Forensic Science facilities and equipment

You will be taught in our dedicated forensic science laboratory and crime scene facilities. The laboratory contains a range of modern analytical instrumentation that is commonly used in commercial forensic laboratories. This will allow you to gain experience on the type of equipment you will be using in your future careers.

Please take a look at our new facilities and equipment. These include a new analytical laboratory equipped with a number of stereomicroscopes, document examination instrumentation, a range of modern spectrometers, and chromatographic equipment.

High quality stereomicroscopes are essential for forensic scientists for the examination of trace evidence.


A comparison microscope is particularly useful for studying questioned and control specimens under identical conditions.

A comparison microscope

Micro-spectrometry is a powerful analytical tool that is widely used in forensic science for the study and comparison of trace materials including paint chips, fibres and inks.

UV-Vis Micro-spectrometry

A range of lightweight LED forensic light sources effective at short range, providing intense illumination for locating and examining evidence.

Crime-lite forensic light sources

VSC-4 document examination instruments are widely used in the forensic investigation of questioned documents.

VSC-4 document examination instruments

Electrostatic detection apparatus (ESDA) is highly effective for document examination, particularly, for the visualisation of indented writing.

Electrostatic detection apparatus (ESDA)

UV-Vis spectrometry is excellent for accurate quantitative analysis of molecules that contain chromophores; groups that absorb visible and UV light.

UV1 x200

UV 2 x200

Some molecules absorb radiation at one wavelength and then give it back out at another wavelength. The optical brighteners in washing powders do this to get you the ‘whiter than white’ look.

Florencence x300

With this technique Infra-red radiation is absorbed by chemical bonds and it makes them vibrate, so by looking to see what IR radiation is absorbed we can determine the bonds within a molecule.

IR x400

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool that is widely used in forensic science for the study of a variety of organic and inorganic materials including paint chips, fibres, inks, and controlled substances.

Ramen x300

High performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography are extremely sensitive techniques utilised in the analysis of drugs, body fluids, fire accelerants.

HPLC GC x300






ICP spectrometer is an extremely powerful instrument capable of simultaneous determination of 70 elements with the detection limits ~1 part per billion.

ICP spectrometer

Meet Bert and Ernie!

NMR is one of the most powerful analytical techniques for discovering the structure of new chemical compounds.

Ernie is the newest of spectrometers, arriving in Spring 2018. Bert is capable of looking at both solid and solution samples.

NMR Bert x200

NMR Ernie x200

Gas chromatography is an excellent way of separating mixtures of volatile compounds and then mass spectrometry (literally weighing the molecule) gives you a unique signature for each compound which allows you to identify the structure.

GCMS x300






The Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer is used to determine the molecular weight of of both known and unknown compounds. Using this instrument we are able to identify a range of different compounds, such as drugs, pesticides or contaminants, in a complex sample such as blood or urine.

The Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

The Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass (QToF) spectrometer is a instrument allows us to determine the structure of unknown molecules, such as drugs or environmental contaminants, will high accuracy. This is a research grade instrument that students have access to for their project work where they will work alongside established researchers working in the forensic field.

The Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass (QToF) spectrometer

The Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) is a research grade instrument is used by students for trace element analysis. This can be for toxicological analysis or for looking for environmental contaminants. Using this instrument it is possible to determine the amount of toxic elements in a sample down to part per trillion levels.

The Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)

Electrostatic lifting apparatus (ESLA)


Microspectrophotometer (MSP)


Polarised light microscope (PLM)


We also have access to the School of Life Science's Geophysics and Survey forensic equipment.

School address

Lennard-Jones School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Lennard-Jones Building
Keele University
Phone (School Office): +44 (0)1782 733033, (Chemistry): +44 (0)1782 731693, (Forensic Science): +44 (0)1782 731694, (Physics): +44 (0)1782 733527

Information for schools and colleges

Contact us about our workshops and lecture series

Programme directors

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Tess Phillips
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733038
Email :

Dr Chris Hawes
Tel : +44 (0)1782 732820
Email :

Forensic Science and Criminology
Dr Jamie K. Pringle
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733163
Email :

Victoria Cartwright
Tel: +44 (0)1782733584

Physics and Astrophysics
Dr Barry Smalley and Dr Joana Oliveira
Email :

Admission tutors

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Natalie Capel
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733584
Email :

Forensic Science
Sue Shemilt

Physics and Astrophysics
Dr Juliana Morbec
Email : or