Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education

Keele helping to deliver prestigious teacher training programme

Keele University facilities will provide a crucial resource for the delivery of a prestigious teacher training programme based in Stoke-on-Trent.

Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (KNSTE) has been named as one of just 11 providers throughout the country that will support the delivery of the Chartered Teacher Programme, led by the Chartered College of Teaching, which celebrates excellent teaching and awards teachers with “Chartered” status to honour the best practice already taking place in the region’s classrooms.

Currently, teachers have to travel to London to complete the programme, but KNSTE will now play a crucial role in working with teachers across Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and beyond to achieve “Chartered Teacher” status here, starting with the launch of the next cohort in April.

This includes supporting teachers with training opportunities and highly-skilled mentors, and although many of the sessions will take place online, some will be offered from Keele University’s Teacher Education bungalow.

KNSTE is a partnership of schools that seeks to build and develop a community of teachers who work together collaboratively, critically, creatively and carefully to understand and improve the positive impact that they have on pupil progress and achievement.

Diane Swift, Executive Director of KNSTE and Stoke-on-Trent Research School, said: “The opportunity to offer the Chartered Teacher programme in our area will increase the local capacity to distil evidence, and to contribute to a growing professional knowledge base.

“By involving more teachers locally and regionally to engage with the Chartered Teacher Programme, KNSTE can contribute towards transforming the life chances of the young people that we are privileged to serve through the power of a high quality education.”

Cat Scutt, Director of Education and Research at the Chartered College of Teaching, added: “Moving to this new approach for the delivery of our Chartered Teacher programme is a really exciting step for the Chartered College of Teaching.

“Our pilot providers all have extensive experience in delivering high-quality teacher CPD. We are looking forward to working with them and making use of their local expertise to offer tailored support and development opportunities. This will help to ensure more teachers can have their expertise and skills recognised through CTeach status.”

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