01782 734801
School of Nursing and Midwifery: Shirley Heath and Emily Salt
Telephone: 01782 679688, 01782 7 38176, 01782 7 38185
Sport: Mike Huss, Operations and Active Lifestyles Manager
Telephone: 01782 733343 (internal ext. 33343)
Keele Day Nursery: Wendy Foster, Nursery Manager
Telephone: 01782 734410 (internal ext. 34410)
External referrals
If someone is at immediate risk of harm, this must be reported to the police by calling 999.
Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support Service is a county-wide telephone enquiry service. If you have a concern regarding a child, think a child is being harmed or at risk of being harmed, or are worried that a child is living in circumstances where they are being treated badly and / or not cared for properly, please contact 0300 111 8007. If you cannot reach them by telephone, please make your enquiry online.
Telephone lines are open:
- Monday to Thursday 08:30 to 17:00
- Friday 08:30 to 16:30
Outside of the hours above, or on weekends and bank holidays, please contact the Emergency Duty
Team on 0345 604 2886.
Local Authorised Designated Officer (LADO)
LADOs provide guidance and oversee cases where there is a concern about a person who is employed to work with children. Any concern would come via First Response who would take the information to ascertain firstly if there is a role for a social worker and if the threshold is not met will liaise with the LADO. The LADO can be contacted by telephoning Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support Service on 0300 111 8007.
If you are worried about a child you can contact professional counsellors at the NSPCC24/7 for help, advice and support. You can call them on 0808 800 5000 or email:
If you think someone who has care and support needs is being abused or you think their safety is at risk then it is important to report your concerns by contacting Staffordshire County Council.
You must never assume that somebody else will recognise and report what you have seen or heard.
Where a crime has been committed or if you're worried about someone's immediate safety, contact the police by dialling 999.
To report concerns about an adult please contact:
Phone:0345 604 2719
Monday - Thursday* 8:30am - 5pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
*Excludes Bank Holidays
This number is to refer concerns about abuse of a adult. If you have other welfare concerns for an adult please contact Staffordshire Cares.
Out of hours
If you have a concern about the safety of a vulnerable adult and need to report it overnight, over a weekend or on a Bank Holiday, contact the Emergency Duty Service:
- Phone: 0345 604 2886
- Fax: 01785 277321
- Text: 07815 492613
Prevent is about working together to build stronger, safer communities. To get in touch with the local Prevent team at Staffordshire Police call 01785 232054 or email: The Head of Security is the University contact for the Police Prevent team.