My own undergraduate training was in physics and computer science. After graduation I worked in the IT industry supporting manufacturing companies in the telecoms and agricultural sectors of the economy for a number of years. I returned to academia in the early 1990's to complete an MSc and then my PhD (in the field of neural networks). After spells as a post-doctoral researcher at the EC Joint Research Centre in Italy and also in the MacKay Institute for Communication & Neuroscience at Keele, I became a Computer Science lecturer and eventually joined the staff here at Keele in 2001.
Research and scholarship
Computational modelling and evaluation of human perception: vision, audition, speech processing. Data mining of very large datasets (e.g. astrophysical surveys of the night sky, electromagnetic surveys of the built environment etc.). Intelligent decision support for NHS clinicians trying to identify/treat patients with conditions such as colo-rectal cancer or stroke. Investigator on an EPSRC funded project using neural networks to identify selected chemical elements via their x-ray signatures.
- CSC-10035 Natural Computation
- CSC-30020 Computational Intelligence II
- CSC-30024 Undergraduate Work Placements
- CSC-40040 MSc Projects
Research themes
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University
Tel:+44 (0) 1782 731830