Dr Joana Oliveira
- Title
- Senior Lecturer
- Location
- Lennard-Jones: 1.48
- Role
- Year 2 Tutor; Study Abroad Tutor
- Phone
- +44(0)1782 733493
- j.oliveira@keele.ac.uk
I was born in Porto, Portugal where I also studied for my undergraduate and masters degree. My PhD research was performed at the European Space Agency in the Netherlands and I received my degree in Astrophysics from the University of Porto in 2001. My thesis topic was stellar variability both on young and evolved stars. From 2001 to 2009 I was a post-doctoral research assistant in the Astrophysics Group. I have been a lecturer since 2009, and senior lecturer since 2018.
Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
My main topic of research is Star Formation, in particularly the impact of the environment on the formation of stars. A significant fraction of my research is dedicated to investigate the effects of metallicity (or metal content) on the early stages of stellar evolution, concentrating on the Magellanic Clouds, our nearest templates for low-metallicity environments. I am also studying young stellar populations in other spiral galaxies in the Local Group. I am involved in several large international surveys using state of the art instrumentation: SMCSAGE, SAGE-IRS and SMC-Spec with the Spitzer Space Telescope, VMC, a VISTA survey, The Herschel Space Observatory, ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array etc.
Year 1
- Problem classes
- Second semester modules: Electricity and Stellar structure and Introduction to Astronomy and Stellar Structure
Year 2
- First semester module: Optics and Thermodynamics
- Astro lab (2nd semester)
Journal Articles
- Kuchar, T. A.; Sloan, G. C.; Mizuno, D. R.; Kraemer, Kathleen E.; Boyer, M. L.; Groenewegen, Martin A. T.; Jones, O. C.; Kemper, F.; McDonald, Iain; Oliveira, Joana M.; Sewiło, Marta; Srinivasan, Sundar; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Zijlstra, Albert. 01-04-2024. 'SMC-Last Extracted Photometry'. The Astronomical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Kinson, David; Oliveira, Joana; Van Loon, Jacco. 04-10-2022. 'Massive young stellar objects in the Local Group spiral galaxy M 33 identified using machine learning'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Sewiło, Marta; Karska, Agata; Kristensen, Lars E.; Charnley, Steven B.; Rosie Chen, C.-H.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Cordiner, Martin; Wiseman, Jennifer; Sánchez-Monge, Álvaro; Van Loon, Jacco Th.; Indebetouw, Remy; Schilke, Peter; Garcia-Berrios, Emmanuel. 05-07-2022. 'The Detection of Deuterated Water in the Large Magellanic Cloud with ALMA'. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. DOI > view in repository >
- Sewiło, Marta; Cordiner, Martin; Charnley, Steven B.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Garcia-Berrios, Emmanuel; Schilke, Peter; Ward, Jacob L.; Wiseman, Jennifer; Indebetouw, Remy; Tokuda, Kazuki; Van Loon, Jacco Th.; Sánchez-Monge, Álvaro; Allen, Veronica; -H. Rosie Chen, C.; Hamedani Golshan, Roya; Karska, Agata; Kristensen, Lars E.; Kurtz, Stan E.; Möller, Thomas; Onishi, Toshikazu; Zahorecz, Sarolta. 27-05-2022. 'ALMA Observations of Molecular Complexity in the Large Magellanic Cloud: The N 105 Star-forming Region'. The Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, Joana; Van Loon, Jacco. 09-05-2022. 'The VMC survey. XLV. Proper motion of the outer LMC and the impact of the SMC'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Miller, Amy E; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; de Grijs, Richard; Sun, Ning-Chen; Bell, Cameron P M; Choudhury, Samyaday; Ivanov, Valentin D; Marconi, Marcella; Oliveira, Joana M; Petr–Gotzens, Monika; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 01-05-2022. 'The VMC survey – XLVII. Turbulence-controlled hierarchical star formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Niederhofer, Florian; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Schmidt, Thomas; Bekki, Kenji; de Grijs, Richard; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Subramanian, Smitha; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 14-04-2022. 'The VMC survey - XLVI. Stellar proper motions in the centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud'. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. DOI > view in repository >
- Mazzi, Alessandro; Girardi, Léo; Zaggia, Simone; Pastorelli, Giada; Rubele, Stefano; Bressan, Alessandro; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Clementini, Gisella; Cusano, Felice; Pedro Rocha, João; Gullieuszik, Marco; Kerber, Leandro; Marigo, Paola; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Bekki, Kenji; Bell, Cameron P M; de Grijs, Richard; Groenewegen, Martin A T; Ivanov, Valentin D; Oliveira, Joana M; Sun, Ning-Chen; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 01-11-2021. 'The VMC survey - XLIII. The spatially resolved star formation history across the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. view in repository >
- Kinson, David A; Oliveira, Joanna; Van Loon, Jacco. 01-11-2021. 'Massive young stellar objects in the Local Group irregular galaxy NGC6822 identified using machine learning'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Choudhury, Samyaday; de Grijs, Richard; Bekki, Kenji; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Ivanov, Valentin D; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Miller, Amy E; Niederhofer, Florian; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Sun, Ning-Chen; Subramanian, Smitha. 01-11-2021. 'The VMC survey – XLIV: Mapping metallicity trends in the large magellanic cloud using near-infrared passbands'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Pennock, Clara M; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Filipović, Miroslav D; Andernach, Heinz; Haberl, Frank; Kothes, Roland; Lenc, Emil; Rudnick, Lawrence; White, Sarah V; Agliozzo, Claudia; Antón, Sonia; Bojičić, Ivan; Bomans, Dominik J; Collier, Jordan D; Crawford, Evan J; Hopkins, Andrew M; Jeganathan, Kanapathippillai; Kavanagh, Patrick J; Koribalski, Bärbel S; Leahy, Denis; Maggi, Pierre; Maitra, Chandreyee; Marvil, Josh; Michałowski, Michał J; Norris, Ray P; Oliveira, Joana M; Payne, Jeffrey L; Sano, Hidetoshi; Sasaki, Manami; Staveley-Smith, Lister; Vardoulaki, Eleni. 01-09-2021. 'The ASKAP-EMU Early Science Project: 888 MHz radio continuum survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Sewiło, Marta; Karska, Agata; Kristensen, Lars E.; Charnley, Steven B.; Chen, C.-H. Rosie; Oliveira, Joana M.; Cordiner, Martin; Wiseman, Jennifer; Sánchez-Monge, Álvaro; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Indebetouw, Remy; Schilke, Peter; Garcia-Berrios, Emmanuel. 01-08-2021. 'The first detection of deuterated water toward extragalactic hot cores with ALMA'. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. DOI > view in repository >
- El Youssoufi, Dalal; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Bell, Cameron P M; de Grijs, Richard; Groenewegen, Martin A T; Ivanov, Valentin D; Matijevĭc, Gal; Niederhofer, Florian; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Schmidt, Thomas; Subramanian, Smitha; Sun, Ning-Chen; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 01-08-2021. 'Stellar substructures in the periphery of the magellanic clouds with the VISTA hemisphere survey from the red clump and other tracers'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Tatton, B. L.; Van Loon, J. Th; Cioni, M-R L.; Bekki, K.; Bell, C. P. M.; Choudhury, S.; de Grijs, R.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Ivanov, V. D.; Marconi, M.; Oliveira, J. M.; Ripepi, V; Rubele, S.; Subramanian, S.; Sun, N-C. 01-06-2021. 'The VMC Survey – XL. Three-dimensional structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud as derived from red clump stars'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Cusano, F; Moretti, M I; Clementini, G; Ripepi, V; Marconi, M; Cioni, M-R L; Rubele, S; Garofalo, A; de Grijs, R; Groenewegen, M A T; Oliveira, J M; Subramanian, S; Sun, N-C; Van Loon, J Th. 01-06-2021. 'The VMC Survey – XLII. Near-infrared period–luminosity relations for RR Lyrae stars and the structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Niederhofer, Florian; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Rubele, Stefano; Schmidt, Thomas; Diaz, Jonathan D; Matijevĭc, Gal; Bekki, Kenji; Bell, Cameron P M; de Grijs, Richard; El Youssoufi, Dalal; Ivanov, Valentin D; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Subramanian, Smitha; Sun, Ning-Chen; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 13-02-2021. 'The VMC survey – XLI. Stellar proper motions within the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Bell, Cameron P M; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Wright, A H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L; Tatton, Ben L; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Zaritsky, Dennis; Choi, Yumi; Choudhury, Samyaday; Clementini, Gisella; de Grijs, Richard; Ivanov, Valentin D; Majewski, Steven R; Marconi, Marcella; Martínez-Delgado, David; Massana, Pol; Muñoz, Ricardo R; Niederhofer, Florian; Noël, Noelia E D; Oliveira, Joana M; Olsen, Knut; Pennock, Clara M; Ripepi, V; Subramanian, Smitha; Vivas, A Katherina. 01-11-2020. 'The intrinsic reddening of the Magellanic Clouds as traced by background galaxies – II. The Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Van Loon; Oliveira. 22-09-2020. 'The VMC survey XXXVIII. Proper motion of the Magellanic Bridge'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Choudhury, Samyaday; de Grijs, Richard; Rubele, Stefano; Bekki, Kenji; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Ivanov, Valentin D; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Niederhofer, Florian; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo. 01-09-2020. 'The VMC survey – XXXIX: Mapping metallicity trends in the Small Magellanic Cloud using near-infrared passbands'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Zivkov, Viktor; Oliveira, Joana M.; Petr-Gotzens, Monika G.; Rubele, Stefano; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Van Loon, Jacco Th; de Grijs, Richard; Emerson, Jim; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Marconi, Marcella; Moretti, Maria Ida; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Niederhofer, Florian; Sun, Ning-Chen. 01-05-2020. 'The VMC survey – XXXVI. Young stellar variability in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Nanni, A.; Cioni, M-R L.; Girardi, L.; de Grijs, R.; Ivanov, V. D.; Marconi, M.; Moretti, M-; Oliveira, J. M.; Petr-Gotzens, M. G.; Ripepi, V; Van Loon, J. Th. 15-04-2020. 'The VMC Survey - XXXVII. Pulsation periods of dust-enshrouded AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds'. Astronomy and Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Indebetouw, Rémy; Wong, Tony; Rosie Chen, C.-H.; Kepley, Amanda; Lebouteiller, Vianney; Madden, Suzanne; Oliveira, Joana. 08-01-2020. 'Structural and Dynamical Analysis of 0.1 pc Cores and Filaments in the 30 Doradus-10 Giant Molecular Cloud'. Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Ragosta, Fabio; Marconi, Marcella; Molinaro, Roberto; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Cioni, Maria Rosa L; Ida Moretti, Maria; Groenewegen, Martin A T; Choudhury, Samyaday; de Grijs, Richard; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Oliveira, Joana M; Ivanov, Valentin D; Gonzalez-Fernandez, Carlos. 01-12-2019. 'The VMC Survey - XXXV. Model fitting of LMC Cepheid light curves'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, J.M.; Van Loon, J. Th; Sewilo, M.; Lee, M.-Y.; Lebouteiller, V.; Chen, C.-H. R.; Cormier, D.; Filipovic, M.D.; Carlson, L.R.; Indebetouw, R.; Madden, S.; Meixner, M.; Sargent, B.; Fukui, Y.. 01-12-2019. 'Herschel spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Magellanic Clouds'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Sewiło, Marta; Charnley, Steven B.; Schilke, Peter; Taquet, Vianney; Oliveira, Joana M.; Shimonishi, Takashi; Wirström, Eva; Indebetouw, Remy; Ward, Jacob L.; Van Loon, Jacco Th.; Wiseman, Jennifer; Zahorecz, Sarolta; Onishi, Toshikazu; Kawamura, Akiko; -H. Rosie Chen, C.; Fukui, Yasuo; Hamedani Golshan, Roya. 17-10-2019. 'Complex Organic Molecules in Star-Forming Regions of the Magellanic Clouds'. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. DOI > view in repository >
- Ward, Jacob; Oliveira, Joana; van Loon, Jacco; Sewilo, Marta. 01-08-2015. 'Characterising the Protostellar Population of the Magellanic Clouds with VLT/SINFONI'. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. DOI > view in repository >
- Meixner, M.; Panuzzo, P.; Roman-Duval, J.; Engelbracht, C.; Babler, B.; Seale, J.; Hony, S.; Montiel, E.; Sauvage, M.; Gordon, K.; Misselt, K.; Okumura, K.; Chanial, P.; Beck, T.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bolatto, A.; Bot, C.; Boyer, M. L.; Carlson, L. R.; Clayton, G. C.; Chen, C.-H. R.; Cormier, D.; Fukui, Y.; Galametz, M.; Galliano, F.; Hora, J. L.; Hughes, A.; Indebetouw, R.; Israel, F. P.; Kawamura, A.; Kemper, F.; Kim, S.; Kwon, E.; Lebouteiller, V.; Li, A.; Long, K. S.; Madden, S. C.; Matsuura, M.; Muller, E.; Oliveira, J. M.; Onishi, T.; Otsuka, M.; Paradis, D.; Poglitsch, A.; Reach, W. T.; Robitaille, T. P.; Rubio, M.; Sargent, B.; Sewiło, M.; Skibba, R.; Smith, L. J.; Srinivasan, S.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; van Loon, J. Th.; Whitney, B.. 01-02-2015. 'ERRATUM: “THE HERSCHEL INVENTORY OF THE AGENTS OF GALAXY EVOLUTION (HERITAGE) IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS, A HERSCHEL OPEN TIME KEY PROGRAM” (2013, AJ, 146, 62)'. The Astronomical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Adams, Joshua J.; Simon, Joshua D.; Bolatto, Alberto D.; Sloan, G. C.; Sandstrom, Karin M.; Schmiedeke, Anika; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Keller, Luke D.. 10-07-2013. 'DUSTY OB STARS IN THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD. II. EXTRAGALACTIC DISKS OR EXAMPLES OF THE PLEIADES PHENOMENON?'. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, J.M.; Th. van Loon, J.; Sloan, G.C.; Sewiło, M.; Kraemer, K.E.; Wood, P.R.; Indebetouw, R.; Filipović, M.D.; Crawford, E.J.; Wong, G.F.; Hora, J.L.; Meixner, M.; Robitaille, T.P.; Shiao, B.; Simon, J.D.. 01-02-2013. 'Early-stage young stellar objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, J.M.; van Loon, J.Th.; Sloan, G.C.; Indebetouw, R.; Kemper, F.; Tielens, A.G. G. M.; Simon, J.D.; Woods, Paul M.; Meixner, M.. 01-02-2011. 'Ice chemistry in massive Young Stellar Objects: the role of metallicity'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, J. M.; van Loon, J. Th.; Chen, C.-H. R.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Sloan, G. C.; Woods, P. M.; Kemper, F.; Indebetouw, R.; Gordon, K. D.; Boyer, M. L.; Shiao, B.; Madden, S.; Speck, A. K.; Meixner, M.; Marengo, M.. 03-11-2009. 'Ice chemistry in embedded young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Astrophys.J.707:1269-1295,2009. DOI > view in repository >
- M. Oliveira, J.. 01-07-2008. 'The star formation process in the Magellanic Clouds'. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, J. M.; Jeffries, R. D.; van Loon, J. Th. 01-08-2006. 'Star Formation in the Eagle Nebula and NGC 6611'. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, Joana M.; van Loon, Jacco Th.. 01-05-2004. 'Mid-infrared observations of young stellar objects in the vicinity of sigma Orionis'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Sewiło, M.; Carlson, L. R.; Seale, J. P.; Indebetouw, R.; Meixner, M.; Whitney, B. A.; Robitaille, T. P.; Oliveira, J. M.; Gordon, K.; Meade, M. R.; Babler, B. L.; Hora, J. L.; Block, M.; Misselt, K.; van Loon, J. Th.; Chen, C.-H. R.; Churchwell, E.; Shiao, B.. . 'SURVEYING THE AGENTS OF GALAXY EVOLUTION IN THE TIDALLY STRIPPED, LOW METALLICITY SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD (SAGE-SMC). III. YOUNG STELLAR OBJECTS'. The Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Seale, Jonathan P.; Meixner, Margaret; Sewiło, Marta; Babler, Brian; Engelbracht, Charles W.; Gordon, Karl; Hony, Sacha; Misselt, Karl; Montiel, Edward; Okumura, Koryo; Panuzzo, Pasquale; Roman-Duval, Julia; Sauvage, Marc; Boyer, Martha L.; Chen, C.-H. Rosie; Indebetouw, Remy; Matsuura, Mikako; Oliveira, Joana M.; Srinivasan, Sundar; Loon, Jacco Th. van; Whitney, Barbara; Woods, Paul M.. . 'HERschelKEY PROGRAM HERITAGE: A FAR-INFRARED SOURCE CATALOG FOR THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS'. The Astronomical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Sheets, Holly A.; Bolatto, Alberto D.; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Sandstrom, Karin; Simon, Joshua D.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Barbá, Rodolfo H.. . 'DUSTY OB STARS IN THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD. I. OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY REVEALS PREDOMINANTLY MAIN-SEQUENCE OB STARS'. The Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Pillitteri, I.; Wolk, S. J.; Megeath, S. T.; Allen, L.; Bally, J.; Gagné, Marc; Gutermuth, R. A.; Hartman, L.; Micela, G.; Myers, P.; Oliveira, J. M.; Sciortino, S.; Walter, F.; Rebull, L.; Stauffer, J.. . 'ERRATUM: “AN X-RAYS SURVEY OF THE YOUNG STELLAR POPULATION OF THE LYNDS 1641 AND IOTA ORIONIS REGIONS” (2013, ApJ, 768, 99)'. The Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Pillitteri, I.; Wolk, S. J.; Megeath, S. T.; Allen, L.; Bally, J.; Gagné, M.; Gutermuth, R. A.; Hartman, L.; Micela, G.; Myers, P.; Oliveira, J. M.; Sciortino, S.; Walter, F.; Rebull, L.; Stauffer, J.. . 'AN X-RAY SURVEY OF THE YOUNG STELLAR POPULATION OF THE LYNDS 1641 AND IOTA ORIONIS REGIONS'. The Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Indebetouw, Rémy; Brogan, Crystal; Chen, C.-H. Rosie; Leroy, Adam; Johnson, Kelsey; Muller, Erik; Madden, Suzanne; Cormier, Diane; Galliano, Frédéric; Hughes, Annie; Hunter, Todd; Kawamura, Akiko; Kepley, Amanda; Lebouteiller, Vianney; Meixner, Margaret; Oliveira, Joana M.; Onishi, Toshikazu; Vasyunina, Tatiana. . 'ALMA RESOLVES 30 DORADUS: SUB-PARSEC MOLECULAR CLOUD STRUCTURE NEAR THE CLOSEST SUPER STAR CLUSTER'. The Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Pennock, Clara M; van Loon, Jacco Th; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Maitra, Chandreyee; Oliveira, Joana M; Craig, Jessica E M; Ivanov, Valentin D; Aird, James; Anih, Joy O; Cross, Nicholas J G; Dresbach, Francesca; de Grijs, Richard; Groenewegen, Martin A T. 01-02-2025. 'The VMC Survey – LI. Classifying extragalactic sources using a probabilistic random forest supervised machine learning algorithm'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Joseph, T D; Filipović, M D; Crawford, E J; Bojičić, I; Alexander, E L; Wong, G F; Andernach, H; Leverenz, H; Norris, R P; Alsaberi, R Z E; Anderson, C; Barnes, L A; Bozzetto, L M; Bufano, F; Bunton, J D; Cavallaro, F; Collier, J D; Dénes, H; Fukui, Y; Galvin, T; Haberl, F; Ingallinera, A; Kapinska, A D; Koribalski, B S; Kothes, R; Li, D; Maggi, P; Maitra, C; Manojlović, P; Marvil, J; Maxted, N I; O’Brien, A N; Oliveira, J M; Pennock, C M; Riggi, S; Rowell, G; Rudnick, L; Sano, H; Sasaki, M; Seymour, N; Soria, R; Stupar, M; Tothill, N F H; Trigilio, C; Tsuge, K; Umana, G; Urošević, D; van Loon, J Th; Vardoulaki, E; Velović, V; Yew, M; Leahy, D; Chu, Y-H; Michałowski, M J; Kavanagh, P J; Grieve, K R. 01-11-2019. 'The ASKAP-EMU Early Science Project: Radio Continuum Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- El Youssoufi, Dalal; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Bell, Cameron P M; Rubele, Stefano; Bekki, Kenji; de Grijs, Richard; Girardi, Léo; Ivanov, Valentin D; Matijevic, Gal; Niederhofer, Florian; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Subramanian, Smitha; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 01-11-2019. 'The VMC Survey - XXXIV. Morphology of Stellar Populations in the Magellanic Clouds'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Bell, Cameron P M; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Wright, A H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L; Tatton, Ben L; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Ivanov, Valentin D; Subramanian, Smitha; Oliveira, Joana M; de Grijs, Richard; Pennock, Clara M; Choi, Yumi; Zaritsky, Dennis; Olsen, Knut; Niederhofer, Florian; Choudhury, Samyaday; Martínez-Delgado, David; Muñoz, Ricardo R. 01-11-2019. 'The intrinsic reddening of the Magellanic Clouds as traced by background galaxies – I. The bar and outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Keller, Luke D.; Sloan, G.C.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Kraemer, Kathleen E.; Van Loon, Jacco Th.; Wood, Peter R.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Simon, Joshua D.; Ferreira, Rafael; Garay-MacLean, Martín; Hyatt, Jordan T.; Geidel, Kevin; Quinn, Joseph; Santoro, Daniel; Knapp, Tori. 24-06-2019. 'Identification of Herbig Ae/Be Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Safi, Emmal; Thompson, Stephen P.; Evans, Aneurin; Day, Sarah J.; Murray, Claire A.; Baker, Annabelle R.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Van Loon, Jacco Th.. 15-01-2019. 'X-ray powder diffraction study of the stability of clathrate hydrates in the presence of salts with relevance to the Martian cryosphere'. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI > view in repository >
- Van Loon, Jacco; Oliveira, Joana. 11-12-2018. 'The VMC Survey. XXXII. Pre-main-sequence populations in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Astronomy and Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Rubele, Stefano; Pastorelli, Giada; Girardi, Léo; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Zaggia, Simone; Marigo, Paola; Bekki, Kenji; Bressan, Alessandro; Clementini, Gisella; de Grijs, Richard; Emerson, Jim; Groenewegen, Martin A T; Ivanov, Valentin D; Muraveva, Tatiana; Nanni, Ambra; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Sun, Ning-Chen; Van Loon, Jacco Th. 01-08-2018. 'The VMC survey – XXXI. The spatially resolved star formation history of the main body of the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Niederhofer, F.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Rubele, S.; Schmidt, T.; Bekki, K.; de Grijs, R.; Emerson, J.; Ivanov, V.D.; Marconi, M.; Oliveira, J.M.; Petr-Gotzens, M.G.; Ripepi, V.; Van Loon, J. Th.; Zaggia, S.. 31-05-2018. 'XXX. Stellar proper motions in the central parts of the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Astronomy and Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Van Loon, Jacco; Oliveira, Joana. 08-05-2018. 'The VMC survey XXVIII. Improved measurements of the proper motion of the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tucanae'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Van Loon, Jacco; Oliveira, Joana. 03-05-2018. 'The VMC Survey. XXIX. Turbulence-controlled Hierarchical Star Formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Sewiło, Marta; Indebetouw, Remy; Charnley, Steven B.; Zahorecz, Sarolta; Oliveira, Joana M.; Van Loon, Jacco Th.; Ward, Jacob L.; Rosie Chen, C.-H.; Wiseman, Jennifer; Fukui, Yasuo; Kawamura, Akiko; Meixner, Margaret; Onishi, Toshikazu; Schilke, Peter. 30-01-2018. 'The Detection of Hot Cores and Complex Organic Molecules in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Astrophysical Journal Letters. DOI > view in repository >
- Goldman, Steven R.; Van Loon, Jacco Th.; Gómez, José F.; Green, James A.; Zijlstra, Albert A.; Nanni, Ambra; Imai, Hiroshi; Whitelock, Patricia A.; Groenewegen, Martin A.T.; Oliveira, Joana M.. 01-01-2018. 'A dearth of OH/IR stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Van Loon, Jacco; Oliveira, Joana. 09-11-2017. 'The VMC Survey. XXVII. Young Stellar Structures in the LMC’s Bar Star-forming Complex'. Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Ripepi, Vincenzo; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Ida Moretti, Maria; Marconi, Marcella; Bekki, Kenji; Clementini, Gisella; de Grijs, Richard; Emerson, Jim; Groenewegen, Martin A.T.; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Molinaro, Roberto; Muraveva, Tatiana; Oliveira, Joana M.; Piatti, Andrés E.; Subramanian, Smitha; Van Loon, Jacco Th.. 01-11-2017. 'The VMC survey – XXV. The 3D structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud from Classical Cepheids'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Jones, O.C.; Woods, P.M.; Kemper, F.; Kraemer, K.E.; Sloan, G.C.; Srinivasan, S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Van Loon, J. Th.; Boyer, M.L.; Sargent, B.A.; McDonald, I.; Meixner, M.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Ruffle, P.M.E.; Lagadec, E.; Pauly, T.; Sewiło, M.; Clayton, G.C.; Volk, K.. 01-09-2017. 'The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy program: the life-cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Point source classification - III'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Safi, E.; Thompson, S.P.; Evans, A.; Day, S.J.; Murray, C.A.; Parker, J.E.; Baker, A.R.; Oliveira, J.M.; Van Loon, J. Th.. 05-04-2017. 'Properties of CO$_2$ clathrate hydrates formed in the presence of MgSO$_4$ solutions with implications for icy moons'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Ward, J.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Van Loon, J. Th.; Sewiło, M.. 01-01-2017. 'K-band integral field spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Piatti, Andrés E.; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Rubele, Stefano; Marconi, Marcella; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Oliveira, Joana M.; Bekki, Kenji. 21-07-2016. 'The VMC Survey - XXI. New star cluster candidates discovered from infrared photometry in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Bekki, Kenji; Girardi, Léo; de Grijs, Richard; Irwin, Mike J.; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Marconi, Marcella; Oliveira, Joana M.; Piatti, Andrés E.; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Van Loon, Jacco Th.. 01-02-2016. 'XVII. Proper motions of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way globular cluster 47 Tucanae'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Ward, J.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Van Loon, J. Th.; Sewiło, M.. 21-01-2016. 'Integral field spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the N113 H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Ruffle, Paul M.E.; Kemper, F.; Jones, O.C.; Sloan, G.C.; Kraemer, K.E.; Woods, Paul M.; Boyer, M.L.; Srinivasan, S.; Antoniou, V.; Lagadec, E.; Matsuura, M.; McDonald, I.; Oliveira, J.M.; Sargent, B.A.; Sewiło, M.; Szczerba, R.; van Loon, J.; Van Loon, J. Th.; Volk, K.; Zijlstra, A.A.. 25-06-2015. 'Spitzer infrared spectrograph point source classification in the Small Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Hony, S.; Gouliermis, D.A.; Galliano, F.; Galametz, M.; Cormier, D.; Chen, C.-H.R.; Dib, S.; Hughes, A.; Klessen, R.S.; Roman-Duval, J.; Smith, L.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bot, C.; Carlson, L.; Gordon, K.; Indebetouw, R.; Lebouteiller, V.; Lee, M.-Y.; Madden, S.C.; Meixner, M.; Oliveira, J.; Rubio, M.; Sauvage, M.; Wu, R.. 01-04-2015. 'Star formation rates from young-star counts and the structure of the ISM across the NGC 346/N66 complex in the SMC'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, Joana. 01-10-2014. 'The VMC Survey XII. Star cluster candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Rosie Chen, C.-H.; Indebetouw, Remy; Muller, Erik; Kawamura, Akiko; Gordon, Karl D.; Sewiło, Marta; Whitney, Barbara A.; Fukui, Yasuo; Madden, Suzanne C.; Meade, Marilyn R.; Meixner, Margaret; Oliveira, Joana M.; Robitaille, Thomas P.; Seale, Jonathan P.; Shiao, Bernie; Van Loon, Jacco. 20-04-2014. 'Spitzer View Of Massive Star Formation In The Tidally Stripped Magellanic Bridge'. Astrophysical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Cioni, M.-R.L.; Girardi, L.; Moretti, M.I.; Piffl, T.; Ripepi, V.; Rubele, S.; Scholz, R.-D.; Bekki, K.; Clementini, G.; Ivanov, V.D.; Oliveira, J.M.; Van Loon, J.Th.. 04-02-2014. 'The VMC survey IX. Pilot study of the proper motion of stellar populations in the LMC from 2MASS and VISTA data'. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. DOI > view in repository >
- Ripepi, V.; Marconi, M.; Moretti, M.I.; Clementini, G.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; de Grijs, R.; Emerson, J.P.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Ivanov, V.D.; Oliveira, J.M.. 21-01-2014. 'The VMC Survey - VIII. First results for anomalous Cepheids'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Naslim, N; Kemper, F; Madden, S C; Hony, S; Chu, Y-H; Galliano, F; Bot, C; Yang, Y; Seok, J; Oliveira, J M; Van Loon, J Th; Meixner, M; Li, A; Hughes, A; Gordon, K D; Otsuka, M; Hirashita, H; Morata, O; Lebouteiller, V; Indebetouw, R; Srinivasan, S; Bernard, J-P; Reach, W T. 21-01-2014. 'Molecular hydrogen emission in the interstellar medium of the Large Magellanic Cloud'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Meixner, M.; Panuzzo, P.; Roman-Duval, J.; Engelbracht, C.; Babler, B.; Seale, J.; Hony, S.; Montiel, E.; Sauvage, M.; Gordon, K.; Misselt, K.; Okumura, K.; Chanial, P.; Beck, T.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bolatto, A.; Bot, C.; Boyer, M.L.; Carlson, L.R.; Clayton, G.C.; Chen, C.-H.R.; Cormier, D.; Fukui, Y.; Galametz, M.; Galliano, F.; Hora, J.L.; Hughes, A.; Indebetouw, R.; Israel, F.P.; Kawamura, A.; Kemper, F.; Kim, S.; Kwon, E.; Lebouteiller, V.; Li, A.; Long, K.S.; Madden, S.C.; Matsuura, M.; Muller, E.; Oliveira, J.M.; Onishi, T.; Otsuka, M.; Paradis, D.; Poglitsch, A.; Reach, W.T.; Robitaille, T.P.; Rubio, M.; Sargent, B.; Sewiło, M.; Skibba, R.; Smith, L.J.; Srinivasan, S.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Van Loon, J.Th.; Whitney, B.. 09-08-2013. 'The Herschel inventory of the agents of galaxy evolution in the Magellanic Clouds, a Herschel open time key program'. Astronomical Journal. DOI > view in repository >
- Jeffries, R.D.; Oliveira, J.M.; Naylor, Tim; Mayne, N.J.; Littlefair, S.P.. 01-04-2007. 'The Keele–Exeter young cluster survey – I. Low-mass pre-main-sequence stars in NGC 2169'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Jeffries, R.D.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Oliveira, J.M.; Naylor, Tim. 01-09-2006. 'Kinematic structure in the young σ Orionis association'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, JM; Jeffries, RD; Van Loon, JT; Rushton, MT. 01-06-2006. 'Circumstellar discs in the young σ Orionis cluster'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, J.M.; Jeffries, R.D.; Th. van Loon, J.; Littlefair, S.P.; Naylor, T.. 01-03-2005. 'Circumstellar discs around solar-mass stars in NGC 6611'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. DOI > view in repository >
- Jeffries, Robin D.; Oliveira, Joanna M.. 01-03-2005. 'The lithium depletion boundary in NGC 2547 as a test of pre-main-sequence evolutionary models'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Kenyon, M.J.; Jeffries, R.D.; Naylor, Tim; Oliveira, J.M.; Maxted, P.F.L.. 01-01-2005. 'Membership, binarity and accretion among very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs of the s Orionis cluster'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Jeffries, Robin; Oliveira, Joana; Van Loon, Jacco. 01-02-2004. 'An L'-band survey for circumstellar discs around low-mass stars in the young σ Orionis cluster'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Jeffries, R.D.; Oliveira, J.M.; Barrado y Navascués, D.; Stauffer, J.R.. 01-08-2003. 'Cool stars in NGC 2547 and pre-main-sequence lithium depletion'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, JM; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Jeffries, RD; Devey, CR; Navascues, DBY; Naylor, T.; Stauffer, JR; Totten, EJ. 01-06-2003. 'The lithium depletion boundary and the age of NGC 2547'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Oliveira, JM; Jeffries, RD; Kenyon, MJ; Thompson, SA; Naylor, Tim. 01-02-2002. 'No disks around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young sigma Orionis cluster?'. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI > view in repository >
- Ghaziasgar, Sepideh; Abdollahi, Mahdi; Javadi, Atefeh; van Loon, Jacco Th.; McDonald, Iain; Oliveira, Joana; Khosroshahi, Habib G.. . 'Machine Learning Classification of Young Stellar Objects and Evolved Stars in the Magellanic Clouds Using the Probabilistic Random Forest Classifier'. Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory. DOI > view in repository >
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Conference Proceedings
- Oliveira, Joana M.; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Sewiło, Marta. 01-08-2015. 'Young Stellar Objects in the Magellanic Clouds: Herschel Spectroscopy First Results'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Pillitteri, Ignazio; Wolk, S. J.; Megeath, S. T.; Allen, L.; Bally, J.; Gagné, Marc; Gutermuth, R. A.; Hartman, L.; Micela, G.; Myers, P.; Oliveira, J. M.; Sciortino, S.; Walter, F.; Rebull, L.; Stauffer, J.. 16-04-2014. 'Mapping the Star Formation in Orion A/L1641'. . DOI > view in repository >
- M. Oliveira, J.; D. Jeffries, R.; Th. van Loon, J.; J. Kenyon, M.. 31-12-2004. 'Young stars and their circumstellar disks in the Sigma Orionis cluster'. . DOI > view in repository >
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School address
Lennard-Jones School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Lennard-Jones Building
Keele University
Phone (School Office): +44 (0)1782 733033, (Chemistry): +44 (0)1782 731693, (Forensic Science): +44 (0)1782 731694, (Physics): +44 (0)1782 733527
Email: scps@keele.ac.uk
Information for schools and colleges
Programme directors
Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Tess Phillips
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733038
Email : t.r.phillips@keele.ac.uk
Dr Chris Hawes
Tel : +44 (0)1782 732820
Email : c.s.hawes@keele.ac.uk
Forensic Science and Criminology
Dr Jamie K. Pringle
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733163
Email : j.k.pringle@keele.ac.uk
Victoria Cartwright
Tel: +44 (0)1782733584
Email: v.cartwright@keele.ac.uk
Physics and Astrophysics
Dr Barry Smalley and Dr Joana Oliveira
Email : b.smalley@keele.ac.uk, j.oliveira@keele.ac.uk
Admission tutors
Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Natalie Capel
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733584
Email : n.j.capel@keele.ac.uk
Forensic Science
Sue Shemilt
Email: s.shemilt@keele.ac.uk
Physics and Astrophysics
Dr Juliana Morbec
Email : physics@keele.ac.uk or j.morbec@keele.ac.uk