Keele Physics Centre

Evening Talk Series 2022-23

These talks are open to the public and are sponsored by the West Midlands Branch of the IoP.‌

Keele Physics Centre evening lecture series mailing list

Upcoming lectures

Talks start at 7.00pm and are followed by Q&A. These talks are free, open to the public and are sponsored by the West Midlands Branch of the Institute of Physics. All talks will be accompanied by a British Sign Language Interpreter.

IoP logo

Date Speaker Title In-person / virtual
17 November 2022 Mitchell Perry (University of Sheffield) Quantum Sensors for the Hidden sector
26 January 2023 Dr Kate Lancaster (University of York) Is it Possible to Build a Star on Earth In-person
16 February 2023 Dr Ronald S Gamble Jnr (NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre) The Nature of Cosmic Geometry Virtual
16 March 2023 Dr Tianning Xu (ChargePoint) Electric Vehicle Charging In-person
20 April 2023 Dr John Mansfield (University of Michigan) Micro-characterisation Applications of Cultural Artifacts Virtual


Previous lectures




13 October

Ashish Sharma & James Hackney
(University of Wolverhampton)

5 April

Tommy Isaac (Progressive Energy Ltd)

HyDeploy – Introducing hydrogen into the UK gas grid





16 December Dr Patricia Schmidt (University of Birmingham) Gravitational waves
18 November Dr Julianna Morbec (Keele University) The fantastic world of 2D materials
21 October Professor Ard Louis (University of Oxford) Why the world is simple: from evolution to algorithms
18 March Rossella Bonetti (Ansaldo Energia) SMR lead-cooled fast reactors
25 February Allan Simpson (National Nuclear Laboratory - NNL) Nuclear data - the original big data challenge
11 February

Dr Natasha Stephen (University of Plymouth)

Extra-Terrestrial Geology; exploring Mars as an earth-bound astronaut
21 January

Dr Mark Whalley (Institute of Physics)

Life and work of William & Caroline Herschel





17 December 

Professor Raphael Hirschi (Keele University)

What are you made of?

15 October

Dr Kostas Nikolopoulos (University of Birmingham)

In search for the origin of mass

School address

Lennard-Jones School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Lennard-Jones Building
Keele University
Phone (School Office): +44 (0)1782 733033, (Chemistry): +44 (0)1782 731693, (Forensic Science): +44 (0)1782 731694, (Physics): +44 (0)1782 733527
Email: scps@keele.ac.uk

Information for schools and colleges

Contact us about our workshops and lecture series

Programme directors

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Tess Phillips
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733038
Email : t.r.phillips@keele.ac.uk

Dr Chris Hawes
Tel : +44 (0)1782 732820
Email : c.s.hawes@keele.ac.uk

Forensic Science and Criminology
Dr Jamie K. Pringle
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733163
Email : j.k.pringle@keele.ac.uk

Victoria Cartwright
Tel: +44 (0)1782733584
Email: v.cartwright@keele.ac.uk

Physics and Astrophysics
Dr Barry Smalley and Dr Joana Oliveira
Email : b.smalley@keele.ac.ukj.oliveira@keele.ac.uk

Admission tutors

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Natalie Capel
Tel : +44 (0)1782 733584
Email : n.j.capel@keele.ac.uk

Forensic Science
Sue Shemilt
Email: s.shemilt@keele.ac.uk

Physics and Astrophysics
Dr Juliana Morbec
Email : physics@keele.ac.uk or j.morbec@keele.ac.uk