Dr Shailesh Naire
- Title
- Senior Lecturer
- Location
- MacKay Building Room 2.19
- Contact me
- via email
- Phone
- +44 (0) 1782 733268
- s.naire@keele.ac.uk
I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Keele University. I received my PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Delaware, U.S.A.,in 2000. My PhD research was in thin-film fluid dynamics in the drainage of foams (supervisor: Dr. Richard Braun). My professional experience includes a Welcome Trust supported postdoctoral position in the Center for Mathematical Medicine at the University of Nottingham (2001-2004) and lectureships held at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2000-2001), Heriot-Watt University (2004-2006) and the University of Nottingham (2006).
Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
My primary research is in fluid mechanics. My research interests lie in continuum mechanics of problems related to industry, biology and physiology, and specifically, problems involving fluid-
My current research in thin-film fluid dynamics investigates the role of thermosviscous and thermocapillary effects, and phase change (solidification) in spreading and draining flows. The focus is
I am also involved in the mathematical and computational of medical and biomedical problems. I am conducting Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation of mechanical
I am also involved in the mathematical modelling of in vitro/in vivo tissue engineering with researchers at the School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering at Keele and the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt
I currently supervise 1 PhD student:
Jatinder Pannu (start 2023) – The role of solidification in the spreading of molten flows.
Past PhD students:
Joe Goddard (2014) - Fingering instabilities in gravity and surfactant-related thin
film flows.
Abdulghani Alharbi (2016) - Numerical solution of thin-film flow equations using adaptive moving mesh methods.
Ghanim Algwauish (2019) - The non-Newtonian and non-isothermal spreading of liquid domes using mathematical and numerical methods.
Kelly Campbell (2020) - Mathematical modelling of cartilage and bone defect healing after cell implantation.
Hani Alahmadi (2021) - Non-Newtonian and non-isothermal effects in the gravity-driven draining of a vertically-aligned thin liquid film.
- MAT-20037: Professional Mathematics and Data Science
- MAT-30051: Mathematical Modelling
- CSC-30035 - Professionalism in Data Science
- CSC-30055 – Preparing for the End-Point Assessment
Journal Articles
- Campbell, Kelly; Naire, Shailesh; Kuiper, Jan-Herman. 08-07-2024. 'Journal of Theoretical Biology A mathematical model of signalling molecule-mediated processes during regeneration of osteochondral defects after chondrocyte implantation --Manuscript Draft-- Manuscript Number: JTB-D-23-00814R1'. . view in repository >
- Campbell, Kelly; Naire, Shailesh; Kuiper, Jan-Herman. 01-06-2024. 'A mathematical model of signalling molecule-mediated processes during regeneration of osteochondral defects after chondrocyte implantation'. Journal of Theoretical Biology. DOI > view in repository >
- Algwauish, Ghanim; Naire, Shailesh. 15-11-2023. 'The thermo-viscous fingering instability of a cooling spreading liquid dome'. Physics of Fluids. DOI > view in repository >
- Alahmadi, Hani; Naire, Shailesh. 14-05-2023. 'The Role of Thermoviscous and Thermocapillary Effects in the Cooling and Gravity-Driven Draining of Molten Free Liquid Films'. Fluids. DOI > view in repository >
- Naire, Shailesh; Alahmadi, Hani Nami. 01-01-2022. 'Non-Newtonian and viscoplastic models of a vertically-aligned thick liquid film draining due to gravity'. Physics of Fluids. DOI > view in repository >
- Alharbi, Abdulghani; Naire, Shailesh. 15-08-2019. 'An adaptive moving mesh method for two-dimensional thin film flow equations with surface tension'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. DOI > view in repository >
- Campbell, Kelly; Kuiper, Jan; Naire, Shailesh. 15-03-2019. 'A mathematical model of cartilage regeneration after chondrocyte and stem cell implantation - I: The effects of growth factors'. Journal of Tissue Engineering. DOI > view in repository >
- Naire; Kuiper. 15-03-2019. 'A mathematical model of cartilage regeneration after chondrocyte and stem cell implantation - II: The effects of co-implantation'. Journal of Tissue Engineering. DOI > view in repository >
- Naire. 25-01-2017. 'An adaptive moving mesh method for thin film flow equations with surface tension'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. DOI > view in repository >
- Roffe; Yang; Naire. 28-08-2015. 'In vitro experiments of cerebral blood flow during aspiration thrombectomy: potential effects on cerebral perfusion pressure and collateral flow'. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery. DOI > view in repository >
- Naire. 07-05-2015. 'The spreading and stability of a surfactant-laden drop on an inclined prewetted substrate'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. DOI > view in repository >
- Usha, R.; Naire, Shailesh. 15-02-2013. 'A thin film on a porous substrate: A two-sided model, dynamics and stability'. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. DOI > view in repository >
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Presentation / Conferences
- Yang, Ying; Naire, Shailesh. . 'Characterisation and optimisation of the GP Thrombus Aspiration Device for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke'. . view in repository >
- Yang; Naire. 25-11-2021. 'Proceedings of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering'. . view in repository >
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Admin roles
Admin roles
- I am currently the Health and Safety Liaison Officer in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics.
- In the past, I have undertaken the following leadership roles:
- Postgraduate Research Director of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Deputy Postgraduate Research Director of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Programme Director, Data Scientist Apprenticeship Programme
- Postgraduate Lead in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics
- Disability Liaison Officer in Mathematics
Research themes
Research themes
- Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics
- Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University
Email: scm.admin@keele.ac.uk
Tel:+44 (0) 1782 731830